Genshin Impact: Playing Fu Nina, Aha Was Numbed By A Knife

Chapter 11 Funina, Not The Water Goddess?

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked.

【Star Dome Railway Chat Room】

[Su Shang: No, why would this executive attack Fu Fu? 】

[Huo Huo: The executive of Fools is so scary. 】

[Hill: This behavior is inexcusable. 】

[Gui Naifen: But why does Fufu act so cowardly? Isn't she the water goddess? Easily defeating an executive, right? 】

Everyone's mind is full of questions.

What is playing on the screen at this moment is the servant's inner monologue.

(The goal of my trip was just to explore the location of the Heart of God, but I didn’t expect that the opportunity to get close to Funina would come so easily, which even made me suspicious...)

(It is usually the bait that is undefended, but no one can blame the man who takes action on the bait. The meat is destined to be sacrificed from the moment it is put on the hook.)


Funina was startled by the sudden assassin and collapsed to the ground.

(As I suspected at the moment before taking action, God’s heart is not in the Water God.)

(Also, she doesn’t seem like a god...she also has some kind of cursed aura about her.)

"Who are you? What are you going to do...don't kill me, please..." Funina cried and begged for mercy.

The servant looked at his hands and fell into self-doubt. Everything seemed too easy.

(The fear in Funina’s eyes is definitely not false, and maybe she is indeed not a bait. But in any case, there is no point in attacking her.)

(I left the scene easily. No one looked for me, and no one accused me of attacking the water god Fukalos.)

(I even suspect that Funina did not dare to tell this matter.)

[Yukong: As the executive said, everything went too easily. 】

[Clara: Funina looks so distressed. Fortunately, I have Mr. Swaro to help me. 】

[Xue Yi: Isn’t Funina in the current scene really a bait? As a god who protects a country, she not only did not take action but was so cowardly, which was really abnormal. 】

in the screen.

After the servant left, Funina's eyes were still shining with tears.

She said nothing, did not call the security team, and did not disturb Navilette.

Instead, he returned to his residence alone, even crying quietly, for fear of disturbing other people.

Funina was shaking all over and was extremely scared. She couldn't sleep all night and didn't even eat cake.

[Paimon: Oooh, Funina is so pitiful. 】

[Traveler: From now on, we must be twice as kind to Fu Nina. 】

[Wutao: Oh, why are you crying secretly alone? When the enemies were present just now, they should have been sent away in a wave! 】

[Ke Lai: Lord Water God, would you rather suffer injustice than use force easily? 】

[Nilu: Mr. Little Lucky Grass King may be like Mr. Funina, he can only bear silently any grievances he has. 】

[Candice: The little grass god is no longer alone now, she has us. 】

[Navia: My heart hurts so much. Who will take care of our Lord Water God? 】

Fu Nina's scene was naturally picked up by the servant's spy and reported to the servant.

The servant hit the nail on the head: "There is no doubt that there is something wrong with Funina."

"I have a guess - maybe, she is not the real water god, but the supreme judge Na Villette is."

"I have to find the Heart of God. If the speculation is true, the Heart of God is likely to be in Navilette, or it may be hidden somewhere that ordinary people won't get close to."

[Paimon: I don’t know why Funina chose to guard the secret alone. Wait, is she really not the water goddess? 】

[Ningguang: What? Is it possible that Funina is not the water goddess? 】

[Keqing: If Funina is not the Water God, then who is the real Water God? 】

[Fa Lushan: Fengdan is so strange. Isn’t it even possible to know who the god is? 】

[Miko Yae: Now things get more interesting. 】

[Ray Movie: It’s so surprising. Obviously everyone in Fengdan recognized her as the Water Goddess, was everything a lie? Is there someone else who is the water god? 】

[Xinhai: Will the Water God be sentenced to death because of this incident? 】

Everyone was shocked when they saw this.

I didn’t expect that such a bizarre thing would happen in Fontaine, which seems to have been peaceful for a long time. Even the gods might cheat?

The mystery is impossible to guess. The screen continues to play.

The servant arranged another meeting with the Water God.

When she met the servant again, it was as if no assassination had occurred. Funina still behaved as usual, laughing cheerfully.

In this meeting with the servant, the traveler also helped to participate.

The main point of this meeting was that after the young master was taken to Merlot Petersburg, he mysteriously disappeared.

So the servant used worry as an excuse to ask about the whereabouts of the young master, but in fact he wanted to get the truth.

At this time, the original seawater under the underwater prison "Mello Petersburg" suddenly erupted, and the earth shook.

Navilette went to suppress it.

On the other hand, the tea in the tea cup in front of Funina's table was trembling.

Servant: "This must be some kind of omen, Miss Funina."

Funina pretended not to understand: "Huh? Ah, I don't quite understand why you said that..."

The servant pressed forward step by step: "Prophecy, has it entered the next stage?"

[Jingliu: Funina’s performance is really worrying. 】

[Yanqing: What is the Water God hiding? 】

[Jingyuan: Maybe it will be a secret that moves countless people to tears. 】

"Touched? Tears?"

Aha's many masks are all emitting weird laughter.

"Take charge of the destiny of happiness, ah, I don't even know what 'tears' are."

Smelling the atmosphere of fun, Aha's interest instantly rose.

"Funina, is she the water goddess?"

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