Genshin Impact: Playing Fu Nina, Aha Was Numbed By A Knife

Chapter 68 Funina, An Existence That Is Insurmountable Even By Gods!

Such a shocking prophecy completely shocked the world of Teyvat and the Star Railway World.

Even Silk felt a little uncomfortable, "Why would I tell this prophecy?"

Only the Pioneer knew about this, and he himself was shocked.

“Editing can edit the past, present and future.

"The influence of the Blessing of Destruction has changed all recent timelines, including the consequences and antecedents."

"Because of this, even if what is being played now is the history that just happened, it has also changed because of the changes in the timeline!"

At the moment, no matter in the world of Teyvat or the Starry Railway World, everyone is already crying.

[Blade: Hey! Is this true? Fukalos will also land on Sky Island. Doesn’t that mean that Fukalos is not dead! 】

[Jingliu: Is this prophecy true? Is what the person in front of me said credible? 】

[Yin Yuejun: No matter what, she can freely travel between her world and the world of Teyvat. The prophecies that once happened in Fontaine may have been uttered by the prophet in her mouth. Therefore, her words do have some meaning. Level of credibility. 】

[Kafka: If this is the case, it is possible for Fukalos to be resurrected now or in the future, her regrets can be made up for, and her wish can be realized. 】

[Silver Wolf: This is true, are you kidding me?!]

[Himeko: It’s impossible. Maybe it’s the Star God or some mysterious and great being who takes action. Maybe even he can’t stand it anymore. 】

[Tyvat Yang: Even the historical scenes happening right now can be rewritten. His power is so powerful and mysterious. 】

[Blade: So no matter what, Fukalos can survive! 】

[Bronya: That’s great, I don’t want anyone to die. 】

[Clara: Sister Fukalos doesn’t have to sacrifice, everything has a happy ending~]

Including March 7, Su Shang, and Gui Naifen were so excited that they could hardly speak. Who would have thought that in the prophecy, Fukalos would not be sacrificed.

We will also visit Sky Island in the future.

Even Fukalos is a being who can rewrite Teyvat's fate.

When they thought of this, even if they hadn't seen Fukalos yet, everyone felt somewhat confident.

But I'm still a little worried.

[Ye Lan: I hope everything is not a conspiracy or a joke, but the best choice is to see Fukalos come alive with your own eyes. 】

[Ningguang: Although this is what is said, the last "prophecy" that was circulated made Funina wait for 500 years...]

[Keqing: Yes, if you have to wait another 500 years, then it will be too painful! 】

[Xinhai: But this is always a good thing for Fukalos, we can only wish him the best. 】

[Gan Yu: This is the only way. If this is the case, I will be very happy. She deserves a happy and happy ending. 】

[Traveler: I cried, I really cried. It’s great that Fukalos is okay! 】

[Paimon: Woohoo, good people must be rewarded! Now we can see Fukalos again... although we don't know when. 】

At this moment, in the real world.

Not long ago, the Xumi F4 ship docked at the Fontaine port.

As soon as Kawei got off the boat, he was still sad about losing Fukalos, but he turned around and saw the new "prophecy" mentioned on the screen. He was about to tell Alhaysen about this good thing, but in the blink of an eye, Al Hessen disappeared.

"Where are the others?" Kawei was shocked.

Sano and Tinari said they didn't know either.

Kawei was so angry that his teeth itched: "I knew this guy was unreliable! He definitely has other purposes for coming to Fontaine!"

Momang Palace, office, Mei Luxin reported.

"Lord Villette, there are guests from Xumi outside, saying that they have something very urgent to do with you.

"Invite him in," Navilette said.

At this time, Traveler and Paimon happened to arrive. They were originally going to say goodbye and see Villette for the last time, but they happened to bump into this scene.

Not long after, a man with gray hair and a dark green cloak walked in.

The person coming was none other than Alhaysen.

After introducing himself, Elhaysen went straight to the point and said:

"According to the request of Mr. Little Lucky Grass King, I came to ask Fontaine for the components of the Cardinal's decree."

Villette was shocked in his heart, but his face remained calm: "The oracle machine has lost its function, and now it is just a broken machine. "What does the little Lucky Grass want to do?"

"Or to put it another way, if I hand over the oracle machine to you, what can Fontaine get?"

Elhaysen's pupils flickered: "Can you get————"

"The fate of heaven."

The traveler and Paimon were completely confused.

These words are obviously painting a cake, everything is illusory.

In particular, Elhaysen gives people the feeling of "I am designing everything." What he says needs to be listened to deeply for the deeper meaning, otherwise it will definitely not be as simple as it seems.

At this time, Navilette took a breath and said in a low voice:

"How are you going to transport it?"

Elhaysen: "Before I came to Fontaine, I had privately contacted a caravan, and their ship could be used to transport normal trading goods to Xumi without being discovered by anyone."

Villette admired the shrewdness of the man in front of him, "That's fine, just take it."

"I hope that Little Lucky Grass King can take good care of this oracle and ruling cardinal.

Paimon's mouth opened wide when he saw this.

"What happened? Hey, Traveler, why does Nasita want this Fontaine machine? Does Sumeru also have people who need to be judged?"

After the traveler pondered for a moment, he understood everything.

"Of course not. Didn't you see the prophecy that just arrived?"

"Fukalos will be resurrected, and maybe, she has already been resurrected! She just still exists in the oracle machine!"

"Right now, since Fukalos is dead, even if he is resurrected, it is better to use the trick and pretend that Fukalos is dead and continue to deceive the laws of heaven."

"Until the end, when the gods go to Sky Island, Fukalos will be a surprise soldier and play a vital role."

"The key is to deceive the laws of nature."

"And Fengdan is under the surveillance of Tianli everywhere. It is difficult to hide. If you are not careful, clues will be exposed. It is better to hide in Jingshan Palace where Tianli doesn't pay much attention."

"Besides, with Nacida as a companion, Fukalos won't be so lonely."

Paimon suddenly realized: "Well! So that's it! Traveler, you are really smart!"

The traveler smiled on the surface, but secretly he was more scared.

Everything that happens now should have been planned a long time ago. "Song Shigong-

The prophecy had just appeared, how could Nacida know that Phokalos would be resurrected before?

Even the caravan had been found in advance. Obviously Nasida should have started planning long in advance.

How did she know there would be a resurrection scene of Fukalos?

Is this the power of gods?

But no matter what, the only good news is that Fukalos is resurrected! And with Nasida accompanying him, there will definitely not be any big chaos!

Without the power of the gods, Fukalos became an ordinary person like Funina, and her wish was realized.

The traveler was very happy. For Fukalos, this could be regarded as fulfilling her wish. Maybe she could dress up and learn dancing with Nelu at the Grand Bazaar.

Of course, this scene was also known to Zhongli and others in various unknown ways.

Zhongli put down his tea cup and felt much better.

"This is the best ending."

Lei Qianqian sat on the chair with relief: "This makes me feel relieved."

Wendy: "That's great. I didn't know Nasida was hiding this trick."

Nacida: "Haha, the god Fukaros should be recorded by the world. As for her in the oracle machine now, she should also have a beautiful destination. Come to my house as a guest~

At this time, everyone in the Qun Jade Pavilion who knew the truth was getting better, but in the eyes of outsiders, Fengdan had really lost the water god, and this had not changed.

And why did Fukalos, who had no divine power, still land on Sky Island?

Aren't you going to die?

The gods were actually worried in their hearts, but they didn't say it out loud.

Maybe Aha knows the answer to this.

In the future, Fukalos, who has gained the power of joy, may really be able to eliminate the laws of heaven and change the fate of Teyvat.

But that’s all for another day.

At this time, in the screen, the timeline began to catch up bit by bit.

The people of Fontaine are experiencing a huge flood, and countless people have emerged.

They did not dissolve in the sea, but were truly like humans, able to swim and be rescued in the polluted water of the original womb sea.

Whether it is an underwater prison, a huge ship created under Leosli's supervision, or a civilian ship mobilized by the assassins:

Or Linni, Linnet and Femini were rescuing the trapped members underwater. In short, in the face of disaster, everyone was working together to treat everyone.

The flood did not stay for long and gradually receded in a very short time.

The Fontaine people in the picture still don’t know what’s going on (bjbj), but everyone who sees this place already knows the cause and effect.

Especially when they saw the picture, Funina walked out of the opera house in a daze, holding on to the wall, looking at the scene in front of her in a panic, and said, "The it false?"

At this moment, everyone could no longer control their tears!

[Only now do we understand how much Fukalos and Funina have paid behind the scenes!]

[I really couldn’t bear it anymore and burst into tears!]

[We have been reborn, we are no longer pure water elves, we are humans!]

【There is no more sin, now there really is no sin on us!】

[But I really want to cry when I see this. Master Fukalos just died with all our sins. 】

[Although there is news of resurrection, it is still a prophecy after all. I don’t know when it will happen. I just hope that if the prophecy is true, Master Fukalos, you must live happily this time! 】

[Live your own life, find your own friends, and live a "selfish" life for yourself!]

[The same goes for Lady Funina! 】

[The prophecy is true, Lady Funina, you did it! These 500 years of pain are over! Thank you for your hard work!!!]

[You have done enough for us, you are really tired, take a rest!]

At this moment, the trial team.

[Linny: Don’t Lady Funina like to watch magic shows? I will hold thirty grand magic shows in Fontaine for free for Lady Funina to enjoy! 】

[Fimini: I think if I find any exquisite scallops or pearls in the sea, I can give them to Lady Funina as an apology. 】

[Linette: Sometimes you don’t need anything precious, just a warm greeting will do, but exquisite desserts are essential. 】


Lord Fukalos, Lord Funina, no matter where you are now, I really hope that you can live a life that belongs to you. Of course, we can have dessert together if we have time.

Let’s have afternoon tea together~]

[Charlotte: Woohoo, it turns out that what the servant said before, drinking tea, watching a show and eating desserts is their highest luxury. 】

[Clorind: Hey, please stop looking for the knife, okay? I'm already a little out of breath...

[Xigwen: Miss Clolinde, what's wrong with you? You can let the head nurse take a look. 】

[Charlotte: It’s okay. She is too tight in front. Just loosen the first and second buttons, right?]

[Clorind:…………(blushing) You’re looking for a beating!]

The dark clouds of Fontaine dissipated at this moment.

The oracle machine was also packed into ordinary cargo in a corner where no one was watching, shortly after the flood submerged, and when the order was slightly disordered, and loaded onto the cargo ship bound for Xumi.

And the personal legend belonging to Fu Nina also arrived at this moment.

The scene to be played next is no longer the history that happened before.

But if there is no video, the story will proceed according to the normal original story line.

In other words, without the video appearing, the people of Fontaine would not have known about the deeds of Funina and Fukalos.

Then Fu Nina's dedication becomes a one-man show. No one knows, no one understands, and no one cares.

No one is even grateful.

No one knows what a great way Fukalos ended, and how Nina endured these 500 years of pain.

That is such a heartbreaking feeling!

So in this case, how will they treat Funina after the prophecy?

How will the people feel after they learn that a great hero like Funina has been eating noodles for weeks by herself?

How cute and kind is Funina, who likes to play with kittens, in her daily life?

Will Funina make new friends?

Will everyone join in the fun of Liyue’s Hai Lantern Festival?

After watching the comparison video, will everyone feel better about Funina?

There is no harm without contrast.

The Pioneers decided to present all this through editing and comparison.

At this moment, a reminder appeared in everyone's mind again.

[The playback of "Sinner's Dance" has temporarily come to an end. 】

[Upcoming play: Genshin Impact’s Ten Most Unforgettable Scenes——Funina]

【"The Daughter of Water"】

Everyone became excited, but they did not expect that the protagonist of the next video would be Feng Ningna!

[Man'yo: That's great, I just didn't see enough! 】

[Kamizato Ayaka: According to the timeline, it should be the content after the prophecy. 】

[Thunder Movie: (Still heartbroken) As a god, she sacrificed herself; as a human, she persisted alone for 500 years. Now, it’s time to rest. 】

[Zhongli: Although Funina has a human body, her will is beyond the reach of even most demon gods. This year’s Hai Lantern Festival, I invite Funina to spend it with us


[Wendy: Hehe, it’s really exciting, but we don’t know what Fu Nina will be like in her life after the prophecy. [Will she be accepted as a human being by everyone?


[Nacida: Maybe there will be an answer in the video. 】

At this point, the picture starts playing.

It happened to be the scene where the traveler Paimon was talking to Navilette after the prophecy.

Paimon: "I heard that Fonina has left. What's going on?"

Navilette was a little sad: "Ms. Funina——the people only know that her death sentence was not actually executed.

"She resigned from the position of Water Goddess, handed over the nominal affairs to me, and left the Opera House."

"I faithfully and fully relayed Fukalos' last words. After listening to her, she showed no sadness or relief..."

"It's just that...she is tired and needs to rest.

"...After saying this, she packed up her things and moved out of the opera house like ordinary people moving."

Seeing this, all the viewers felt even more sad, and those with low tears couldn't help but burst into tears.

All Fontaine people have a common idea. Funina is already an insurmountable existence even to the gods. She is the well-deserved Water Goddess.

But seeing this, Navilette, who was the party involved, was the first to notice something was wrong.

[Navilet: No, everything that happened in the video is not what happened in the past, present and future. It seems to be... what happened in parallel time and space. 】

As soon as the Villette barrage came out, everyone was stunned!!

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