Genshin Impact: Playing Fu Nina, Aha Was Numbed By A Knife

Chapter 94 Shocked Teyvat! Isn't It A Blind Date? Why Are The Star Gods Here?

[Common star god Xipei: The beautiful feelings between human beings are really enviable. 】

[Pure Star Goddess Idrila: (smiling) It’s really interesting to see Funina’s shy and embarrassed side. 】

[Memory Star God Fuli: Love used to be just a cold written record. I didn’t realize anything. Now that I see it here, although I can’t understand it, I will try to understand it. 】

[Intellectual Star God Bo Shizun: Forget about you, I can’t understand this feeling either. It seems that our emotions are not complete. 】

[Nanook, the Star God of Destruction: In contrast, I prefer to watch the death of love, two people hugging each other and dying on the eve of destruction. Well, it’s a wonderful scene. 】

[Happy Star God Aha: You all don’t understand love? That’s too tragic. (Contempt + Yin and Yang strangeness)】

【Balance Star God Mutual:?Do you understand?】

[Immortal Star Dragon: Where is your lover? 】

[Happy Star God Aha: Haha, you are so ignorant. While pretending to be someone else, I saw too much admiration, admiration, sacrifice of one's life, secret longing for someone, etc. around me. In terms of love, you are still far behind. 】

At this time, all the Star Gods were somewhat silent.

Because the truth is often the sharpest weapon, they were really beaten to death.

The existence of the Star God is supreme.

But often divinity does not include love.

If I originally watched Fu Nina’s video because I just wanted to understand “mundane nature”, what kind of progress could Fu Nina, who was curious about human beings, achieve?

Sighing, marveling, and praising Funina, why she has such heroic brilliance;

So now, the gods seem to have found something new to watch——

Their missing love, what kind of feeling is it?

It's not that they haven't seen too many people fall in love, it's just like watching a puppet show without emotion.

The star gods' indifference in love also comes from the fact that they themselves do not understand love.

They see men risking their own lives and risking their lives to save women, but they are just like looking at ants, unable to get any sympathy, or even understand what they are doing.

Some star gods will also come to the conclusion why two people want to be together.

So now, the star gods seem to have found a new point of curiosity, watching Fu Nina's daily fun, and finding the true meaning and understanding of the emotion called "love".

At present, all the followers of the Star God sect will definitely be shocked when they see that the Star God they believe in is so idle and curious about the topic of "love".

I never expected that the Star Gods would consider this matter.

Even now, even the Black Hole Void Star God IX has not spoken, but he is still thinking to himself -

"Are there white holes in this world?"

However, now, a star god finally discovered the trick!

[End Star God: That’s not right! @阿奇伟力, the barrage says he is a pioneer, isn’t that the person from your star train? 】

[Why can he go to Teyvat, but we can’t!]

【Star Gods:!!!】

All the star gods were shocked!

Before, everyone was attracted by Fu Nina and this farce.

But as more and more barrages appeared on the screen, they realized that something was indeed wrong!

[Nanook, the Star God of Destruction: (showing true anger for the first time) What!!! He can go to Teyvat! He really has arrived in Teyvat! 】

[Hunting Star God Lan: Why can he? Wait, the great and mysterious existence we felt before has also appeared a new destiny, then the man in front of us [Bian Hui] is...

[Memory Star God Fuli: (takes a breath of cold air) Do you mean to say that the calm and talkative man in front of you is the new Star God? 】

[Mystery of the Mysterious Star God: Not like...]

【Balance Star God Mutual: Why?】

[Myth of the Mysterious Star God: He is too normal, not abstract like us. 】

[Star Gods:………………]

[Memory Star God Fuli: Didn’t I hear that blade say that pioneers don’t look like human beings when they are perverted? 】

[Gluttonous Star God Oberos: Oh? Is it perverted? I like it. 】

[Intellectual Star God Bodhisattva: Aha, who always talks a lot, why doesn’t he speak? 】

The vast perceptive powers of the star gods were released, and they only noticed Aha's growing anger.

[Happy Star God Aha: He, he can actually reach Teyvat, but we can't! 】

[Scrap iron, your deduction said that in order to reach Teyvat, I have to beg someone. 】

【This person couldn’t be the pioneer!】

At this time, the star gods remembered the previous deduction and suddenly laughed even more heartily.

There are more jokes than the misunderstanding caused by Funina and Gan Yu in the video.

[Same as the star god Xipei: Maybe it is possible. 】

[Nanook, the Star God of Destruction: Hahahaha, I want to see Aha begging for help. 】

[Memory Star God Fuli: If the followers of "Masked Fool" and "Mourning Mercy" saw this scene of Aha, they would be scared to death. 】

[Intellectual Star God Bo Shizun: I already have a premonition, haha. 】

[Happy Star God Aha: Bah! You want me to ask for help, it’s impossible! 】

[Tevat is so special. I, Aha, can’t go there, but he can? 】


【Just to see Funina? 】

【What’s there to see?】

【I'm missing!】

It was as if the whole world was targeting Him at this moment.

At this time, they were like a doormat. After saying this, all the Aha masks were also filled with indignation and hid together to sulk.

But still watching this video.

At this moment, Aha looked at Su Chen, the pioneer in front of him, and became more and more angry.

The masks' eyes were scarlet, and they seemed to regard Su Chen as a future enemy.

However, all the Star Gods were still curious as to what this new fate killer was.

And what kind of abilities it has.

The rest of the destiny has not been swallowed up, and it must be an independent destiny.

At this time, what the star gods didn't know was.

Su Chen's destiny is not just one, but eight.

After the ending of "Water Daughter" is revealed soon, it may be possible to awaken the ninth destiny [or even the tenth destiny].

Maybe after Su Chen has collected all eighteen fates, even Aha will no longer be Su Chen's opponent.

But these are all things for later.

The star gods are still paying attention to the video.

Falling in love with someone is sometimes so abstract that there is no reason to explain it clearly. 【013703119 Feilu 114331511】

There are six people in the picture at this time.

At one end of the square table, sat Su Chen, Kamisato Ayaka, and Gan Yu;

Opposite Su Chen, sat Nasida, Yao Shenzi and Funina.

In other words, according to the seat, Gan Yu happened to be facing Funina.

Everyone wanted to change seats so that Su Chen and Funina could face each other, but Funina was a little embarrassed and didn't agree, so she sat down directly.

Right now, Gan Yu's poor acting skills really made too many people laugh.

[Kavi: No, Senior Gan Yu from Liyue, you should pretend to be more like him, hahahaha. 】

[Thomas: No matter what, you have to find a suitable excuse. 】

[Keqing: Don't bully others. Senior Gan Yu doesn't know how to lie. This has already taken a big step. 】

[Diluc: But seeing Funina’s embarrassment makes people laugh even more. She doesn’t seem to want to leave here. Everything just happened was just a misunderstanding. 】

In this scene, Dove Carlos was also lying on the ground holding his stomach and laughing.

She liked seeing this scene so much, especially Fu Nina's daily life.

The more joy she is filled with, the more pleased she is, and the more she feels that her efforts and dedication are all worth it!

But I don’t know why.

She also didn't dare to look at Su Chen's face.

She didn't know why, but she just didn't dare to look at it.

Fukalos was much braver than Funina. She didn't even know that one day she would be afraid to look at a man's face!


"Why don't I dare to look at Su Chen's face?"

"Even if I take a look at it, I really want to move away.

Fukalos was also a little nervous.

Wouldn't she like Fu Nina and fall in love with Su Chen?

When you like someone, sometimes it doesn't make any sense.

In other words, it makes no sense to have a good impression of someone.

Sometimes it just happens in a moment, without logic, reason, analysis, or rehearsal.

Everything is so random and unrepeatable.

At this moment, Fukalos himself was a little panicked.

But Fukalos asked himself, do you feel envious when you see Funina at the scene?

Maybe there is -

She also wanted to have a beautiful love like Funina.

But now, her identity cannot be exposed...


When Fukalos thought of this, he suddenly thought of a question.

"If I were Nierris, I would be a different person. Wouldn't I be able to have a beautiful love?"

Nasida smiled: "That's right."

At this time, Fukalos quickly stood up with his bare feet, his eyes burning, as if he had found the meaning of living again!

"This way, I will have a goal!"

"Don't make yourself miserable in the future life!"

"I also want to find a wonderful love!"

Nacida also looked at Fukalos who had regained hope in life with great joy.

But it was also a bit surprising, after all, Fu Nina and Fukalos looked so similar, like twin sisters.

At this time, the barrage is still rolling.

[Man'yo: Ganyu-senpai probably couldn't understand, so he thought it was a secret signal that was triggered. However, this misunderstanding also relaxed the atmosphere at the scene. 】

[Alhaysen: Miss Kofonina just said before that she wants to focus her life elsewhere and doesn’t want to have love yet. 】

[Kavi: You really don’t know the occasion when you talk. When you like someone, you don’t have so many rules. 】

In the picture, as Manyo said, everyone was not familiar with each other before, and many people met for the first time today. Somewhat reserved.

But with the joke about the misunderstanding between Gan Yu and Funina, everyone laughed heartily and gradually regained some of their previous self-confidence and talkativeness.

Moreover, two enthusiastic, generous people, Yae Kamiko and Kamisato Ayaka, were present at the scene, so the scene would not be too cold anyway.

It wasn't a formal blind date in the first place, and everyone still needed to keep an eye on Funina, after all, her experience in musicals was top-notch.

But in terms of love experience, it is 0. .....................


Although none of the girls present have ever been in love, they have seen pigs running away, so they can still give Funina some advice.

Besides, they didn't know why, but they seemed to feel like they were enjoying the spring breeze when chatting with the pioneers.

This is a kind of charm of the other party, and it is also a kind of affinity.

I just feel like letting people stay by Su Chen’s side

, I feel very comfortable and not at all restrained.

Funina also gradually opened her heart and tried to chat with Su Chen.

Several people also gradually became familiar with each other.

But only Gan Yu is still wondering:

"Should the code continue?"

At this time, Fu Nina couldn't resist her curiosity after all, and tried to look at Su Chen with her blue eyes.

"Su Chen? You said you were an unknown passenger on the Star Dome Train. What exactly is the Star Dome Train?"

Funina blinked curiously.

Kamisato Ayaka, who was next to Su Chen, held a fan and smiled slightly: "Sorry, I have to go out for a while. Sister Ganyu, can you come with me?"

Gan Yu: "Oh okay."

Then the two of them went to the bathroom.

There was no one around Su Chen at this time.

In fact, Su Chen also felt a lot.

Just now when Kamisato Ayaka was sitting next to me.

She obviously knows that she possesses the God's Eye of ice element, but she doesn't know why.

The half of her body that was closer to her was extremely hot.

Especially my arms, they seem to be going numb.

The departure of Kamisato Ayaka also gave Su Chen some breathing space.

Now, facing Fu Nina's curious questions, Su Chen was happy to answer and introduced eloquently:

"The world I am in is another world. It has no fixed name, but you can understand it as the star world."


"In this world, there is an existence named "Star God".

"They will create reality, or they will erase the stars."

"There are countless "worlds" that have left their traces.

"And our star train, inheriting the will of "exploitation", visits the world of all things inhabiting the universe, joins hands with all kinds of travel companions, rescues various crises caused by the "star core", and at the same time saves the civilization and civilization trampled by the "star god" world."

"Wow!" After hearing this, Funina couldn't help but sigh.

"Another world, star god, train, development, star core..." Many new terms were poured into her mind.

Although it is a bit obscure, it is still understandable.

And Su Chen's answer also shocked everyone in Tiwat.

[Qin: Did I hear it correctly? People who come from another world are the same as travelers! 】

[Amber: Is he the traveler’s brother? 】

[Yura: Hmm——(Thinking) The hair color is a little different. 】

[Mandrill: Did I hear that correctly? We are in contact with a new civilization. 】

[Ye Lan: Although he has a very reliable and handsome face, we still have to be careful. He seems to be much stronger than us. 】

[Wendy: Yes, it seems that I am no match for the pioneer. 】

Everyone in Mondstadt was stunned.

Even the God of Wind is not his opponent???

[Arataki Yidou: Haha, what are you so anxious about? Isn’t the general in Fontaine? 】

[Lei Movie: To be precise, I am here in person, but the doll is still in Inazuma. However, I do have a feeling of being suppressed on the ground...]

[Yatae Shenzi: Ahem, Shadow Treasure, that’s not the metaphor...)

Dao Wife and everyone else felt numb when they heard this.

At this time, everyone jumped over Xumi and looked at the Rock King Emperor.

Although she was reluctant to admit it, Nasida herself knew that force was not what she was good at.

However, everyone still admired Nasida. After all, she found the threat immediately.

Right now, the Yin family's hopes are all on the emperor.

[Zhongli: Let’s open it at nineteen. 】

At this moment, everyone in Teyvat said: "Hu-

He took a long breath and relaxed.

[Sure enough, Liyue’s Rock King Emperor is still strong! 】

【The God of Liyue!】

[He is also the god of our Teyvat!]

[Mandrill: Your Majesty the Emperor is still as reliable as ever. 】

[Zhongli:? (Somewhat strange)]

[I mean, with one punch from him, we fell into a trap. 】

The silence of everyone in Teyvat was deafening.

No one had ever thought that Mr. Zhongli was no match for the pioneer in front of him!

But what Mr. Zhongli said was that not only him, but all the gods got up!

Everyone was shocked and swallowed their throats.

[Could it be said that even if the law of heaven is here, it is not his opponent? 】

[March 7: (He was also frightened when he saw this) Oh, how could he be so showy that he would scare people to death in the new world! 】

[Himeko: Maybe he really has this ability now. 】

[Yingmei: Don’t be afraid, Teyvat doesn’t have it! 】

[Paimon: I'm a little worried now, don't let others push you to the ground and rub you...]

[Lei Movie: So powerful, maybe he is one of the "Star Gods". 】

At this moment, everyone was even more frightened, especially the Fontaine people!

[Navia: Isn’t it a blind date for Funina? Why are the Star Gods here?!!! Xi].

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