Genshin Impact: Playing Fu Nina, Aha Was Numbed By A Knife

Chapter 80 Funina’S Anger, Is This The End?

On the screen, Funina was smiling.

But outside the screen, everyone's eyes were wet and filled with tears when they saw this.

Now even the people of Fontaine know how difficult it was for Funina to come along!

[Wendy: That’s great. Fu Nina’s smile is more heartfelt and sincere than any smile she has performed before. 】

[Nacida: Yes, I won’t have that kind of torture every day from now on. 】

[Lei Movie: Fortunately, Funina is left with a happy ending. However, it would be great if Fukalos could do the same and let go of his smile. 】

Having said this, Lei Movie is still a little sad.

[Nacita: Yes, everything will be fine. 】

At this time, the merchant ship transporting the cardinal oracle was already on its way to Sumeru.

All four gods understand.

For Fukalos, Xumi is a foreign country.

She completed all the tasks entrusted by the previous Water God, and also fulfilled the expectations of the people of Fontaine for the Water God.

She was a pure water elf who just wanted to become a human. Initially, her wish was just to become an ordinary human.

And now, this is still her wish.

If it weren’t for that mysterious person…………

At this time, the four gods were quite confused and even a little afraid of that mysterious and great existence.

They didn't understand who saved Fukalos.

But at least, we should be on the same side with them now.

Zhongli: "I just don't know who this mysterious being is?"

And on the Star God's side.

Aha also sighed and sighed when he saw this scene, but he did not say it clearly.

[Mourning Mask: After talking to the traveler, Funina's mood obviously improved a lot. 】

[Mask of Compassion: Sometimes, I even ask myself, do I have friends? 】

The words of the Mask of Compassion instantly caused a knowing blow from all the personalities of Aha, including the main body, and even the soul was trembling!

[Yanlu Mask: It seems like someone stabbed the lung tube with a straight "zero seventy"......

[Trickster Mask: When I look back and think about it, it seems like we really have no friends. 】

[Clown Mask: So in the end, we become clowns? 】

[Happy Mask: Could it be that the most fundamental reason why we pursue fun is to relieve our loneliness? 】

The sudden self-questioning made Happy Aha fall into depression.

[Memory Star God Fuli: He may not have expected that when watching Funina's video, he could see a state of self-denial. 】

[Common star god Xipei: In fact, Aha and Funina have some very similar situations. Funina also has the truth, but she doesn’t have any friends. 】

[The same goes for Aha. He knew the truth about the operation of the entire universe, and then——he lost everything. 】

[Intellectual Star God Bodhisattva: So he is constantly looking for ways to be happy, and he is covering up his inner loneliness. 】

[The Final Star God and the Last King: Sometimes, aren’t we the same? 】

The Star Gods fell into silence. Who would have thought that when watching Fu Nina's video, Ji Star God would have some doubts about life.

As for what the answer is, each Star God is different.

They continue to look in the video.

The picture continues to play at this moment.

Funina was also amused and felt much better.

"Pigs are also quite interesting. I remember that they were the characters who raised the little pure water elves.

Lawick responded: "Yes, it said earnestly to the young pure water elf——"

"Becoming a human means hiding secrets, experiencing pain, and being alone. Even so, are you willing?"

Paimon was surprised: "Hey, it sounds a bit..."

[Mandrill: This sentence is just like Fukalos asking Funina. 】

[Yura: Yes, isn’t this sentence a true portrayal of Huang Ningna? 】

[Keqing: Thinking about it this way, this sentence is really shocking. 】

[Funina: (she is also a little confused) Oh my God, this is basically talking about me...]

[Xingqiu: And this sentence was written by the group leader. She is really amazing. 】

[Ye Shenzi: If the "human beings" here are replaced by "gods", "Becoming a god means hiding secrets, experiencing pain, and being alone. Even so, are you willing?" This is Funina's answer. Really experienced. 】

[Lei Movie: Then Funina chose to be willing for Fontaine and the people. 】

[Kamizato Ayaka: It’s so sad. 】

[Nacida: This is also a prophet. 】

Dilphy continued in the video.

"This is the core line in the script. I think this is the portrayal of Tuan Zhangsheng."

"She never showed us the annoying side of the troupe, but just let us enjoy the pure performance."

"So after she left, we discovered how difficult it is to run a theater company."

Funina had mixed feelings.

"You said before, "home"

Delphi nodded, "Well, because I had that strange disease since I was born, and my family found that it couldn't be cured, so they didn't want me anymore.

"I work alone outside to buy medicine. When I get sick, I lie in the alley for a few days, like a beggar."

Lawick on the side looked at her with pitiful eyes.

Delphi's experience couldn't help but move everyone.

[Yin Yuejun: There are miserable people everywhere, but there are really few like them. 】

[Kingryu: Not even. 】

[Huo Huo: I was abandoned like this (grieved)]

[Ke Lai: Same. (Crying out tears)】

[Qiqi: So... painful. 】

[Kafka: Oh, poor people. 】

Delphi said: "Later, the group leader said that I had a nice voice and wanted to learn singing from her, so I agreed."

"She not only taught me how to sing, but also helped me buy medicine and took care of me when I got sick... These were all a heavy burden for her.

Paimon: "Then she's really awesome."

[Sushang: Wa Xie, you really deserve to die!]

[Gui Naifen: This group leader is so kind. 】

[Yanqing: Alas, such a kind person has such a tragic fate. Why do I practice swordsmanship? Is it to save people like this?】

[Edge: To kill the person who caused them such harm. 】

[Jingliu: Stop teaching bad children. 】

[Yanqing: Big sister, I am not a child! 】

[Jingyuan: (I feel numb)...Yanqing, don't call her "sister" anymore. She is my master. 】

【Yanqing: Then what should I be called?】

[Jingyuan: (smiling), call me grandma. 】

[Jingliu: (with a frantic face) Who are you calling grandma? Jingyuan, I think you are looking for a fight! 】

Lawik echoed in the screen.

"Of course, the leader puts all her thoughts on the troupe and its members. All of us are proud of her."

"I was the same at that time, because I was the child of a murderer. I had no parents to take care of me since I was a child, so I was sent to an orphanage."

"As a result, the people around me picked fights with me every day, saying that I am good at fighting because I am the child of a murderer... In fact, they just think that I am easy to bully.

"Then I couldn't stand the beating anymore, so I ran out. At that time, I thought the world was full of bad people."

[Xiao Gong: It turns out that behind everyone, there is a story of grief. 】

[Kavi: Now it seems that dying a thousand times for that Vashe is not enough! 】

[Bennett: I was really lucky to meet their leader, but later...]

In the scene, Fu Nina also comforted and said: "Haha, luckily I met the group leader."

Lawick nodded frequently: "Well, at that time I thought, I will stay here until it disbands.

It was also at this moment that Poirot's serious voice came.

"In the end, you have been waiting for this day."

Lawick was surprised: "You finally did it. Come on, let me introduce you. This is our performance consultant, Ms. Funina."

Poirot looked at Funina with a serious face, his eyes lit up instantly.

"I-I read that right! Oh my God, since when did you become so good at writing?!"

[Nilu: Hahaha, I was serious just now, but now I am so surprised. 】

[Xinhai: Isn’t this just a small theater troupe that suddenly invited a big star? No matter what, it will be full of surprises. 】

[Diluc: It's great, the water god will serve as their advisor. 】

[Charlotte: Yes, don’t be so surprised. The rock god next door is still a guest in the coffin shop, and the wind god next door is still singing. 】


[Wendy: Oh, don’t say that to me, it doesn’t sound nice. 】

In the picture, Fu Nina was also a little embarrassed.

"Don't be so surprised. I was just deeply moved after hearing the story of the troupe and its leader and wanted to help."

Paimon echoed: "So are we!"

The traveler nodded.

But Poirot still couldn't calm down.

"Even so... I'm sorry, let me calm down first. What did I want to say just now?"

"Oh yes, script, script! Let me first tell you how the plot develops in my version."

"You should be familiar with the previous plot. A young pure water elf ignored the advice of his relatives and became a human."

"She gained friendship and love in the prosperous and lively city, but accidents also came...

"The residents suddenly discovered that the fresh water around them was gradually disappearing, the land was drying up, and the plants were withering. Everyone who noticed something strange fell into panic.

"Water's daughter "Kelio" and her lover shoulder the responsibility and work together to investigate the truth of the incident. "

"In the end, it was discovered that due to humankind's long-term waste and pollution, fresh water seems to be conscious and is escaping from this place."

[Miko Yae: Oh? This script is interesting. 】

[Xingqiu: Water also has consciousness? Well, this does seem like the background of Fontaine’s story. 】

[Kavi: I always feel a little bit up to date with current events. 】

[Xiao Gong: What happened next? Tell me quickly. 】

Delphi also had the same doubts: "Are you talking about having consciousness?"

Funina pondered: "Water has consciousness... There are many stories written like this."

Poirot explained:

"Because the protagonist is a pure water elf, she can read the water's thoughts immediately, and she also told her lover her true identity and the truth of the incident."

"The lover accepted her and worked with her to find a way to return Danshui, but at the same time, someone also overheard this.'

"The daughter of water is regarded as the culprit of taking away fresh water, and she is in a dilemma...

[Kuki Shinobu: People here are really good at beating people up... (angry.)]

[Beidou: I'm so angry here. 】

[Qin: The people here also seem to be the Fontaine people in the unknown truth video. 】

[Lisa: But in the story of this play, even though they all know the truth, they are still jealous and afraid of the heroine Corio, which makes them even more hateful. 】

[Ye Lan: Yes. It makes people want to catch them all, hang them up and beat them. 】

Funina was also eager to know the direction of the story and asked:

"Then what?"

Poirot: "Then the daughter of water stepped forward and sacrificed herself to save her lover and all mankind."

Seeing this, even the star gods were furious.

[Nanook, the Star God of Destruction: Tell me, is this a script you wrote after being locked up for so long? 】

[The Gluttonous Star God Oberos: I’m so frustrated and unhappy!]

[Hunting Star God Lan: If I had already shot them with one arrow when they slandered me for the first time. 】

[Pure Beauty Idrila: At this moment, I have never been so longing for the blooming of the charm of death. 】

[Happy Star God Aha: It doesn’t matter if it’s not funny, but it’s still so frustrating. What kind of screenwriter is this? Can you write stories? 】

[Deception Mask: Far behind me. 】

It is rare for all the Masks to reach consensus and unity on this matter.

Paimon also frowned: "Huh? But don't these people think Corio is a bad guy? Why does she still want to save them?"

Poirot explained: “Because the people she wants to save are mainly her lovers and people who can speak for her.

[Funina: I don’t think there’s anything wrong...]

[Zhongli: Sometimes, you are too kind. 】

[Lei Movie: Yes, but we can't persuade you because you have your own path of justice in your heart. 】

[Funina: I'm not simply careless, but the people who help me speak, as well as my lovers, shouldn't let them lose their lives because of other people's sarcastic remarks. 1

[Oh, I don’t know how to explain it either. 】

[Nacita: I understand, sometimes, it is only human nature to face complaints with complaints. 】

[But when it comes to repaying evil with kindness, few people can do it. 】

In the picture, Funina is also deep in thought.

"From admiration for lovers to universal love for mankind, this should also be the greatness of the protagonist Corio.

Delphi proposed another direction: "What I care about is another issue..."

"You know that the protagonist of "Water Daughter" symbolizes the leader, right? She has no chance to become a hero in the end. "

"Since it is to commemorate the leader, of course the real ending must be recorded."

"——The daughter of water died because of hatred. Those who loved her deeply will no longer reveal the truth, and mankind will perish.'

[Su Shang: I was scared...but this ending is awesome. 】

[Gui Naifen: It is really difficult to repay evil with kindness, and this ending is so cruel. 】

[Silver Wolf: The death of the protagonist is already cruel enough. It is only fair that the enemy must face the same cruel ending. 】

[Kafka: This is the justice I insist on, and I agree with this idea. 】

[Edge: Me too. 4.8]


Funina retorted at this moment;

"But this ending is still too cruel and a bit irresponsible to the audience."

Poirot: "It is very similar to Captain Aurelie's murder, both were uncontrolled and inexplicable...

"On the day of the accident, the group leader suddenly told us to ask everyone to leave Fengdanting and wait for her outside the city."

"We waited at the agreed place for a long time, but the leader didn't come. When we went back, she had disappeared."

"We couldn't find her, and neither could the guards. The last signs indicate that she was involved in the "Missing Girls Party Case."

Delphi was sad.

"The leader is the best person in the world, but he became the victim of an inexplicable experiment. It has nothing to do with her at all."

Fonina thought.

"Well, but since she will notify you in advance to hide outside the city, does it mean that she has noticed something?"

Poirot: "I have been tracing after the incident, but there are almost no clues... Verman may know something, but he is unwilling to tell us."

Fonina: "Villment is the last actor to play the villain, right?"

Lawick: "He was probably the one who had the hardest time getting over his grief."

[Fu Xuan: This Wa Xie, it is not an exaggeration to die a thousand times or ten thousand times. 】

[Qingque: Oops, Master Taibu is really angry. I have never seen her so angry before. 】

[Jingliu: That Vashe really deserves to die. How many girls did he kill in order to resurrect his lover?】

[Ruan Mei: It seems that the answer to the whole murder case lies in the hands of that Wilman. 】

Seeing this, Funina was also very angry.

【I don’t accept this ending!】

[What is going on, I must ask him to find out. 】

At this time, the reward question and answer appeared again, and this time the reward was bigger than before!

It even shocked the Star God!

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