Audiences who saw this video at this moment, whether in the Teyvat world or the Starry Railway world, couldn't help but burst into tears and couldn't control their tears.

[Live broadcast room Teyvat chat room]

[Manyo: What people think gods can do, she, a human girl, has done. 】

[Noelle: So this is the sound of crying in Lujingquan. 】

[Tvarin: It turns out that it is not the cry of the water dragon, but the cry of Funina, (tears). 】

[Shen He: So the sounds in Dew Jingquan are actually the accumulated tears of Funina crying for five hundred years. The helplessness here is heartbreaking to see. 】

[Ruo Tuo Dragon King: Even if I die 500 years ago, Zhongli will not cry like this for me. I am so touched (Ruo Tuo·Crying Flower)]

[Ningguang: This sentence "hundreds of years" is so heavy. 】

[Nacida: Funina has a will of steel, but in her heart, she also wants to be free and be her true self. 】

[Ye Lan: It is also because of this that Fu Nina dare not tell everyone that the servant once assassinated her. Because a god cannot be frightened on the spot by being assassinated, so in order not to reveal her secret, Funina could only bear it silently alone even though she was assassinated. 】

[Ningguang: And this is one of the scenes. In the past 500 years, how many times has a certain Ningna faced this kind of painful torture? 】

[Kamizato Ayato: Funina’s will has surpassed that of humans, she is a god. 】

[Navia: It turns out that Lady Funina is so lonely. She has been bearing the burden of 500 years alone. She has suffered silently in order to protect the safety of the Fontaine people. Lady Funina is really great! 】

[Zhongli: Water can sometimes cut through steel. 】

[Thunder Movie: However, what is painful for Funina is that she herself does not know the entire plan. She only knows that she must persevere, not to reveal her secret, and not to be discovered by others that she is a fake god. Not knowing the duration of this suffering is really equivalent to a person being sentenced, but not knowing the term of one's own sentence is so painful. 】

[Xiao Gong: You just need to hold on for one more day. Miss Funina, you must hold on! 】

But when the scene officially came to this countless scene, which was the day when Funina was judged, Star God couldn't hold back at all when he saw this.

[Memory Star God Fuli: One person is an actor from beginning to end, and the audience is everyone in Fontaine and the whole world. It took her five hundred years to do it, but no one else knew about all these 19...ah, it was so heart-wrenching. 】

[Same as Star God Xipei: Even if you don’t have any mood swings, can’t you hold it in? 】

[Intellectual Star God Bo Shizun: Sometimes while maintaining divinity, one often loses the joy, anger, sorrow and joy of human nature. What Funina has in her is the ultimate humanity that we are missing. 】

[Hunting Star God Lan: She is a mortal who gives up herself, and she is also a great god. 】

[Balance Star God Hu: She is so kind that she never even suspected that the person in the mirror might deceive her. 】

[Final Star God and King: If everything is a farce after 500 years of perseverance, the individual will collapse. 】

[Pharmacist of the Harvest Star God: She has offered her weakest hope, but I am unable to respond to your request now, my dear fellow. 】

[Immortal Star Dragon: Join me in the path of immortality. I will resolve the curse on her. 】

[Pure Star God Idrila: What needs to be said is that you have fallen, dragon. 】

[Nanook, the Star God of Destruction: Aren’t you the same? 】

[Pure Beauty Star God Idrila: The stars are so close, pure beauty is everywhere. 】

[Gluttonous Star God Oberos: Speaking of which, Aha hasn’t spoken for a long time since he arrogantly swore an oath just now. 】

【Happy Star JOA...)

At this moment, the Aha masks were also silent.

All the emotions were tense like an arrow on a string, and they were all being held back, as if they would flood out as soon as I spoke.

It was also at this time that time officially came to this final scene.

"Scene 182376, Opera House, Fonina and...

The footage this time seems to have once again returned to Baisong Town, which was submerged by the original seawater.

Funina stood by the street, listening to the travelers.

Ying: "Funina... Maybe you really don't need to support yourself like this.'

"Although it's not clear what else you know...your people will be more than willing to share it with you."

[Kafka: What the travelers here said to Fonina are all like temptations from the devil, tempting you to the beginning of your fall. 】

[Edge: I was very moved when I heard it. 】

[Silver Wolf: If you have kept a secret for 500 days, and suddenly someone stands up and says, "It doesn't matter, your secret is actually not that important. Tell it, and everyone will share it with you, and everyone will be happy to share it with you." There is no need to hold on hard." 】

[To be honest, most people will tell their secrets in order to relieve their pain. 】

[Blade: That's right, what's more, Funina didn't persist for 500 days, but persisted for 500 years. For travelers, the temptation is too great. 】

[Kafka: Although the traveler is from the outside world, it doesn’t seem to matter if he tells her, but is Funina really willing to take this risk at the cost of 500 years of perseverance?)

The video is playing now.

The traveler sitting in Fu Nina's inner world was also a little confused.

(Is voice? Could this scene be...when Funina and I were in the "giant magic box"?)

She never thought that her voice would appear at this moment.

It shows that Funina really took her words into her heart.

Otherwise it would be impossible to reflect it in her heart.

He is in such an important scene.

(Great...I didn’t expect this scene to happen again in Fu Nina’s inner world. This time I finally know what Fu Nina wanted to say to me, right?)

[Yin Yuejun: If Linni's magic had started a few seconds later, Ning Na would have definitely revealed the secret. 】

[Fu Xuan: Everything is so unlucky. If enough time had been left for Funina to make her own choice, would she have revealed her secret? 】

[March 7: I really can’t bear to watch anymore. Sometimes I just give up and give myself a break. Maybe it’s nothing. Although I can’t make up my mind myself, seeing this tired makes me feel like I’ve lost my soul. Funina, I feel so distressed!】

[Zhangyun: In order not to reveal his true identity, he was criticized by the audience and questioned by Navilette in the court. If it were a little girl, let alone 500 years, she would definitely not be able to persist in 50 years. 】

[Perla: If...if it were me, maybe I wouldn't be able to hold on for 5 years...]

[Rakshasa: But for Funina, the future is still dark. Maybe it will be another 500 years, another 1,000 years, or maybe it will be an endless period. 】

[Silver Branch: At the crossroads of infinite darkness, how will you choose, my wonderful princess. 】

[Xie'er: Fu Nina has guarded this secret for 500 years. It's time to let it go and stop holding on. 】

But what will happen, no one has a standard answer in their minds.

At the same time, all the Aha masks also had their eyes widened. They eagerly wanted to know how Huang Ning Na would choose if she had to do it all over again!

Telling a secret?

Or continue to endure loneliness?

Even if you may miss this only opportunity in this life!

At this moment, Aha tried not to think about the answer to this question from the perspective of a god, but from the perspective of Funina.

Only then did he realize that he could not refuse the current temptation!

Yes, even Aha himself may choose to give up!

This temptation is too great to refuse!

It was also at this moment that Aha's view of Funina truly changed!

Funina has never been a person who is only full of fun!

She should be a god!!!

Facing the traveler's persuasion, Funina still said with an air of dignity:

"Sharing or something... That's something that's simply impossible. From the beginning, I was destined to be the only one to shoulder this responsibility..."

But Funina didn't look arrogant. Instead, she looked very lonely when she said these words.

[Jingliu: Maybe she herself knows that if she misses the traveler this time, she will really miss it for the rest of her life. 】

[Kafka: After that, I don’t know how many hundreds of years of pain will continue to erode her. 】

[Bronya: Speak out, Funina, maybe the traveler is the only person you can talk to in this life. 】

[Xie'er: This is the best choice when you don't know the deadline. 】

At this time, the traveler's tempting persuasion continued.

Ying: "Since you don't need to share... you can at least choose to talk.

"I am a "witness", just talk to me. "

[Thunder Movie: For Funina, the appearance of the traveler is a gift from an angel, but it may also be a temptation from the devil. 】

[Miko Yae: Maybe nothing will happen if she tells the truth to the travelers, but it is also possible that all the efforts of the past 500 years will be in vain, and she may even have to endure another 500 years of suffering. 】

[Kamizato Ayaka: Sometimes, if you give up, you will immediately relax and relieve yourself of all the burdens. The temptation is too great. 】

At this moment, even Funina was a little shaken in her heart, but her eyes were still dull and she was just murmuring.

"'Witness'...yes, I heard that you came to Teyvat from beyond the star sea, right? That means you never belonged here..."

"If everything in Teyvat is a drama on the stage, then you are just the "audience" in the opera house, right?"

"If it were you..."

[Kamizato Ayato: Travelers here are the biggest test for Funina. 】

[Ningguang: Maybe at this moment, Funina really wanted to tell everything. These 500 years of pain, these 500 years of torture, every day and night of hard work and perseverance. 】

[Ye Lan: I believe that the travelers are also very happy to share the burden, and will not blame Fu Nina for bringing bad emotions to her. 】

[Arataki Ito: I believe that white dwarf viola will also be very willing to listen and enlighten Funina. 】

[Kuki Shinobu: Huh? Boss, why are you so serious all of a sudden? 】

[Arataki Ito: Hehe, I am not a bigoted person. On the contrary, I can see many things clearly. 】

[It's like someone hid a ghost pocket insect that is invincible and powerful in duels. When he takes it out, it can sweep a large area and win the duel championship, but he doesn't use it for hundreds of years. 】

[And now, the champion of an event will receive a super invincible and major award. If you miss this time, you will never find such a generous reward again. 】

[At this time, should we take out this ghost Dou Chong for a duel? Who can resist this temptation? 】

[Kuki Shinobu: (continuous black lines)...Although the metaphor is not very appropriate, for you, boss, the temptation is indeed the same.

. 】

[Arataki Ito: So, don’t insist, a traveler is someone you can trust and keep secrets! 】

At this time, it was Funina's one-man show, and there seemed to be a battle between heaven and man in her mind.

It seemed like another self was struggling to get ashore in the sea, trying its best to persuade.

It was more like being about to fall off a cliff and suddenly grabbing a life-saving straw.

Her voice was aggrieved and full of hope:

(She is right. If it were her, it would be okay to talk, right?)

However, she herself will still deny herself.

(But...if everything does not develop as expected, it is the people of Fontaine who bear the risk.)

(No, Funina, you shouldn't be selfish...

[Bronya: Funina doesn’t want anyone to know that she is not a god, even a “witness” from another world. She has been careful for 500 years, and she doesn’t dare to take a gamble.


[Xie'er: She has really reached her limit. I can feel that her heart is now close to numbness and collapse. 】

[Kafka: She has forced herself to be a god for hundreds of years. Even if she is allowed to be her true self at this moment, can’t she have this little "selfish" power?



Thinking of this, Ning Na sighed.

(But what if it really doesn’t matter?)

(Funina, you have been working hard for so long, so it’s okay to be a little selfish - 030 o’clock, right?)

(You’re not going to do anything extreme, you’re just looking for a suitable person to talk to about your troubles and pain. It shouldn’t matter, right?)

(If you miss this opportunity, you may never find it again?)

(Well...think about it again...)

[Himeko: On the one hand, it is the confession that she wants to vent, and on the other hand, it is the lives of everyone in Fontaine. On both ends of the scale, even if there is a trace of danger, Funina does not dare to risk it.

Her greatness is admirable. 】

[Jingliu: In order to achieve the dream of all Fontaine people to become human beings and escape the sanctions of heaven, she silently endured the loneliness alone, keeping the unspeakable secret. It turns out that this is

This is what Teyvat people often say - "God" loves the world. 】

[Although I don’t understand her, I can’t disrespect her who is so full of divinity. 】

[Ruan Mei: Even though you are in such pain, do you still choose to keep your mouth shut? A competent and respectable god!]

[Jing Yuan: She is fighting and struggling. In this irreversible chess game, if she misses one step, she will lose the whole game. 】

[Fu Xuan: Hesitation is human nature. Choosing to move on is the moment when she becomes a god. 】

[Jingyuan: So, Funina, how will you choose? 】

in the screen.

Funina lowered her eyes and remained silent, her expression serious.

Take deep breaths to calm your nerves.

Everyone is waiting for her answer.

However, until the last gasp of breath——

Funina suddenly seemed to be a different person, and the firm smile returned to her face again.

"Nothing, I have nothing to say."

"I am the god Funina, everything will be fine!"

Seeing this moment, everyone burst into tears and the whole world was shocked!!!

【Man'yo: Insignificant God, Great Human Being!】

[Kamizato Ayato: I would like to pay my highest respect to Ms. Funina. 】

[Ning Guang: With a human body, you are as good as a god, Funina, you are my role model. 】

[Ye Lan: (stands up) This moment makes me stand in awe. 】

[Elhaysen: Although she does not have the power of water at this moment, she is already among the gods. 】

[Wendy: She has always been a god and has never changed. 】

【Yora: A hymn of courage!】

[Arataki Yidou: The strongest soul in all of Teyvat!]

[Navia: It’s been hard work over the past five hundred years!]

[Seno: The laws of heaven are dim at this moment! 】

[Keqing: Is this the real god? 】

[Heart Sea: Tribute to Funina. (Heart Sea·Crying)]

[Thunder Movie: At this moment, her "divinity" has surpassed "humanity". 】

[Son of the Eightfold God: The shadows are afraid of wear and tear, so they hide in the dream paradise for five hundred years, but Funina has endured five hundred years with her human heart. Such a will makes even the gods frightened!]

[Nacida: What a firm will this is. At this moment, there is no doubt that she is the real god. 】

[Zhongli: Worthy of the gods and worthy of justice, at this moment, she has become a god!]

It was also this move that set off huge waves in the Starry Railway World and among the Star Gods!

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