Brother Tuozi went numb when he saw this scene.

[Ruotuo Dragon King: Who is so bold as to dare to sentence the gods to death? 】

[Tvarin: Barbatos, do you know what’s going on? 】

[Wendy: Huh? You ask me... To be honest, I'm also curious about what happened in Fontaine. 】

[Qin: Mona, aren’t you in Fontaine? In the end what happened? The water god is going to be executed? This is a big deal. 】

[Mona: I don’t know what happened... I’ll ask my master. 】

Happy Star God Aha became even more interested when he saw this.

"Sentence the gods to death right from the start? That's great! This world is so crazy!"

"This is the world I want to go to!"

Nanook, the Star God of Destruction:

"Please hurry up and leave. I can't help but crush this ridiculous world."

Wisdom Star God Bodhisattva:

"The continent of Teyvat has not yet been accurately located, and its world bubble, or shell, has not yet found a way to enter."

Nanook: "Boring."

Although he said he was bored, Nanook still watched intently.

At the same time, the Star Gods have become more curious about the continent of Teyvat that cannot be touched by the Star God's abilities.

What kind of world is that?

What kind of gods are there to protect you?

What kind of story happened between them?

Why do you want to sentence the Water God to death in the first place?

Why can't even the power of the Happy Star God touch the world of Teyvat?

There were so many questions that the Star Gods also watched carefully.

As soon as the camera turned, from the previous preview like a prologue, we came to the official storyline.

The first thing that appeared on the screen was the scene where Yingmei and Paimon had just arrived at Fontaine Port.

Originally, Yingmei wanted to take the initiative to find the water god, but she did not expect that as soon as the two arrived at the port, a group of guards lined up on both sides of the waterway.

Funina stepped on her little blue butterfly shoes and slowly walked out and stood on a high platform about ten meters away.

Paimon: "Hey! Is that the Water Goddess! How did she know that we are coming..."

I saw Funina wearing a top hat inlaid with sapphires, blue hair, and a luxurious and exquisite blue dress. She put her hands on her hips and said proudly:

"Rich, poor, those who have a wine glass or those who have nothing, raise your glass! If you don't have one, use your arms instead."

"As you see, stranger travelers have come to my country."

"Come, let us send blessings to them and respect the travelers and her companions who have come from afar!"

There was a burst of cheers and applause from the audience, and everyone in Fontaine showed admiration in their eyes.

Paimon and Traveler were both confused.

Paimon: "Huh? Is she talking about us?"

Funina looked at the traveler and continued:

"I have heard that you two have caused chaos in several countries, but I still welcome you. No, I will come to greet you personally."

"Fear is the behavior of a small person. As a god, I will not take such meaningless caution as a creed. You can rest assured that I can clearly see your piety."

[Su Shang: She seems to be...talking to herself, but she dares to speak in front of so many people. It's amazing. 】

[Gui Naifen: That’s right! And don’t you think she’s funny? I admire such courageous people! 】

[Huo Huo: Me too...]

In the picture, Funina is still talking:

"The purpose of the visit is to better appreciate my power and authority. Of course, this is very wise. Wise people will always gather under the right banner."

"Welcome to the kingdom of water!~"

"I, Fukalos, will recognize the value and significance of your journey. Now, you can cheer to your heart's content~"

The applause from the audience became more intense, and many Fontaine people raised their hands in the air, cheered with fists, or raised their heads above their heads in applause.

[Eleven Executive Officers of the Fools, Fourth Seat - Servant Arecino: It seems that the people of Fontaine all love their gods. 】

[Executive Officers of Fools, Third Seat—Girl Columbia: Is this girl the God of Justice? Why was she still sentenced when she was clearly the god of justice? 】

[Leader of the Executives of Fools, General Officer - Harlequin Piero: The travelers had just set foot on Fontaine for a few minutes, and the water goddess Funina already knew the news and came to greet them. 】

[It seems that her intelligence network is not only in Fontaine, but spreads throughout the entire Teyvat continent. 】

[Such a powerful god will be sentenced to death. Funina, what secrets do you have in your body? 】

And on the fairy boat.

[Yanqing: General, you have agreed to my challenge this afternoon. I have arrived. Where are you? 】

[Jing Yuan: No hurry, no hurry. If you want to become the "Luofu" sword leader, remember not to rush forward. 】

[Yanqing: (with a black look on his face) General, are you watching Funina’s video? Then I'll ask Sister Jingliu to practice swordsmanship. 】

[Jingyuan: (right eyelid twitching) Who is this? Who among us is the master and who is the disciple? 】

[Jingliu: Speaking of which, this water god has a lot of personality, which I admire very much. I just don't know how powerful she is. 】

[Blade: Since he is called a god, his strength must be high. If you can grant me death, that will be enough! 】

In the picture, Paimon and the traveler were both confused.

Paimon: "Um, um - Lord Water God, how did you know we were coming?"

Funina put her hands on her hips and said proudly: "Oh, I understand that you foreigners will inevitably have some vulgar perceptions. But don't forget that gods are also divided into "mediocre" and "excellent". It is normal for you to be surprised by my talent. "

"You might as well reflect on it, do you really have the moral character and etiquette to communicate with the gods? For me, obtaining your information only requires a few clicks. There is nothing simpler than this."

Paimon: "Wow, she's so arrogant..."

The traveler nodded: "Always emphasizing his status as a god..."

Obviously this was not heard by Funina, she was still talking to herself:

"As long as there is a reason, I can judge even the gods of foreign lands, let alone travelers in foreign lands, hehehe..."

[Jieliuzi (Zhongli) who is enjoying tea somewhere in Liyue:? 】

[Montwine Mengzi (Wendy): Hehe, I didn’t expect that the god of Fontaine would be quite interesting. 】

[Xumi Badminton (Nasida): Let me see what you are thinking about in your dreams...]

[A certain otaku girl from Inazuma (Ray Movie): Do you want to be my enemy? 】

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