Genshin Impact: Playing Fu Nina, Aha Was Numbed By A Knife

Chapter 85 Everyone Was Shocked! Funina Is Even More Divine!

It can be said that everyone's impression of Funina has changed slightly.

Regardless of whether it was a compliment or a derogation before.

[Ye Lan: I thought Funina just lost her divine power...or in other words, she was a little girl who never had divine power and needed to be protected in everything. But here, she showed extra responsibility and responsibility. Mature. 】

[Ningguang: Yes, it is maturity. Her appearance and her speech can be said to have directly hit the point, leaving others speechless. 】

[Barbara: Well... I really want to be able to talk like this in a crowd like Mrs. Funina. 】

[Beidou: Haha, actually come to think of it, Ms. Funina of Fontaine is not a five-hundred-year-old artist. She has seen a lot of such noisy things in the troupe. 】

[Keqing: Not just small fights, but also life and death, she has seen too much. 】

[Yora: In fact, on the one hand, five hundred years of experience has brought a lot of pain and suffering to Miss Funina, but on the other hand, it has also increased her psychological strength and experience. 】

[Manyo: I have an idea that Funina seems to be Fukaros before she became a god...]

[Kavi: Oh? Why do you say that? 】

[Manyo: Funina, maybe she is the person that Fukalos hopes to become. 】

[Everyone knows that Ms. Fukalos was a pure water elf before she became a god. 】

[But if she also wants a human life experience, then her wish may be to have a personality like Funina from birth. 】

[There is no divine power, but it can still bring positive influence to other people. 】

[Then gradually move towards the path to becoming a god, and finally become a god. 】

[In short, no matter what, maybe all of this will be what Fukalos wants to be like as a human being. 】

[In other words, Funina is Fukalos' wish. 】

[Xinhai: (Take a deep breath, wanting to cry) Yes, maybe Fu Nina at this moment is the life Fu Nina Carlos also wants, if she can see this scene , maybe also very gratified...]

[Shen He: Although she has not lived such a life herself, she has fulfilled her wish in her own way. Perhaps, this is also a so-called redemption of herself and fulfillment of herself. 】

[Nacida: But I still hope that if there is a chance, Fukalos can experience such a life by himself. Her sacrifice deserves more praise and awards. 】

[Lei Movie: Yes, neither Funina nor Fukalos should be forgotten so easily, nor should they get nothing. 】

[Live broadcast room Star God Chat Room. 】

At first, many star gods only regarded Funina as an ordinary little human being.

In fact, this is exactly the case.

Funina has no power, so what is she other than an ordinary human being?

In front of these powerful forces in the world, Funina seemed to be inferior to a small ant.

Ants at least have so many companions.

But in the past five hundred years, Funina has always been alone.

Not to mention love, there is not even friendship.

The friend she thought she had finally betrayed her in the courtroom.

The psychological defenses collapsed.

So it can be said that Fu Nina's advantage, in the eyes of Happy Star God Aha, is only two words - interesting.

Or a little more, it is an amusing tool to relieve boredom when you are free.

In the eyes of other Star Gods, Fu Nina's performance impressed them, but on which planet or race is there no hero?

They have seen too many heroic songs of triumph.

Even a little numb.

He couldn't help being moved, but it only lasted for a moment. From then on, he regained his cold divinity.

At most, it's just praise and appreciation.

However, now, they found that they were a little wrong.

Because even the ordinary human Funina seems to have something irreplaceable in her body.

What is this kind of thing?

Is it the quality of kindness?

Is it a mature idea?

Is it a responsible role?

Is it fair justice?

Or is it Fengyuan’s social skills?

It seems to have them all, but it seems to be more than that!

They were familiar with Fonina who saved Fontaine.

But Funina in life, Funina in daily life, is too strange to them, and even makes them look at her differently.

At this time, it is interesting but also more about exploration.

Happy Aha also wants to see what kind of beautiful qualities Funina has!

In other words, what kind of amazing surprises are there!

At this time, it is no longer as simple as just having fun.

Aha's mask was surprised at Fu Nina's courage, and at the same time concentrated on it. They wanted to see through Fu Nina and see more stories about Fu Nina.

Although the ideas of the star gods are different, it is generally the same.

In the picture, Fu Nina's words had a great impact, and everyone believed Fu Nina's statement. .

Funina continued:

"After thinking about this clearly, let's look back and see if your quarrel is meaningful?"

"If the other party is unhappy and there are irreconcilable conflicts, then we can just break up.

"What else do you want for the final performance?"

"But you will still be reluctant to let go of Captain Aurelie and the "family" she built with her own hands. "

[March 7: Wow, what Miss Funina said is so good! Every sentence goes straight to the heart of the other person. 】

[Dan Heng: If I were present, I would also be affected by such rhetoric. 】

[Jingliu: What she said is not unreasonable, but it just feels like something is missing. Dealing with people is really not what I'm good at. In this regard, I am not even as good as Jing Yuan. ]

[Jing Yuan: Haha, I took a nap just now. Did you say anything just now? 】

[Jingliu;…………(There are faint veins jumping on the forehead) I take back what I just said. 】

[Yanqing: General (Tell Jingyuan in a low voice what happened in the video and what Jingliu said)]

[Jingyuan: Oh, haha, Master is so complimentary. However, Master has not been close to me since I was a child. Now when I hear your praise, I thought it was a dream. 】

[Jingliu:... Why do you always make people speechless when you talk? Forget it, continue watching the video. (However, the work is still very warm psychologically.

The reason why Jingliu admires Funina so much is because even when such a huge suffering came to an ordinary human being, she did not go astray like she fell into the devil's shadow.

In this regard, her apprentice Jing Yuan did a good job, but Funina did it even better.

After all, Jing Yuan has power, and Fu Nina is using mortal power to fight against the gods.

If it were Jingliu herself, she asked herself, maybe she couldn't do it.

That's why she admires Funina so much.

What was warm at the moment was that she could hear Jing Yuan's "sarcasm", but this was limited to teasing between master and disciple.

At the very least, both of them are still alive, and so is their disciple.

Nowadays, living is beautiful, isn’t it?

Jingliu admires sacrifices like the water god Fukalos, but does not accept them.

She doesn't want people around her to leave for various reasons. 【013703119 Feilu 114301411】

Even if it is a brave and fearless sacrifice.

So at least, there is still someone to quarrel with her.

If one day, Jing Yuan walks ahead of her......

Jingliu shook her head, she didn't dare to think about it.

Now I put all my attention on the video, hoping to put aside those cold knives.

In the picture, Delphi burst into laughter after hearing this.

Funina was a little confused: "What's wrong? I didn't say anything ridiculous."

Delphi shook her head: "No, I'm sorry. It was just for a moment that I thought the leader was back and standing in front of us.'

"If she had seen what happened just now, she would definitely scold them like this."

In response to this statement, Poirot and Wilman also bowed their heads, feeling a little ashamed and a little sad.

Because for them, if the head of the group was here, he would definitely speak like this.

Paimon asked: "Really? I also meant that she is a very gentle person."

[Arataki Yidou: Huh? The short Viola can no longer speak. Gentle people sometimes have tempers. 】

[Kuki Shinobu: Maybe this leader was originally a person with a bad temper, but because he admired Lady Funina, he became as gentle and gentle as a certain Lady Funina. 】

[Funina: Hehe, although I really like to hear it, please don’t praise me in any way...]

At this time, Funina in reality was a little angry about what just happened.

But what she said in the video was exactly what she wanted to say.

"What is the purpose of everyone gathering here?"

"For money? For fame, or for profit?"

"No, it's just for the meaning in your mind, and what this meaning is, everyone is different.

"For you, isn't it just to commemorate your leader?"

"It's definitely not good to quarrel, but in this matter, it's not as simple as an ordinary quarrel, you, Wilmont."

As she said that, Fu Nina looked at Wilman. Her eyes were not her usual gentle ones, but were extremely sharp.

Even Wilman was startled and broke into a cold sweat.

Funina continued: "You, Wilman, are the culprit and the culprit who killed the leader."

"And over the years, instead of making any compensation, you have tried your best to evade your responsibility."

"You committed a crime, did you know that?"

Wilman clenched his fists, he did not dare to look at Funina, his palms were cold, his whole body was shaking, and his face was in pain.

"I know... Lady Funina... I know everything."

Here, Funina is as majestic as in the video.

That kind of majesty that makes people suffocate, but they have to obey.

Even if Fu Nina doesn't have any power now.

However, this kind of momentum is not only not domineering, nor is it condescending.

It's a kind of surrender that makes people agree with it from the bottom of their hearts.

The reason why I am afraid is because of the respect, admiration and admiration in my heart, whether it is Wilman or the people of Fontaine at the moment.

Everyone surrendered to Funina, even willingly.

What's wrong with not having power?

In the eyes of all Fontaine people at this moment, Ku Ning is not their god!

The irreplaceable god!

At the moment, Charlotte has actually been filming all this from the side…………

Therefore, the scene that happened here will still be broadcast to the public through newspapers and periodicals or various forms of photos.

At the moment, Funina continued:

"But, having said that, I am not your group leader after all, and if I had to guess

"Your leader will still accept you gently. After all, she doesn't blame you."

"She wants to see you...

Happy and happy, we finished rehearsing the last part of the drama.

"It's not to commemorate her, I just want to see each of you happy, the unity brought together by the drama, and every one of your smiling faces."

"She wanted to see that, and maybe that was the meaning of her death."

"She can be dissolved, but the people she cherishes and the people she wants to protect must not be wronged in the slightest!"

"So, you, Wilman, your leader, asked you to stay here today until the day the performance ends."

"Wait until after the festival..."

At this point, everyone at the scene was already in tears.

Even Gan Yu and Kamisato Ayaka's eyes were moist.

And Wilman made a plop and knelt on the ground with sore feet.

He beat his chest and stamped his feet, cried bitterly, and howled loudly.

"Lady Funina! I know I was wrong! I really know I was wrong!"

"I'm not a thing! Lady Funina! I'm not a thing!!!"

Thump thump thump thump——

At this time, the staff member of the troupe had already rushed to the scene with everyone from Fontaine's "Chasing Theater".

There are Meiluxin, mechanical dogs, and of course there are serious-looking humans in Zhuyingting.

In short, no one in Fontaine wants to see this Shadow Chasing Court, which is responsible for arresting prisoners!

Even if the other members of the troupe did not commit any crime, they were so frightened that they swallowed their throats and trembled uncontrollably when they saw the people coming from the Shadow Chasing Court.

The scene of Wilman crying bitterly was naturally seen by everyone.

The agents and members of the security team in the Shadow Chasing Court were also shocked when they saw Fu Nina here.

"Lady Funina………………...why are you here?"

Maybe everyone in Zhuying Court was busy and didn't have time to watch the video. In short, when they arrived, they were very impressed when they saw Lady Funina and heard Lady Funina's words.

If it were normal, Funina would not appear so restrained. After all, she had seen too many in-person compliments in the past five hundred years.

But Fu Nina knew very well in her heart that it was Praise's performance personality, or Fu Nina pretending to be a god.

What they praise is not themselves.

But now, facing everyone's praise in person, this is really praising Funina herself.

The most important thing was that it was in person, so Funina was still a little embarrassed. The majesty of the god just now returned to the shyness of a girl.

Well, she is still a girl after five hundred years, and there are lolita for thousands of years, so don’t worry about these issues.

At this time, the chief of the Shadow Chasing Court came out and said: "Lady Funina, didn't you just finish what you said?"

Only then did Funina remember, her eyes gradually returned to their coldness, and she looked at Wilman who was kneeling on the ground and crying bitterly.

"Your leader, I hope to see you have a happy ending, even if you kill her."

"But the justice of the law and the justice of Fontaine will never allow 4.1. You will still have to face Dan Jian's trial.

"After the show is over, do you know what to do?"

At this time, Wilman, who was in tears on the ground, gradually opened his eyes.

He understood the meaning behind Lady Funina's words.

It's not that he has to turn himself in after the performance, but that -

Before the performance, he can participate in the performance of this play!

Participate in this performance to commemorate his leader!

If not, he will be taken away by the Film Expulsion Court now, and he will no longer be in this play.

This is definitely not just a performance, for him, this is the meaning of his life!

"Thank you, Lady Funina! Thank you, Lady Funina!"

"After the performance, I will immediately surrender to the theater! You can arrest me as long as I can participate in the performance of this play!!!"

"Thank you Lady Funina!!!"

Wilman kowtows like pounding garlic.

Tears of joy intertwined with tears of sorrow and shame,

At this moment, he completely broke his defense.

And it was this scene, although it happened now.

However, after reporter Charlotte took a photo, it was quickly sent back to Steam Bird Newspaper and other photo publications.

The video footage of this moment is planned to be played out in a few hours.

And because Su Chen is at the scene, the video editing system can play the pictures here for comparison and synchronization.

So now, between the two playback boxes, the original video screen is played on the left.

On the right, there are additional video images of Funina in real life.

Both images are presented to everyone.

At the same time, the words Fu Nina said in reality were also transmitted to everyone.

Everyone was shocked.

I originally thought that Fu Nina in the video was mature enough, but in reality Fu Nina is even more divine!!!

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