Genshin Impact: Playing Fu Nina, Aha Was Numbed By A Knife

Chapter 76 Heartbroken! Nacida: Funina Is The God

[Lei Movie: Don’t you like novels about freedom, pursuit of fun, and happiness? Never write about knives. 】

[Yatae Shenzi: Hahaha, maybe there is no need for me at all. 】

[Kavi: But having said that, these people in the video should already know that Miss Funina is no longer the water goddess, but they still don’t know what she has done in the past five hundred years. ]

[Even so, they did not regard Miss Funina as a liar, but still loved her so much, which shows that the actors in their troupe really like the leader, and they really like Miss Funina from the bottom of their hearts. 】

[Elhaysen: You are right, but you can say it longer next time so that the screen can be used. 】

[Kavi: (cold eyes) Please stop talking! 】

[March 7: Oh, I see that the people, whether in real life or in the video, still support Funina, which makes me feel a little relieved. 】

[Dan Heng: Maybe the residents of Baisong Town in the video don’t think so. After all, they don’t know the truth yet. 】

[March 7: Huh? That’s too... worrying, right? Really, Villette won’t help with publicity either. 】

[Himeko: Sometimes, if the development of things adds too much fuel to the flames, it will have the opposite effect. 】

[Walter Young: Maybe some people will say that Villette is deceiving them, deliberately looking for excuses for the water goddess Funina who does nothing, and colluding with each other. It is better to move forward slowly. One day, the people will know the truth. . 】

[Sea Patroller Huangquan: (Thunder and lightning Mei Yi’s sense of sight) That’s right. 】

As for the direction of the story of the series, each member of the troupe in the picture has almost different opinions and ideas.

Lawick also expressed worry: "It has not been decided yet whether it should be a happy ending or a tragedy with practical significance.

[Yinzhi: Oh? I suggest that it should have an ending of pure love, which can capture people's hearts more. 】

[Yinlang: There are just a few plots of the story, just pick one at random. 】

[Kafka: Maybe the plot structure will be old-fashioned, but the people in it will be different, so the direction and ending of the story will be different. 】

[Bronya: Art works require logic, but reality does not...]

[Blade: Why are you talking so much? Fu Nina is here, she decides whatever she wants. 】

Funina thought thoughtfully: "The practical significance, does it refer to the sudden disappearance of the leader..."

Delphi nodded: "Well, reality is always much more absurd than the stories processed by Art 19."

"But whether it is necessary to use the stage to convey our pain to the audience intact is another matter."

Lawick: "That's right. Many people watch performances just for entertainment. It's impossible for us to perform on stage without considering their feelings."

[Memory Star God Fuli: All joys and sorrows, separation and reunion, aren’t they okay? 】

[Aha, the Star God of Destruction: Destroy them all, everything will be reduced to nothing, that is the most beautiful ending. 】

[Happy Star God Aha: Ice Cube can be said to have spoken a human saying. Sadness is one’s own sadness, but it may be the happiness of others. 】

[Mask of Compassion: The subject is so right. 】

[Clown Mask: Cultured. 】

[Mourning Mask: It is just a simple joy, destined to never become a classic and eternal. It is better to have a tragic ending. 】

[The Mask of Evil: Were you fooled by a knife? There is a happy ending, why is there a need for tragedy? 】

[Deception Mask: We can’t fight, @mourning Mask, when have we ever been so angry? 】

[Mourning Mask: Fuck! I’ve been unhappy with this evil face for a long time!] Happy Star God Aha fights with himself every day.

The other Star Gods have long been accustomed to this.

[Same as the star god Xipei: Maybe this is also a kind of happiness when he is alone, as if Neurotic is talking to himself in the corner, still enjoying it, and from time to time he will make sinister or manic laughter, different Will you cry alone to sadness. 】

[Nanook, the Star God of Destruction: It is not an exaggeration to say that he has some bipolar disorder. 】

The screen continues to play at this time.

Lawick held his forehead depressedly: "Another point is that two key actors have not returned to the troupe yet."

"One of them is Poirot, who plays the protagonist's lover. He is in retreat to create a temporary ending, but the appointed time has passed.

"The other one is Wilmont, who plays the main villain. He has been in a state of depression since the captain left and has never returned to Fontainebleau.

"He once wrote a letter saying that he would participate in the final performance, but he has not shown up yet. I don't know what he means."

Delphi: "But since Ms. Funina is willing to help us now, maybe we can also take this opportunity to call them back?"

Funina didn't understand.

"Why "take this opportunity"?"

Delphi smiled and said: "Haha, you may not know something, but your name has a strong appeal to us.'

Lawik nodded frequently: "After all, he is talked about by the leader all day long. He is really a role model."

Funina raised her hand with a smile on her face.

"It's so embarrassing for you to say that. But hey, I don't hate this feeling."

[Paimon: Hey, where is the super idol Funing!]

[Kavi: Support, support~! Miss Funina, when will the performance start? I can’t wait! This Xumi Support Club must prepare a big surprise for you! 】

[Elhaysen: Oh? When are we going to prepare a surprise? Why didn’t I know? 】

[Kavi: (pursed his lips) You just need to take a look, I don’t even expect you to help prepare, right? 】

[Seno: This... I was originally here to save Funina, but unexpectedly it turned out to be a star-chasing journey? 】

[Tinari: Although it is different from what was expected, the ending is still good. 】

And this time, not only Xumi F4 was excited, but all the people in Fontaine were also excited.

[After all, the prophecy is over, and the original sin in us has disappeared. 】

[Lady Funina’s performance is our celebration banquet! 】

[It is also a large-scale event to commemorate Lord Fukalos! 】

[Yes! We are so excited! Lady Funina performed for us in person, which is such a blessing! 】

[Wow! Now when I think about what Lady Funina looked like on the stage at that time, I feel so excited. Lady Funina on the stage must be so beautiful!]

【I really want to see it!】

[There will be a scene with Mr. Yun Jin in Liyue at the end of the year, which is great! Lots of surprises!]

[Blade: When can I go to Teyvat! (Reluctant)]

[Yin Yuejun: Even if you meet Miss Funina, you will definitely be too nervous to say a word, right? 】

[Blade: (staring at "Yin Yuejun" with scarlet eyes) Please be a mute. If you don't agree, I can help you. 】

[Miko Yae: Haha, seeing the arrogant look of Funina in the picture is really cute. 】

[Yao Yao: I also really like Feng Dan’s Water God. 】

[Qi Liangliang: Hey! I seem to have become a person who is loved and respected by everyone like Lady Funina~]

[Yura: The only regret is that in the story in the picture, maybe only the theater troupe respects Funina, and people outside don’t know what happened to Ms. Funina. 】

[Qin: Yes, I look forward to the day when the Fontaine people in the picture also know the truth. 】

The screen continues to play.

Funina looked serious.

"I think they haven't come back for a long time. Maybe it's because the prospects of the previous performances are still very unclear, so everyone is a little suspicious."

"Now that the obstacles to the performance are being resolved one by one, it's time to get them back.

Delphi: "That makes sense. Let's take a look at the most important thing first - how is Poirot's ending written?'

"He returned to Baisong Town a few days ago. He said that staying at a friend's house would relax his mind and avoid the feeling of being surrounded by loneliness."


[Yin Yuejun: To be honest, I felt a little PT$ when I saw these three words. 】

[Jackdaw: Yes, Baisong Town encountered a sea disaster before, and many people died at that time. At that time, they thought that Funina did nothing, so when the disaster struck, there were so many casualties. 】

[In the scene, they still don’t know that Fu Nina has done so much for them, so they should still hold a grudge against Fu Nina. Sister, are you right?】

[Xue Yi: Maybe that’s the case. I don’t understand the complicated emotions here. 】

[Tingyun: Now that the disaster in Fontaine is over and the prophecy has been broken, the residents of Baisong Town should also know about it. The little girl thinks they will be relieved, right? 】

[Bronya: Time will heal the pain, but who can say for sure about life, separation, and death? The residents of Yousong Town will not forget it not long after the accident. 】

[March 7: Really, Funina didn’t let the water pour in. If you want to find it, just look for that whale and the mysterious master? They caused a big mess, but in the end they left as if nothing happened. , not even compensation. 】

[Gui Naifen: Let’s just say that, their pets caused the disaster in Teyvat, so they should be compensated for it, right? As a result, the whale was captured back, and nothing happened. 】

[Su Shang: I’m really a little angry, and then Funina should bear all the sins? How can there be such a thing! 】

At present, everyone in the Star Railway World was filled with indignation, and they all expressed their grievances for Funina.

Even the Star God thinks so.

[Wisdom Star God Bo Shi Zun: The logic of the matter is indeed like this. 】

[Memory Star God Fu Li: Sometimes, strength is also part of confidence. According to various historical records, with absolute strength, one can bully others at will without having to bear any moral and legal condemnation and punishment. 】

[History has always been like this. 】

[Pharmacist of the Harvest Star God: So do we. 】

[The Gluttonous Star God Oberos: Feeding on the planet and all living creatures, I really have not considered their feelings. 】

[Symonic star god Xipei: So what Fuli means is that the woman named Silko is powerful, so she can ignore the disaster caused to Teyvat, and then use the excuse that the prophecy will inevitably happen, even without her Whales and Fontaine will also suffer disasters. 】

[Happy Star God Aha: (sneering) Heh, why can that Silkker be able to travel between her world and the world of Teyvat at will? How jealous! Even the laws of heaven cannot escape. It was obvious that the disaster was caused by them alone, and in turn it was all Funina's fault. There is no such truth in the whole world!]

[Nanook, the Star God of Destruction: I suspect that what you are talking about now is all about yourself. After all, you can ignore all these rules and regulations in order to have fun. 】

[Balance Star God Hu: Okay, let’s continue watching the video. Maybe nothing happened to Funina? She won’t be criticized. We are all anxious here out of thin air. ]

The Balance Star God came out to smooth things over, and the quarrels between the Star Gods calmed down for a while.

The screen continues to play.

Lawick said: "The former town of Baisong is not

It was because of the disaster. I thought his friend didn't want to be disturbed, but it seemed to be the opposite.

Paimon expressed his understanding: "Well, maybe I need one more person to talk to."

Funina thought of something at this time and lowered her head in shame.


[Blade: Fu Nina, you don’t need to feel any guilt. What you have done cannot be accomplished by another person. 】

[Yin Yuejun: If it were another person, not only Baisong Town would no longer exist, but perhaps the entire Fengdan would have been destroyed. 】

[Silver Wolf: Fu Nina has done so well, yet she still feels ashamed. Why is she so kind? 】

[Kafka: Until now, Funina has not asked for anything in return. Hasn’t she done enough? 】

[Bronya: Yes, stop blaming yourself and feeling guilty. 】

[Xie'er: Hey, it's really heartbreaking to see it. 】

in the screen.

The traveler noticed something strange: "What's wrong?"

[Yingmei: I really have no emotional intelligence in this video. Didn’t I just hear about Funina from Villette? It’s really irritating. 】

[Paimon: Traveler, don’t talk about yourself like that, maybe you’re just a little too nervous and didn’t realize it? 】

[Yingmei: The most important thing to do at this time is to take care of Fu Ningna's mood. She still doesn't open and lift any pot. At this time, it is obvious that because of the previous incident [Mo Ye is very guilty. 】

The scene is just like Yingmei said.

Funina lowered her eyes and decided to do something, so her attitude returned to normal.

"Nothing, I am indispensable to cheer up that Poirot, right?

"Then let's set off to Yinbaisong Town."

[Ye Lan: Obviously Funina has a shadow over this matter. 】

[Ningguang: Yes, this is not the first time she has blamed herself for this incident. 】

[Kamizato Ayaka: However, in order to protect the identity of the water god from being exposed, Funina protected these secrets and was still unable to inform the people of Fontaine of the truth and her efforts. But what is happening now

The situation has been resolved, but Funina still didn't ask for anything in return for honor. 】

[Lei Movie: Funina is worthy of the people of Fontaine. 】

[Nacida: (She admits from the bottom of her heart) She is a god. 】

In reality, Funina felt extremely beautiful when she heard these compliments.

[Miko Yae: She likes to praise, but she is not a vain person;]

[Although she is exaggerated on the surface, she is also a person who understands profound principles;]

【Who wouldn’t love such a god? 】

Funina almost blushed at the praise.

"You, the eighth-level palace minister in a foreign country, understand me so well...

Yae Shenzi: "I am telling the truth. You can also call me Shenzi."

Funina: "Okay, Miss Shenzi, let's meet and chat later~"

In reality, Funina was on her way to meet up with the travelers and her group of girlfriends.

In the picture, Fu Nina also set off with the traveler to Baisong Town.

The scene turned and everyone was already on the road to Baisong Town.

Baisong Town, which has been washed away by the flood, is as usual, but it is not as dilapidated as usual. The buildings and public facilities have been almost restored.

A group of people came to a house.

"If I remember correctly, he lives here."

Lawick stepped forward and knocked on the door.

Soon there was a sound from inside the house.

"Who is it?"

Lawick responded: "It's me. Have you finished writing your notebook?"

The man in the house was obviously Poirot.

"Why did you chase me here?"

Lawick: "Oh, don't worry about this, come out first, there is good news.

Poirot: "Tsk, who believes you? Wait for me for a while, I'm already finishing it. I'll come out as soon as I finish writing."

Lawick: "Okay, I look forward to your masterpiece."

Funina saw all this.

"It seems that as expected, the manuscript has been delayed."

Delphy: “After all, the ending is a very important part of this play.

"After he writes it, all of us actors have to watch it again. Only if everyone agrees can it become the final ending."

At this time, a familiar voice came from the distance.

"Someone just told me that I thought I saw it wrong. It turned out to be you and Medical Ningna."

It turned out that Navia came out.

When Funina saw Navia, she couldn't help but lower her eyes and looked away unconsciously.

"As expected, I will still meet her."

Seeing this, everyone felt even more distressed.

Even when Aha saw this scene, he felt as if his heart had been stabbed with a knife again. .

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