Genshin Impact: Playing Fu Nina, Aha Was Numbed By A Knife

Chapter 90 Everyone Goes On A Blind Date With Funina! Fufu Is Stupid


The wind from Baida Harbor blew slowly on Nasida's face.

Candice said worriedly: "Sir, little grass god, if there is too much wind in the port, you will catch a cold."

Disia, who was in charge of guarding him, disagreed: "Hey, it's rare for Mr. Grass God to come out. It's okay to enjoy the sea breeze.'

Nasida's body is even more worried about the vague memory. She doesn't know why, but she likes the feeling of the sea breeze very much.

No, it should be said that it is work

I like this feeling of freedom.

Even looking at the sea, the blue sky, and the seagulls flying in the distance, everything is so happy.

It seems that even taking a look before was a luxury.

But why do you feel this way?

I don’t know why, but this feeling of doubt is getting stronger and stronger.

However, Nasida still dismissed such thoughts. The most important thing at the moment was to personally see this batch of "goods" from Fontaine and successfully bring them to Jingshan Palace.

She had no ability to predict. She just guessed this step based on everything that happened and based on her wisdom.

Guessed what Fontaine wanted and shipped it to Xumi.

Candice knew some inside stories and couldn't help but sigh: "At the beginning of the story of Fontaine, Lord Xiaocaishen asked us to prepare to come to the port to receive the goods from Fontaine. I still thought it was a bit fantasy."

"I even thought it was impossible for this kind of thing to happen. Who would have thought that Lord Xiaocao Shen's prediction was really right."

Disia also expressed her admiration: "When the Little Grass God hired me to be her bodyguard, after looking at the travel route, I thought it was a bit impossible."

"Who would have thought that such a slim probability event could be successfully deduced by Lord Xiaocao Shen? He is worthy of being called a wise god. We Xumi are also very happy."

Nasida smiled lightly: "Don't praise me. I actually didn't know what was in these goods at first, but don't guess. Just treat it as if this didn't happen today."

Candice: "Okay, if there is anything about "July 17", just ask."

Nasida: "These goods need to be transported to Aru Village tomorrow, so just hide them then.

"The same goes for Ms. Disiya. I will ask you to personally escort these goods to Aru Village safely."

Candice: "Oh, okay, no problem."

Desiya: "Of course, leave it to me."

Disia looked on with a smile. Although she couldn't understand what Lord Grass God was going to do, she had her reasons after all.

Disiya was too lazy to use her brain, she just wanted to show off her skills, if there was anyone who wanted to judge this batch of goods.

Naturally, Nacida's plan was to extract Fukalos from the Cardinal of Apocalypse today.

Then tomorrow, the decree ruled that the Cardinal's sub-package structures would be transported to the desert of Aru Village. That place was too lazy to even look at, so it was the best choice for hiding.

As for Fukalos, maybe tomorrow a certain school in the Order Academy will welcome a genius girl with a bachelor's degree of 500 years, right?

When it comes to hiding her identity, Nacida, as the God of Wisdom, is also an expert.

"I'm really looking forward to Fukalos' entrance ceremony." Nasida already had some small expectations in her heart.

"Well - we can't call him Fukalos anymore. We have to give him a new name. Let's ask Fukalos for his opinion then~"

This night, Jingshan Palace welcomed a new guest, a wanderer.

Because this plan could not be discovered, he had been kicked out of Jingshan Palace long ago. At this time, he was arranged by Naxida to live in an underground ruins in Xumiru, where he was miserable and unhappy.

Whether it's against the laws of nature or against unknown risks, such as those who come unexpectedly, Nasida naturally has a plan.

How terrifying it would be to suddenly have an extra brain in a team of gods fighting fiercely.

Oh, there are two brains, and Funina is one of them.

At the moment, the picture is still playing.

Regarding Fu Nina's proud view of the musical, everyone was still in awe and praise.

[Manyo: When it comes to musicals, there is truly no one who knows it better than Funina. 】

[Lisa: Funina looks so cute, I really want to pinch her face. 】

[Qin: This is rude, the other party is the god of Fontaine after all. 】

[Lisa: But Funina has no power, so she can only accept it. 】

[Funina: Ahem, I'm sorry to interrupt, I can also see your conversations. 】

[Kavi: Just don’t go crazy here, okay? Miss Funina’s face can only be pinched by me!]

[Ye Lan: No, isn’t this Miss Kuaifunina’s specialty? Why is there something wrong with this style of painting every time? 】

[Seno: It must be because of Kawei. It is recommended to kick out of the chat room. 】

[Kavi: Aren’t you with me? Were you caught by Alhaysen? Did he force you to say these words? Fortunately, you are still a gale discipline officer. How can you be so cowardly? ?]

[Seno: Well, the other party is an acting great sage, and the official level is enough to crush him to death. What do you think we can do? 】

[Kavi: Okay, you really admitted that you were coerced just now, Alhaysen, you abused your power! I want to report you to Mr. Little Lucky Grass Lord!]

[Elhaysen: I am no longer an acting great sage, I am just an ordinary secretary. Your reports are welcome. Also, please come over tomorrow and pack your own luggage. 】

[Kavi: (panicked) Hey, hey, hey! What are you talking about! What luggage?!]

[Oh, was it the coat I accidentally left behind when I visited your house that day? 】

【I’ll go as soon as I’m free!】

[Go after watching Miss Funina’s performance! 】

[Why are you anxious! Aren’t you at home too?! I don’t have the key, cough...]

In private, Kawi was caught.

"I was wrong, I was wrong, please save some face for me, Alhaysen!"

What Kawei is most worried about now is for everyone to know that he shares a house with others.

In particular, he also shared a house with Alhaysen.

After all, how could an elite from the Miao Lun sect like him be so depressed that he could live in a shared apartment with others?

It's embarrassing to say that such a talented senior has behaved like this.

So this is what he fears most now.

At this time, all the Fontaine people felt very happy when they saw Fu Nina who was so confident and regained her pride.

[The more I look at Lady Funina, the more pleasing I am to my eyes. This should be our god!]

[That is, what’s wrong with not having power? Five hundred years ago, Lady Funina protected us. 】

[In the next five hundred years, we Fontaine people will protect Lady Funina!]

[Yes, if anyone wants to harm Lady Funina, they should step over our corpses first! 】

[I still remember that the servant wanted to assassinate Lady Funina!]

[Yes, I also remembered that it made our lady Funina cry alone for so many nights, and she didn't dare to tell anyone. 】

【This matter is not over yet!】

[Although the servant also participated in the subsequent rescue of Fontaine, I was also rescued by Miss Lynette of their Hearth House, but one code is the same, and I have not heard the servant's apology yet. 】

[Yes, Lady Funina deserves such an apology. 】

[There is also a servant who misunderstood Lady Funina’s apology. 】

[Hey, it should be said, sometimes we have no strength and it is indeed difficult to move forward. We have to admit that in fact we are comforting ourselves and deceiving ourselves. 】

[Stop talking, stop exposing Lady Funina’s scars. Lady Funina is good everywhere, but she just has no strength. 】

[This is not her shortcoming. The key point is how to obtain the "Eye of God"? 】

[It seems to be related to "wish"? I don't know exactly. 】

[But Lady Funina once had such a deep wish. Five hundred years later, isn’t it worth even one [Eye of God]? 】

[Hmm - Lord Fukalos, who is in charge of distributing the Eyes of God, will certainly not give Lady Funina the Eyes of God. Is Funina’s wish, or rather Lord Fukalos’s wish, to be an ordinary person? ?]

[Damn it, that seems to be the case logically. 】

[Then Master Fukalos died, her power was gone, and the Water God was gone forever. Then wouldn’t it mean that Lady Funina would never get the Eye of God? 】

[Ah? Oh my god, why are you looking for a knife by yourself if it wasn’t you! 】

[Damn it, I was caught off guard and was stabbed!]

At the moment, the Fontaine people did not think about being stabbed first, but were worried about Funina. If this happened, wouldn't Lady Funina be unable to gain power forever?

[It’s not that everyone looks down on Lady Funina, but when facing slimes, Lady Funina needs the protection of others. 】

[It’s not certain what kind of war or the end of the world will happen in the future. How will Lady Funina protect herself at that time!]

[Ahem, I have a problem. 】

["Military Advisor" please say. 】

[First of all, Lord Villette is reliable, right? 】

[No, you have to rely entirely on Lord Villette? Is this realistic? Look at how busy Lord Villette is now that the Four Gods have come to our Fontainebleau. In order to rebuild Fontainebleau, there will definitely be more work in the future. , and various trials, how could he possibly protect Lady Funina’s safety at all times? 】

[Yes, unknown future risks must have the power of a god to fight against them. Just like this servant assassination, she is the fourth seat and will soon be close to the strength of a god! 】

[I heard that the top three seats of the Fools all have power comparable to that of gods. We, Lady Funina, don’t even have any power at all. Once we encounter one, we’ll just stop eating!]

[Dog-headed military advisor. 】

[Listen to what I have to say——]

[What I mean is that, first of all, Sir Villette takes care of the safety of the entire Fontaine Court. Those with god-like power cannot enter our Fontaine, let alone assassinate Lady Funina. 】

[So Lady Funina, you will always be safe in Fontaine. 】

[But once we get out of Fontaine, we can’t possibly let Lady Huang Ningna be locked up in Fontaine for the rest of her life, right?]

【What should I do if Fontaine comes out?】

[Then you need someone who can stay by Funina's side at all times and has god-level power. 】

[So my suggestion is to let Lady Funina find a husband with god-level power. Look, isn’t this the best of both worlds? Kill two birds with one stone? 】

[Lady Funina not only gained love, she also gained a full sense of security. 】

[If there is another child in the future, wouldn’t Lady Funina’s wish as an ordinary person be fulfilled in this life? 】

[Hiss——Although what you said makes me a little jealous, it is indeed the truth...……………………]

[The person who can always be by Lady Funina’s side should indeed be her lover. 】

【I agree with this idea!】

[We know that we are not worthy of Lady Funina, so why don’t we go on a blind date for Lady Funina!]

[Yes, yes, find a suitable partner for Lady Funina! 】

[Charlotte: Don’t forget that if Master Fukalos is still alive, she

She is also an ordinary person, and she also needs protection~]

[Everyone in Fengdan: Oh, yes, yes, you still have to choose a partner for Lord Fukalos! 】

[If that doesn’t work, let Lady Funina and Lady Foukalos marry the same person. I don’t want Lady Funina and Lady Foukalos to be separated again. 】

[Your idea is very dangerous, but I like it, hehehe...]

[Clorind: (Finally couldn't help it anymore) You guys really don't have any brains. Those who have the power of gods must be men. How many people can there be in this world? 】

[Navia: Mr. Zhongli...Mr. Wendy...the chief and captain of the fools...the second doctor of the crowd...who else? ?】

[Xigwen: All of you fools should be eliminated first. 】

[Navia: Yes, Mr. Zhongli and Mr. Wendy are the only ones left. 】

[Zhongli: People who live too long can only look for past comrades and past scenery in their memories. 】

[Wendy: Mr. Zhongli means that he still can’t let go of the past. Well, Paimon said I’m a tramp. hey-hey. 】

[Paimon: When did I say such a thing? (confused face)]

[Yingmei: Just treat it as you said. (Continues in a low voice, pay attention to your words and expressions)]

Everyone in Fengdan was numb at this moment.

[Doesn’t that mean that we, Lady Funina, will be single forever! 】

【Ah! This is too tragic!】

【No! I can't accept it!】

[Funina: (I can’t bear it anymore!) What are you doing? Don’t help me arrange these weird things! The main thing now is rehearsal, rehearsal! 】

Everyone in Fengdan was moved to tears.

【Sure enough, he is a 500-year-old artist!】

【Only focus on career!】

[Such a dedicated and responsible god is rarely seen in this world!]

[No, since we are focused on our career, we should find a lover for Lady Funina!]

[Human life without love is just a mess, Lady Funina!]

【It is incomplete!】

[Funina: (she is stupid and dizzy) I really admire you...]

Everyone couldn't help laughing when they saw this scene.

[Jingliu: The Fontaine people have really learned the excellent qualities of their Lady Funina, her cuteness and humor. 】

[Xie'er: Alas, I said a lot of bad things about Fontaine people before, but it turns out they also have a cute side. 】

[Mirror flow: It is limited to the Fontaine people in reality. The Fontaine people in the picture still don’t know the truth and are still slandering Funina. 】

[Edge: That’s right. But do you have god-level strength? Do I count?】

[Kafka: Do you dare to fight Nanook? 】

[Blade: Just what I want!...Wait a minute, am I not looking for death? 】

[Silver Wolf: Isn’t your wish just to seek death 2.7? 】

[Blade: Damn it, what is the power level of the gods of Teyvat? Let me do my best to protect Miss Funina. I can do it, but in that way Funina

Lady Na will die with me. 】

[Yin Yuejun: It seems that if we want to protect Funina, we need our star soul to improve even more. It is still possible to get the right answer now. 】

[Blade: (sudden realization) Yes, only by improving your strength can you be qualified to be Miss Funina’s lover! 】

Now, Blade seems to have found a new direction.

At this time, inside the cafe.

Nacida looked at this scene thoughtfully, already staring at the leisurely descendant in front of her.

"Who can fit the identity of Fu Nina's lover? Maybe this person in front of me will fit the mold, right?"

"Once he falls in love with Funina, he will no longer be an enemy of the world of Teyvat."

"In this way, the danger will be eliminated...

Nacida seems to have found a new way to save the world of Teyvat.

I just need to feel sorry for Funina...013703119 Feilu 114321271]

We have to make a sacrifice with Funina's future...

"Isn't it a little selfish to do this?"

Nacida asked herself: "But let's give it a try."

Thinking like this, Nacida had already made contact with Funina in her heart.

"Miss Funina, after the rehearsal, can you come to the cafe opposite and have a cup of coffee?"

Funina was dumbfounded at the moment, looking forward to and anxiously at the Fontaine people who were so keen on finding a partner for her.

At this time, the appearance of Nasida's voice could be regarded as giving her some relief.

"Okay, see you after the rehearsal."

At this moment, Su Chen didn't know that he would meet Funina soon.

Just in a blind date way.

It was also at this time that thumping footsteps came from downstairs.

Yae Shenzi came to the cafe first. .

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