Genshin Impact: Playing Fu Nina, Aha Was Numbed By A Knife

Chapter 58 The Star Gods Were Shocked: Funina Is A Hero!

[Lei Movie: (Anxious) Where are you now? Have you seen Funina? 】

[Nasida: It’s not convenient to say here. Please follow my instructions. 】

[Kamizato Ayaka: Everyone, Master Ningguang has prepared meals for us in Qunyu Pavilion. You can invite Funina to come with you. 】

[Wendy: You’d better come down here, hehe. 】

[Miko Yae: What happened? 】

[Nasida: Well, they drink coffee without any money...

[Ning Guang: (eyebrows twitching) Okay, I understand, Bai Xiao, go down and settle the bill. 】

[Bai Xiao: Okay, Lord Ningguang. 】

[Wendy: Hehe, I’m so embarrassed. Ningguang people are really nice. 】

[Navilet: Welcome to Fontaine after traveling thousands of miles. At present, the entire Fontainebleau has just been submerged by the sea water, and everything is in ruins. Everything is being cleaned and rebuilt. We apologize for the poor reception. 】

[When I have free time, I will complete this gift. I hope you understand. 】

[Wendy: It doesn’t matter, you are busy with your business, we are just strolling around. 】

[Lei Movie: (Really anxious) Where is Funina now? 】

[Nacida: (whispering to Lei Qianchi) Funina needs to calm down for a while now, so we better not disturb her yet. 】

[Lei Movie: (sighed) Okay then......

It's just that the gods have never reunited except for the last crusade against Canria.

Moreover, several of the gods who gathered together last time have now fallen.

Lei Movie couldn't help but sigh, "I don't know how many of the gods present will survive the next confrontation with heaven, and as a human, Funina... how will she protect herself then? It's like real………………"

Thinking of this, Lei Qiu's whole body trembled.

The reason why she was so worried about Fu Nina was because she saw a bit of her sister in Fu Nina.

“Obviously the force is not that strong, but we still have to do some earth-shattering things.

"Taking over responsibilities that shouldn't be theirs!"

"Obviously you can't fight that much!"

"Why do you have to show off your strength...!"

When he thought of this, tears welled up in Lei Qianqian's eyes.

Ning Guang comforted her: "Okay, don't think so much, I have confidence in Funina, she will definitely find a way.

"You have to try to believe her too."

Ray Films did not answer.

Because it was the last time she believed in her sister Zhen, until Zhen died in her arms...

And this time…………

What will be the result?

[Live broadcast room Star God Chat Room. 】

[Memory Star God Fuli: "It is not how to explore divinity, but how to fight against human nature." This sentence of Fukalos is very good. Historical experience all shows that how many people can't resist the temptation of human nature, and thus The country is destroyed, the family is destroyed, wives and children are separated, and everyone is betrayed and separated from their relatives. 730】

[Final Star God Mo Wang: This is also teaching us a lesson. 】

[Common star god Xipei: We have ignored the word "humanity" for too long. However, Fu Nina couldn't understand it, but she still took on this heavy responsibility. This responsibility is worthy of admiration. 】

[Happy Star God Aha: (pouted) If you don’t understand anything and still do it, isn’t this like diving into a pit of fire? Hahahaha, we have seen too many such idiots. 】

[Intellectual Star God Bo Shizun: It is obvious that he wants to suffer, but in order to save the country and save other people, he chooses to face the difficulties. Not everyone can make such a decision. ]

[Balance Star God Mutual: Funina is not an idiot, or in a certain sense, people who sacrifice themselves regardless of themselves are often called——heroes. 】

[Pure Star Goddess Idrila: Looking back now, in order to prevent her identity from being exposed, Funina resolutely reached out to the primitive fetal sea water that could dissolve herself. Everything makes sense. 】

[Hunting Star God Lan: Just do this, hero, Fu Nina deserves such a title! 】

[Nanook, the Star God of Destruction: (Although he despised this high value, his eyes still did not leave Guangyuan) Work

[Common Star God Xipei: Look at this innocent and cute little girl in front of you. She still doesn’t understand what kind of suffering she will face next. When she thinks of this, she feels even more distressed. ]

The scene continues to play at this moment.

Funina looked at herself in the mirror with cute eyes:

"So, when will my role as the Water God end?"

Fukalos, the Man in the Mirror, responded:

"In order to complete this task, you may go through a long period of time, and you will not grow old until the end."

"And I promise you, everything will end in a grand, dramatic trial, and everyone will be saved."

Funina smiled broadly: "The trial... It's so exciting and exciting."

It was also this scene that made everyone extremely moved.

[March 7: I can’t, my heart won’t be able to bear it anymore. The happier Funina is smiling now, the more heartache she feels when she thinks about what may happen next. 】

[Kafka: (Take a deep breath, violent ups and downs in front of her body) In other words, when Funina touched the original fetal sea water, she already knew that she would die, but in order to prevent her secret of playing the water god from being exposed, She also chose to reach out. 】

[Jingliu: The most painful thing is that this kind of pain has no specific time limit, which is equivalent to - indefinite. 】

[Fu Xuan: Yes, as long as there is a deadline, Funina will not be in such pain. 】

[Ruan Mei: It’s also because of this. When the servant assassinated Funina, she still acted like nothing happened afterwards. It wasn’t that she wasn’t afraid of death, but that she was afraid that if she died, she would betray the gang.

It's really sad. 】

[Silver Wolf: She has no elemental power and cannot use any abilities. She is just an ordinary human being, but she has to persist in such a difficult environment for 500 years. Oh, we know it was 500 years, but those days and nights were endless suffering for her. What a painful torture it was. 】

[Yin Yuejun: Fontaine's pure water elf wants to become a human, but the price has been borne by the water gods of all generations, including Funina, an ordinary human without divine power. She is carrying the wishes of all Fontaine people and moving forward with a heavy load. What is such a person if not a hero? 】

This scene also made the four gods unable to hold their nerves.

[Wendy: So in the trial court, Funina was panicking when her identity was about to be exposed. It was not for herself at all, but because she was afraid that her drama of playing the water god would be exposed.

The prophecy will really overwhelm Fontaine. 】

[Lei Movie: I think about the people of my country wholeheartedly. There are still many things I want to learn from her. 】

[Nacida: Have you discovered that Fukalos told Fonina that everything will end in a grand trial and everyone will be saved. So since then, Funina has not missed every trial, because she doesn't know whether this trial will be the last trial, whether after this, the entire Fontainebleau can be saved, and she can also Complete your mission. 】

[Zhongli: My heart hurts even more. 】

[Kavi: You are really gods, how can you find a knife for yourself!]

[Ye Shenzi: So Fufu has been waiting for this trial, but she doesn’t know which one it is. Even after Baisong Town was submerged, she still went to the opera house. It turned out that she was also waiting for the final trial. All Everyone can be saved. 】

[Seno: Stop talking, stop talking, I’m so heartbroken that I can’t breathe! 】

[Alhaysen: "The God of Justice loves every trial." Who would have thought that there is such a meaning in it. 】

When the people from Fontaine saw this, they cried even more.

Only now did the people from Fontaine understand these truths, and they were already crying.

How many people are heartbroken only to realize how wrong they were.

[We know we were wrong. Only now do we know how much Lady Funina has done for Fontaine!]

[It turns out that we can live such a happy life now because Lady Funina is responsible for us! 】

[If Lady Funina is to be sacrificed, I would rather not be this human being. 】

[That’s right! We don’t want Lord Water God to die! We don’t want Lady Funina to suffer any more harm for us!]

[Ms. Funina went to the opera after so many people died in Baisong Town. It turned out that she wanted the prophecy to end earlier! 】

[Lord Funina, where are you? Come out and scold us, we are so ashamed!]

【We were really wrong!】

After the flood, the water element of Fontaine was still full, and cries resounded in every house and street.

The first scene ended in Funing's expectant eyes.

Then, the second act comes.

"Act 2, Inaugural Speech, Funina"

As soon as the scene changed, on the entire stage, the empty throne of the Water God stood in the center of the stage.

But this time, the entire opera house was no longer just a solo dance for Funina.

At this moment, the audience was filled with people who lived in Fontaine 500 years ago.

With a nervous and excited heart, Funina stood on the throne of the Water God for the first time.


Funina covered her heart to calm her nervous and beating heart, and she was even a little worried.

(Although the Privy Council has already announced to the public that I will succeed the Water God, this is the first time (bjcc) to face the people directly like this...)

(Inauguration speech... How can I be like a god? The teacher said that I don’t have a clue yet. In short, I should act more naturally to introduce my colleagues to the audience.

Fu Nina mustered up her courage and looked at all the audience under the stage, her voice a little weak and stiff:

"Ahem... Well, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Opéra Opéra Opéra tonight.

"I believe you have heard about my succession as Water Goddess. Yes, I am Funina de Fontaine, your new Water Goddess."

"I have little experience in becoming a country's new god, but I am honored to be able to guide you."

"As the Demon God Fukalos and also the God of Justice, I will do my best to bring everyone a fair and just era."

Then, Funina politely finished.

"Thank you again for coming. If you have any questions or comments in the future, you are welcome to submit them to the Shulu Court. Fontaine's future requires everyone's joint efforts.

After saying that, Funina was relieved and sighed.

(Huh————This should be enough...?)

Even a little lucky.

(I originally thought I would stutter, but luckily I finally managed to express my thoughts. Next...)

[Zhongli: At that time, Funina was still a little green, but she was very sincere. 】

[Ye Lan: Yes, although there are still some shortcomings, it is already the first time to deliver a speech like this in front of so many people. 】

[Xinhai: Although she is very timid, she still has to overcome her cowardice. She speaks in front of so many people, which is really admirable. 】

[Shen He: If it were me, I wouldn't be able to do it, let alone pretend to be a god. 】

[Ningguang: Imagine that a little girl wants to be the ruling god of a party and lead an entire country. You can imagine the pressure that Funina will face. It is overwhelming. 】

[Kamizato Ayato: Looking at Fontaine today, in the 500 years when Funina was living, science and technology were advanced.

Living standards are improving day by day, and the people of Fontaine are happy. Isn’t it possible that Funina’s hard work is not part of all this? I think Funina has done a good job. 】

[Qin: Yes, Funina seems to be out of touch, but she does her duty in everything. If something goes wrong, Fontaine will definitely not be the prosperous and harmonious situation it is today in the past 500 years. I admire her too. 】

[Man'yo: The current scene should be her first day as the Water God. It's hard to imagine how she will spend every day after that. 】

[Yae Shenzi: Even this first day must not be easy, you see...]

Before the words finished, the music continued to play.

Facing Fu Nina's speech, there were constant questions from the audience.

"Is this the new water god? Could it be that the Privy Court is fooling us? As a god higher than humans, I thought he would be more powerful..."

"Hey, did you hear that? She finally said she wanted us to give her some advice..."

"Aren't gods supposed to be omnipotent? She is so is she any different from ordinary people?"

"I guess... there may not be a new water god at all, but he is a puppet pushed up by the Privy Court, right?"

[Zhongli: 500 years ago, it was the turbulent era that had just ended after the Kanria disaster. 】

[Ningguang: Considering the background at that time, the war had just ended, and indeed the people expected a more powerful god to lead. 】

[Elhaysen: As a human being, the way of speaking as a leader is barely acceptable, but it is acceptable. However, at this time, Fontaine needs a powerful new god. ]

[Arataki Ito: There are so many requirements and so many restrictions. If I were the uncle, I wouldn’t be able to become a god for a day! 】

[Lei Movie: But I was really angry when I saw this. 】

[Yatae Shenzi: Yes, the people of Fontaine really don’t know how to be satisfied. Maybe they should let the general rule. 】

[Lei Movie: I suspect you are connoting me...]

[Live broadcast room Star Dome Railway Chat Room]

[Jing Yuan: If this statement were to be said to any human being in power, there would not be too many problems, but if it were to be said from the mouth of a god, it would obviously be too low-key and self-effacing. 】

[Fu Xuan: Yes, for the continent of Teyvat, what the Seven Earthly Rulers can bring to everyone is definitely not only powerful power, but also faith. 】

[Rakshasa: In people’s minds, gods are often mysterious and majestic, and will never be so approachable. Except for the Star God of Joy. 】

[Aha: Huh? What does this guy mean? 】

[Similar Star God Xipei: (smiling) He is saying that you are approachable and easy to think about problems from a human perspective. 】

[Aha: Do I understand? It’s just that the way this guy talks is a bit strange...]

In the picture, Faunina was a little panicked in the face of overwhelming doubts.

(Wait... What's going on? Everyone is doubting me? It will be bad if this continues. If it is exposed... no one can be saved from the prophecy... .)

At this moment, everyone couldn't sit still.

[Eight-fold Divine Son: The main reason is that Fu Nina has no power now and cannot convince the people through divine power. 】

[Diluc: We Mondstadts should be open-minded and accept the bad wind god. 】

[Beidou: When the rock gun penetrates a mountain range, they will know what a god is.

[Arataki Yidou: If it were a general, if anyone dared to speak like this, the first row would have been cut down!]

[Thunder Movie: Stop connoting me...]

When Aha saw this, the eyes of each mask showed anticipation and excitement.

"Believe in joy! Become the god of joy!"

In the picture, Funina was thinking in silence.

(By the way, "Me in the Mirror" said... I just want to play the god in human imagination...)

(Calm down, Funina... Think carefully about what kind of gods the people want and imagine...

(The image that is strong, has a sense of presence, and can overcome all doubts... the image that I am destined to play...)

Funina was silent, took a deep breath, and then worked

Laugh out loud!

"Hahahaha.........Yes, yes, my people, only you like this are worthy of my rule, Fu Nina."

The star gods were shocked, how could she change so quickly!

Even the Aha were confused.

"Is Funina really a genius?!"

However, what makes Zhongli, Lei Movie and others sad is that the more they see Funina's smile in the picture, the more sad they become.

Because this smile is 500 years.

The real beginning of all tragedies. .

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