Genshin Impact: Playing Fu Nina, Aha Was Numbed By A Knife

Chapter 7 The Young Master Is Arrested And Challenges Funina!

On the high platform of the Opera House, looking at the eager and hopeful eyes of the Fontainebleau people, Funina hesitated and said:

"Of course! I am the noble Water God. I naturally have many solutions. You don't need to worry~!"

When the people from Fontaine heard this, they raised their eyebrows and felt relieved.

"Wow, that's great."

"I just said Lady Funina is very reliable!"

“It’s so gratifying to have such a great god in Fontaine~”

"Thank you Lady Funina!"

However, after hearing such praise, Funina herself was not only not as happy as before, but her expression became more worried.

It was just that in the darkness of the light, no one at the scene noticed this.

[ Skirmisher: Well, I’m pretty sure that the Water God from Fontaine just said what she said was just prevarication. In fact, she didn’t have much to do about it herself. 】

[Seno: Is Fontaine really going to be submerged as predicted? 】

[Xiao Gong: In that many children will be displaced soon? 】

[Kuki Shinobu: If it goes as predicted, even Fontaine's children will be dissolved in the sea. 】

[Kamizato Ayaka: It’s so scary... But the distance between Inazuma and Fengdan is too far. Is there anything I can do now? 】

【Star God Chat Room】

When Happy Star God Aha saw this, nine of the ten masks were laughing wildly.

"Hahahaha, in the continent of Teyvat, there are still people who can dissolve in water. What kind of ridiculous setting is this?"

"It's fun, it's so fun!"

However, what people didn't expect was that it was only the main mask that had been speaking before, and Aha's body had split into countless spiritual personalities.

Insidious Mask: "Hiss, everyone will dissolve, but the Water God will not. It is hard not to imagine that this is a conspiracy of the Water God."

Mask of Sadness: "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuquazzies...Does the Water God want to watch his own people die with his own eyes and be unable to do anything?"

Mask of Mercy: "May God have mercy on you, and may joy save all creatures in Fontaine."

Evil Mask: "What will it look like if Fontaine is submerged and everyone dissolves? It's more fun now."

Happy Mask: "Let's make a fuss~flood~dissolve~"

The voice of the fat, black, Void Star God IX seemed to come from the black hole abyss: "It's so noisy."

Nanook, the Star God of Destruction: "It will pass if you endure it."

Hunting Star God Lan: "Tolerance? This doesn't seem to be your character for destroying the Star God."

Memory Star God Fuli: "Hundreds of Amber Ages ago, the Destruction Star God Nanook was defeated by one of the masks of the Joy Star God Aha. His whole body was shattered and cannot be healed to this day..."

Nanook, the Star God of Destruction: "Enough of the ice! If you don't speak, no one will treat you as a mute!"

Sympathetic Star God Shippe: "Hehehe, no wonder Nanook's temper has improved."

The Star God is forcing Graman outside, and every move can destroy countless planetary creatures and entire galaxies.

Who would have thought that when they entered the chat room, they would be just like ordinary people complaining.

But perhaps, this is just one of the unknown aspects of Star God.

Most of the time, they are still myths and legends that span the world and are worshiped by hundreds of millions of creatures.

As the plot progresses rapidly, Linney's magic assistant dies unexpectedly. Unexpectedly, the deceased himself is the murderer.

Although Linni's suspicion has been removed, there is a more important matter at the moment - the murderer of the Fontaine girls' serial disappearance has not been caught yet!

The real murderer is still at large, and Traveler and Paimon join the investigation.

The most important thing is that if they encounter that terrifying primitive sea of ​​​​fetus, at least the two travelers will not be dissolved.

However, I didn't expect that a few days later.

A familiar figure was pushed to the trial stage of the Opera House.

Villette said seriously:

"Do you accept the accusation of the murderer in the "Serial Disappearance of Girls" case? Young Master, Dadalia. "

This scene made all the fools and all the executives feel numb.

[Skicker: Oh? Can’t you tell that Dadalia also killed many girls from Fontaine? 】

[Harlequin Piero: What did he do in Fontaine, sir? 】

[Servant Arecino: Even I can't catch his whereabouts. It seems that he must have done a lot of stupid things in private. 】

[Rich Man Pantalone: ​​Oh? Do you need me to pay to fish him out? 】

[Girl Columbia: Is the young master about to be judged by the water god? There's something good to watch now. 】

[Puppet·Sandogne: Fun. 】

In the picture, Dadalia also looked confused.

"To be honest, I don't understand your complicated trial procedures, and why you insist on assigning me an inexplicable charge."

"But I heard that the accused can choose to use a duel to prove their innocence, right?"

"So for me, as long as I accept the charge, I can fight without reservation, right?"

[Harlequin Piero: (with a dark look on his face) It is indeed the style of a young man to love duels. 】

[Paimon: It’s not difficult for him at all. 】

[Traveler: This brain circuit is worthy of you...]

[Live broadcast room Star Dome Railway Chat Room]

[Gui Naifen: Hey, that seems to be the truth. 】

[Huo Huo: Just for a fight, you have to confess to a serial murderer. Is this really good? 】

[Blade: I admire this Dada Duck very much. 】

[Kingryu: (Correction) It’s Dadalia. 】

[Yan Qing: It can be seen that he is very confident and his strength should not be low. If I have the chance, I would also like to have a discussion with this Mr. Dada Duck. 】

[Mirror flow: (blood pressure 50%)——]

[Bai Lu: Wow! Is Yanqing going to fight with that Dada duck? I want to see! I want to see! 】

[Mirror flow: (blood pressure 80%)——]

[Jing Yuan: This chance is very slim, but it is not impossible. The premise is that Mr. Dada Duck himself can come out of the world of Teyvat, otherwise we will not be able to get close to it for the time being. 】

[Jing Liu: (explosion) Enough! Enough! It's Dadalia! Dadalia! 】

In the scene, facing the young master's disrespect for the Tribunal, Funina stood up and said.

"Hey, please understand, you are a suspect in a crime! This is not a place for you to start a fight."

Not only was the young master not intimidated, but his eyes brightened even more.

"Oh? It sounds like Lord Water God wants to tell me some truths about the Opera House..."

"Then Lord Water God, do you want to give it a try? I am better at learning through fierce battles."

[Kavi: Can you still fight the water god? Is there such a good thing? 】

[Liyue Che Wang Yinger: (shy) Use, use your body to learn? 】

[Manyo: If he wants to fight a god, is he really not afraid of death? 】

[Happy Masks: OK, OK, let’s fight, let’s fight! 】

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