Genshin Impact: Playing Fu Nina, Aha Was Numbed By A Knife

Chapter 55: Specializing In Natural Justice, I Am Fukalos

As the Fontaines watched the video.

Suddenly a huge noise caught everyone's attention.

At this time, all the Fontaine people on the street were shocked!

Because the rock ridge was so high, it was hard to tell which one was higher and which one was lower, the rock ridge and the Momang Palace.

【What is this?! Where did it come from?!】

[It fell from the sky, I just saw it!]

[Is the prophecy really going to come true?! Huh? No, didn’t we just experience the baptism of a flood? 】

[Wait a minute, there’s a person standing above!!!]

Everyone took out their cameras and video cameras to take pictures, and Charlotte quickly recorded the scene.

Under the backlight, the man on the rock ridge towers over all living beings.

At this moment, Mr. Zhongli is really like a god in the eyes of everyone!

And after reading the barrage sent by Zhongli just now, everyone knew that it was Mr. Zhongli from Liyue who had arrived in Fengdan!

Crazy barrage scrolled on the screen, and now everyone in Teyvat knew what happened to Fontaine.

[Wow, what a handsome god. Liyue’s god is so handsome! 】

[Mr. Zhongli, the Opécle Opera House was flooded not long ago, and no one is repairing it right now. 】

【Zhongli: Like this……………………..】

With the presentation of the scene, everyone was stunned at this moment!

The audience in front of the screen was numb!

[Son of the Eightfold God: This mysterious Mr. Zhongli is actually faster than us. 】

[Alhaysen: How long has it been? There’s still no time for a cup of tea. 】

[Kavi: (He opened his jaw wide) What speed is this! 】

[Gan Yu: (Sheep Petrified) Regardless of whether he is possessed by a spirit body or not, he must be the emperor at this moment! 】

[Ke Qing: (Stupefied, twin ponytails swaying like waves, still a little unbelievable, eyes moist) Before, it was only through words, but now I finally see the living Emperor!]

[Hutao: Yo? Are you my guest? Doesn’t the old antique not care about anything?] "840"

[Wanyu: Mr. Zhongli, was the first one to arrive at Fontaine?! 】

[Zhongli: No, I am the second one. 】

This shocked everyone even more.

[Wendy: Who else is here? Tevalin, we need to hurry up. 】

[Tvarin: Logically speaking, you should be on your front and back, but if you drink and don’t fly, and if you fly and don’t drink, it’s better for us to be more stable. 】

[Wendy: Huh? What, you didn’t drink. 】

[Tevalin: Ahem, I secretly tasted some...]

[Lei Movie: (Surprised) So, Nasida and Mr. Zhongli have already arrived???]

The arrival of the "god" next door made the whole Fontaine boil.

After all, they were saying that Liyue had lost its gods before, but who would have thought that Liyue's gods would appear again in this way.

On the contrary, Fontaine now has no god, it is not what it used to be, the two poles are reversed!

The people of Fontaine were extremely envious.

【So, is this God? 】

【Which other gods have arrived? Is it Nasida of Sumeru?】

[The gods are indeed gods, they are all so powerful!]

[Damn it, Fu Nina is actually a fake god. When will our Fontaine gods be so majestic! 】

[Impossible, the Water God is already dead, right?]

[Then what is the meaning of the law-compensation-hyun-neng we use in daily life?]


For a moment, everyone didn't understand what happened and couldn't explain why.

However, at this moment, the scene of Villette being pulled into another dimension, and the girl in white under the giant sword, appeared in front of everyone.

The people of Fontaine were stunned on the spot!

[Is this the water goddess? Oh my god! She said she was Fukalos!]

【She must be the Water Goddess!】

[Although she looks the same as Funina, her clothes and personality are different. She is our real water god! 】

[Look at the lock rings on her feet, it means she must have been imprisoned. 】

[Could it be that Funina? She hid the water god! 】

At this moment, not only the Fontaine people think so, but also in the Star Dome Railway chat room.

Almost everyone was so shocked that they were confused for a moment and didn't know what happened.

[March 7: Sister Jizi, is this the real water god? 】

[Himeko: It seems so. But that giant sword is very concerning. 】

[Su Shang: (eyes shine, as if memories from another time and space are gradually coming to mind) This big sword is so beautiful! Is this the weapon of the Water God? 】

[Gui Naifen: What, what, there are two Funina? Which one is the real one? 】

[Huo Huo: I still remember that in the answer to the question, one of the options was the split body of the god. Maybe there is only one water god, but... but one of them is split. 】

[March 7: Yeah, what this little sister said makes sense, it seems to be true. 】

[Tingyun: (Although wearing a neck brace, he forced himself to sit up) It turns out that the real water god has always been in the sky. 】

[Blade: (somewhat dazed) Which one is the real Funina? Which one should I protect? 】

At this time, even the Star Gods stared, their gazes motionless on the screen.

In the picture, Villette took a deep breath and asked seriously:

"The Demon God Fukalos...why did you lie to us?"

Fukalos spread his hands, "Oh, of course, my purpose is certainly not to deceive you, what I really want to deceive is..."

"...It's "the law of heaven".

Villette was startled, "Deceive the law of heaven?"

This answer seemed like a joke, but it sounded like a thunder in the hearts of everyone in Teyvat.

Everyone gasped for air!

[Arataki Ito: Hey, hey, did I hear you correctly just now? This new lady came up and said she wanted to do "Tianli"? 】

[Man'yo: Isn't this... this is too bold? 】

[Ichito Arataki: It seems that the person I admire most, besides the God of Thunder, is going to be added to the list! 】

[Kamizato Ayato: (eyelids twitching) You must have heard correctly just now. The real water god Fukaros will be the enemy of heaven when he comes up. Are you really ready? 】

[Wendy: (almost falling off Tevarin) Huh? I didn’t drink too much, did I? The most popular saying of the Water God is, “Only the laws of heaven” cannot be his enemy?)

[Diluc: The most loyal believer in the laws of heaven, the water god who wants to judge the other countries, is actually the first person to defy the laws of heaven. 】

[Hutao: (Excited) No matter what, Fukalos is really beautiful~]

[Baizhu: Hall Master Hu, you want to quickly promote the Shengsheng Hall coupons to the Water God! I know what you are thinking. 】

[Hutao: (sticking out his tongue and making a face) After all, it is too dangerous to fight against the law of heaven. You must be fully prepared~]

[Thunder Movie: (Stunned) Fukalos, she is so bold. 】

[Miko Yae: But Fukalos is so beautiful like this. 】

Aha was very happy to see this.

[Clown Mask: Who would have thought that there would be unexpected gains! 】

[Masque of Deceit: As mentioned before, Teyvat is under the care of Tianli. For the entire Teyvat, Tianli is the only true god. It is unimaginable for an existence that is superior to the seven rulers in the world. It is hard to imagine that Fontaine, which seems to be calm, is actually pregnant with such a big conspiracy. 】

[Mask of Mercy: All Fontaine people are innocent. Do not let them escape the influence of the war. 】

[Mourning Mask: Let's have a happy funeral... Huh? Let everyone not escape the influence? You are really fake compassion!]

[Yanlu Mask: You two are evenly matched. 】

[Intellectual Star God Bodhisattva: I thought that Funina outside was already a little perverse. Who would have thought that this real water god Fukaros would be more courageous. I admire her very much. 】

[Memory Star God Fuli: Those who raise the flag to resist, but according to memory, there is a high probability that they will not end well. 】

[Happy Star God Aha: You ice cube really doesn’t choose the occasion, and the atmosphere suddenly cooled down. 】

[Memory Star God Fuli: I am just stating the facts. 】

The star gods didn't say anything, but they couldn't help but become worried. Curious to see how things develop next.

However, for the people of Fontaine, such shocking news as against the law of heaven is tantamount to a sky-shattering bullet dropped on Fontaine!

[Our real water god must confront the laws of heaven!]

【You still want to deceive the law of heaven? It’s incredible!】

[Wait a minute, why are you doing this? We have already been punished by heaven and are sinners. Why do we still resist and commit crimes? 】

【Is this really our gentle water god? Too manic! 】

[Stop talking, you cowards, I support Lord Water God’s approach. 】

[Instead of doing nothing like Lady Funina, it is better to raise the banner of rebellion against the laws of nature like the real Water God Lady Fukalos! 】

【No matter what, I don’t want to bear the unwarranted charges again! 】

[Why should we Fontaine people, everyone, from the elderly to the newborn crying babies, be accused of original sin! I support Fukalos!]

【This is our real god!】

[But, since we have already deceived the laws of heaven, why do we still let Huang Ningna pretend to be the water god...

【I understand! It turns out that all of this is deception! 】

[It’s not that Ms. Funina didn’t do anything, she is the protagonist who wants to deceive the laws of nature! 】

[Then before we...

The barrage scrolled to this point, and the people in Fontaine were speechless and choked, feeling as uncomfortable as swallowing a stone.

Like a lump in the throat.

Only now did they realize that maybe——they all wrongly blamed Lady Funina!

[It’s not like Ms. Funina didn’t do anything!!!]

【We made a big mistake before!!!】

[Really.........Really? I am actually a loyal audience and fan of Ms. Funina. Just now on the throne of the opera house, Ms. Funina cried so hard that my heart was bleeding! 】

【Did we all blame her wrongly?!】

At this moment, the people of Fontaine felt extremely remorseful and blamed themselves. What is the specific truth? They urgently need to know an answer!

At this moment, the picture continues to play.

Navilette: "Deceive the laws of heaven..."

Fukalos said lightly: "That's the prophecy, it's very troublesome, right? Everyone will dissolve, Fontaine will be submerged in the water...

"When the water god before me, Egoria, entrusted me with this prophecy, I also thought... this was too tricky, wasn't it?"

"She clearly knew that the scene in the prophecy would definitely happen...

"As the seventh ruler of the world, she also understands that the laws of heaven... cannot be an enemy."

"Oh, this is completely unsolvable, right?"

"I dived into the bottom of the sea and thought quietly for a long time. It wasn't until the clam shells around me started to bubble that I came up with the only answer.'

"Only by deceiving the laws of heaven can we... save everyone when the prophecy occurs."

"Well, I'm really a genius. It's probably because of this that Egolia chose me as her successor."

In this way, she inherited the mission of saving this country, the responsibility as the water god, and even the original sin of "creating human beings" all in one fell swoop. ’

"Sigh... I really can't help it. Who told me that I was once one of her pure water elf relatives?"

[Edge: So that’s it. Anyway, this Fukalos is really... very cute. 】

[Yin Yuejun: (Can’t bear to look directly) Is this still the decisive and decisive Ying Xing in my impression? 】

[Kafka: The appearance of Funina made him seem like a different person. 】

[Silver Wolf: Now that Fukalos has come out again, it’s hard to imagine how crazy he will go...

in the screen.

Navilette: "In other words, you were once transformed into a human pure water elf through the hands of Egolia?"

Fukalos: "Yes, becoming a human has always been my dream, even now. In my eyes, human existence itself is a wonderful opera."

"After becoming a god, I separated my "godhead" from my body and spirit [Song was left with me as a human being just created by Zhou. "

"The me in front of you now is the "godhead", and the human me, I named her Funina. "

When the people of Fontaine saw this, they suddenly realized!

[It turns out Lady Funina, she is a personal water goddess! 】

[No, it should be said to be humans, humans differentiated from the water god. 】

[The "godhead" Fukalos is also so beautiful, our Fontaine god is so beautiful! 】

At this moment, Fontaine knew the truth about the water god.

Including Traveler and Paimon, they still don't know the full story before going to Navilette.

[Paimon: So, is this the secret that Funina wants to protect? 】

[Yingmei: But such a secret should be shared with someone. Are there any deeper secrets?】

In the picture, Fukalos was talking.

"As a human being, Funina has her emotions, anger, sorrows and joys. When she should be arrogant, she will be arrogant, and when she should be cowardly, she will be cowardly..."

"Her advantages are the advantages that only humans can have, and her shortcomings are also the shortcomings that only humans have."

"But in my eyes, Funina is the perfect "human being". Because she is exactly the same as a real human being and is the ideal "myself".

"Then I cursed her."

"...In order to complete the plan of "deceiving the laws of heaven". "


Phukalos: "Remember? The last scene in the prophecy - the water god himself was crying alone on the throne."

"To make the prophecy "seem" to come true, I invited the actress Funina to "play" the water goddess in the prophecy. "

"Under my curse, as long as I still exist as a "godhead", Funing 0.2na will never die, but she will never be able to enjoy the happiness that humans should have.

"She will be forced to use this opera house as a stage and become the real heroine of the opera house, forever playing the role of "god" in order to make the prophecy seem to come true. "

Villette: "...But that Funina is still a human being after all. Even if she has a long life, her mental strength is only at the level of a human being.

"This was... such an ordeal for her."

Seeing this, the people from Fontaine were completely in tears.

[Woo woo woo: So this is how Lady Funina came. 】

[It turns out Lady Funina didn’t do nothing! 】

【She is struggling for us all the time!】

[Ugh, where is Lady Funina? We need to apologize to Lady Funina!]

[Damn it! Why didn’t I understand Lady Funina’s sacrifice at that time! 】

【Please give us a chance to make amends! 】

[Zhongli: Both Fukalos and Funina are worthy of respect. 】

[Wendy: Yes, I didn’t expect that Fukaros was brewing such a huge plan. I definitely couldn’t have figured it out. Hehe, oh, by the way, Mr. Zhongli, I saw your

The back of the head. 】

[Zhongli: I am in Fontaine, where the sea breeze is slightly salty. 】

[Nacida: It doesn’t matter, I have already found where Funina is. Please follow my lead. 】

As he said that, Zhongli and Wendy had a Nasida version of the navigation in their minds.

Whispering softly makes it easy for people to find the direction.

[Zhongli: That’s very good. 】

[Wendy: Are you finally going to meet Funina? It’s so exciting. 】

[Lei Movie:...just wait for me. 】

[Son of the Eightfold God: Miss Ningguang, can’t Qunyu Pavilion be faster? 】

At this time, Navia and all the people in Fontaine were stunned.

"Have you found Lady Funina?"

"where is she?!".

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