Genshin Impact: Playing Fu Nina, Aha Was Numbed By A Knife

Chapter 14 Thank You Paimon, You Are My Best Partner

The Star Gods started a heated discussion because of Fu Nina's video.

At this moment, Memory Star God Fuli stood up.

[Memory Star God Fuli: Okay, look. 】

In the picture, the traveler found Navia.

Although Baisong Town suffered heavy losses, there were still people who managed to survive.

I also met an acquaintance - the fourth seat of the Executive Officer of Fools, Servant.

She was no longer aggressive, but she and the "Hearth House" she represented actually actively participated in the rescue work of the residents of Baisong Town.

And through the servant Traveler also received instructions to explore a ruins about the Fontaine prophecy.

All the information was crucial at the moment, so the traveler, Paimon, Navia, and Navilette whom they met along the way, finally entered the final ruins after many adventures.

And in that palace-like ruins, there were indeed four stone slabs scattered around.

Paimon: "Well, there are four positions in total, but there are only three stone slabs. The stone slab that should be embedded in the first empty spot is missing."

Navilette: "The nearby wall is also damaged."

Paimon: "There is writing underneath, let me take a look..."

""This is a country that deserves to be destroyed. I will record its future history in the past"... What does that mean? "

[Blade: There are four locations and three stone slabs. The first one is that you are not one of them. 】

[Yin Yuejun:...(a black line on his face)]

[Jingyuan:... (somewhat speechless)]

[Bai Lu:? (Looking innocent)]

[Kingryu: Blade, you have more ways to seek death now, right? 】

[Blade: As long as I annoy enough people, the probability of me wanting to die will be increased. 】

The "end" star god Mo Wang, who is traveling against the time, is alert.

[Who wrote this tablet? Isn't he an admirer of my final destiny? 】

[Pure Star Goddess Idrila: No matter how many years of Amber, you can't change your narcissistic habit. 】

[The Last Star God and the Last King: Oh, am I wrong? The person who carved this stone must be the person who determines my final destiny. 】

[Memory Star God Fuli: "Cold Knowledge" deconstructs texts, creates metaphors, tampering with meanings, and mystifies history. Various signs indicate that this ruins may also be the work of the "Riddler" with a "mysterious" destiny. 】

[The King of the Ending Star God: Don’t listen, don’t listen, deep well ice chants sutras. 】

However, as the Star God of the End said, the origin and record of this stone tablet attracted everyone's curious eyes.

Navia: "It feels like someone deliberately left this stone slab and these words. But in this case, does he mean that Fontaine should be destroyed?"

Navelle: "That's what the prophecy shows. The words on the stone tablet do correspond to the content of the prophecy, such as this second picture."

Paimon: "In this second painting, there is someone kneeling, looking very pious, and there is another person kneeling behind her who is doing the same thing. In the direction she is facing, what is this? An island floating in the sky?"

Navia: "The person in the middle of the third painting is... Lady Funina? Lord Water God fell into the water?"

Paimon was puzzled: "There is still a circle of people surrounding her? I can't understand. Are these people in the water?"

[Nilu: The third painting looks a bit like the story of the birth of the flower god...]

[Paimon:...Bad memories hit me. I still remember that the traveler, in order to dispel his illusions, said he would only leave for a short while, but he disappeared for most of the day. I waited there alone for a long, long time for the traveler... I thought I would never see the traveler again (Paimon Crying)]

[Traveller: Okay, okay, don’t cry anymore. I came back later. 】

[Paimon: I was also very worried about you at that time. I thought you had really disappeared and I would be the only one left for future adventures...]

Only then did the traveler realize that what happened in Xumi had left a strong psychological shadow on Paimon.

Although at first, Paimon smiled afterwards and said that everything would be fine when the travelers came back, and everything was over.

But he didn't expect that this mistake would cause such great psychological trauma to Paimeng.

So after that, Paimon clung to the traveler even more, fearing that the traveler would suddenly disappear again.

On that day, Paimon suddenly asked:

"Well, um... I don't mean anything else. I just want to ask... Wouldn't it be boring to be with me?"

"Hey, hey, I'm a little embarrassed to say it so bluntly."

On the real timeline.

The travelers and Paimon who were watching the video at this time had just experienced a disaster caused by the flooding of Fontaine.

The sea water finally receded, and now two drowned rats with water elements were hugging each other.

The traveler patted little Paimon on the back.

"Thanks to Paimon being here all the time, I'm very happy."

"Let's go on the adventure in the future together."

"Thank you Paimon, you are my best mate."


Pamon nodded heavily, tears flashing in his clear eyes.

The scene in the light curtain continues.

The camera came to the end of the painting.

Navia: "The fourth picture... I know this, it is exactly the same as the prophecy that Fontaine has been circulating..."

Navilette: "Everyone will dissolve in the sea, leaving only the water god crying on the throne..."

Traveler: "It is indeed consistent with the prediction..."

Paimon: "Hey...I feel chills all over after seeing these tablets..."

"It's scary! This kind of thing is "future history"! This prophecy must come true..."

[Bai Lu: It’s really scary! Fortunately, we, the Vidyadhara clan, don’t have these messy and incomprehensible things...]

[Yin Yuejun:...(He stopped talking)]

[Qingque: It made me tremble all over. Who recorded such a terrible thing? 】

[Fu Xuan: I always feel something is strange...according to the prophecy, Fengdan should be flooded by water in the fourth picture, and then Funina should be flooded in the third picture. 】

[Jingliu: The order of the stone slabs is reversed. 】

[There is also a lively discussion in the Teyvat chat room during the live broadcast. 】

[Diluc: The Sky Island in the second painting is hard not to remind people of a powerful existence, and the group of people kneeling in the painting seem to be asking for forgiveness from Sky Island. The leader among them should be The first generation water god. 】

[Kaia: Hey, you are quite capable. 】

[Diluc: Isn’t this obvious? 】

[Nacida: does look a bit like the first water goddess, Miss Agolia...]

[Man'yo: (uneasy) What crime did the first water god commit? Why did she kneel down to the floating island in the sky to apologize? 】

[Yae Shenzi: Regarding these stone slabs, maybe Miss Funina knows all the answers. 】

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