Genshin Impact: Playing Fu Nina, Aha Was Numbed By A Knife

Chapter 21 Will Villette Wear A Yellow Robe? Everyone Is Rebelling!

Travelers, Linny, Linnet, and Femini have all taken their seats.

Navia: "Ahem! Please listen to what I have to say, everyone! Or we can randomly select a friend to talk to you? How do you like it?"

Femini was suddenly called and felt extremely nervous.

"Eh?! No, no..."

[Huo Huo: Ah... I can already feel the tense atmosphere. 】

[March 7: Huh? What is there to be nervous about? What can I say? 】

[Bai Lu: That’s right. 】

Navia looked at Navilette: "What about this one?"

Villette turned around: "My words may turn this ship into an atmosphere like the Tribunal..."

[Silver Wolf: This one is even more heavyweight. 】

[Gui Naifen: She knows how to roll call, and she named the two most introverted people present...]

[Jingliu: He is very self-aware of his social skills, (like)]

Navia walked up to everyone openly.

"So, you see, a local big boss, I, Navia, must be responsible for presiding over this matter!"

"To put it simply, our mutual friend invites you all to come over and discuss the next steps together."

"But what exactly is it... Well, let me tell you first, we will pool our efforts from all parties to create a complete set of "traps." "

Linny: "Oh? That sounds interesting."

Clolinde came out and explained:

"If this operation is compared to hunting, then the trap set will consist of the following parts: bait, trigger, restraint device. Sometimes an additional execution device will be added."

"Now, if you were to make a trap together, what structure would you choose?"

[Kafka: There are many ways, but mind control should be the simplest way. 】

[Jing Yuan: Let nature take its course. 】

[Sushang: Hmm...can't think of it...]

[Emperor Gong Siminglan: Does hunting fertile evil things count? 】

[Happy Star God Aha: Hahaha, isn’t this the right person to ask? Thousands of tricks, no one is the same. 】

The masks were all bruised and swollen, but they were temporarily subdued by Happy Mask, and now they are all much calmer.

in the screen.

Linnie thought for a moment: "As for me, I still prefer traps with a basket structure. When pigeons and rabbits see the bait, they will naturally walk into the trap."

"The three of us are considered experts in the industry, and we also have this skill."

Navia: "Hmm...I would probably choose some kind of mechanical animal, right? Things like little squirrels and mice. Putting them in the woods can attract similar animals."

"What about Monsieur Villette?"

Navilette: "I..."

"No relevant experience."

Clolind: "That's right. You don't rely on tricks or tricks. You mostly solve problems directly and straightforwardly."

[Happy Star God Aha: Well, you don’t like tricks? How can you not like tricks? If possible, Fontaine must be given a happy life. 】

[Live broadcast room Teyvat chat room]

[Xigwen: Lord Villette, maybe he will kill the prey directly...]

[ Leosley: That guy can do it. 】

Clolind: "For you, let me ask one more question, if we build a big trap now, what do you want it to look like?"

[Blade: Guillotine? 】

[Silver Wolf: Let’s talk less and continue to maintain a fierce image. 】

[Kafka: Maybe Aren’s words came true? 】

[Silver Wolf: I really can’t stand you guys. 】

Navillette: "I hope it's effective, but doesn't harm the prey too much. I hope it's even soft."

[March 7: Woohoo, he is so gentle. 】

[Gui Naifen: Cake trapping should be possible! 】

[Fu Xuan: I didn’t expect that the supreme judge in Fengdan would have such a gentle side. 】

Clolind: "You are very kind. It is related to the design of restraint devices and execution devices. For those prey that need to be killed with one blow, I will choose the most powerful execution device."

Navia: "Why?"

Clolind: "The hunter who can best subdue his prey can control it without harming his life. Life and death are often just a matter of thoughts."

Femini: "So...are we going hunting together?"

[Kavi: Knock him out and take him away? 】

[Bennett: Hiss—I feel a chill on the back of my neck. 】

[Diluc: At the moment, Femini has not realized the seriousness of the matter. 】

[Arataki Ito: Hahahaha, this is the path I will choose]

[Kuki Ninja: The boss will rush forward, even if there are mountains of swords and seas of fire ahead. 】

[Arataki Ito: Huh? Aren, are you saying that I can't think? 】

[Kuki Shinobu: No, I'm keeping an eye on you, the boss, so in most cases you won't be stupid. 】

[Man'yo: Speaking of which - isn't this going to require everyone to rebel? 】

[Kujo Sora: If Inazuma is left alone, they will all be wanted. 】

[Yan Fei: Historically known as "The Incident of Baisong Town"]

[Witches Alice: Is Villette wearing a yellow robe? 】

[Miko Yae: Now things are starting to get interesting. 】

[Hutao: Funina, wake up, your men are all rebelling! 】

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