Genshin Impact: Playing Fu Nina, Aha Was Numbed By A Knife

Chapter 97 Fufu Complains About Villette’S Hidden Secret!

Lei Qianqian didn't know why, but suddenly felt a nervous impulse.

Wendy saw this and stepped forward as if chatting casually and asked: "What's wrong? What happened?"

"No, no." Lei Qianqian took a deep breath and rose and fell a few times, trying to calm down his mood.

Wendy smiled half-heartedly. He seemed to understand everything, but he didn't say anything.

Ningguang still has a lot to do to guard Qunyu Pavilion, and working remotely is even more troublesome.

Moreover, she had some matters to deal with with Navilette, so she did not attend the wine party.

However, Ningguang also understood Lei Jiajie's mood. When she was sending a few people away from Qunyu Pavilion, she quietly came to Lei Jiajie, handed over a jade pendant, and then said with concern:

"This is a jade pendant made of finely crafted suet-fat jade from Liyue. It has the effect of calming the mind and concentrating the mind."

"Even if you don't use it, it still has the effect of sleeping and replenishing energy. It is also good for viewing. I give it to you."

Lei Movie was a little surprised.

This was the first time that she had been given such an expensive gift by someone from a foreign country.

Although she didn't know much about jade, ore, etc., she knew that in the country of Liyue, these were their precious artifacts.

Moreover, even everyone in Dao Wife has heard about Ning Guang's wealth. How can any of the gifts she gives be not valuable?

"I can't accept no reward for no merit." Needless to say, Lei Qianqian's nervousness was diverted and he quickly refused.

Ning Guang smiled.

"General Ying, of course you don't get it for nothing.

Lei Qianqiu was puzzled: "You said.

"Our Mr. Zhongli has a personable demeanor, a well-educated speech, and an impeccable manner. He is a very admirable god."

"But he... hasn't had love for a long time."

"On the surface, he looks calm and relaxed, but in fact, I always have a feeling that he is still in the shadow of death and has not come out."

"For thousands of years, he hasn't found another lover."

"So, if there is something suitable, please help me look at it, give it a look, and recommend it."

"As parents, we hope that he will have a happy ending."

Only then did Lei Qianqing realize that he wanted her to be the matchmaker.

In fact, she could also hear that Ningguang was just making an excuse to give her a gift to calm her down.

Ray himself was confused.

It stands to reason that she had never been so nervous on the battlefield that year.

But why am I so nervous when I go to a drinking party?

The heart is like a deer, bang bang bang.

She has never felt this way in all these years.

The key is that she is a god.

It's impossible to be so nervous over little things.

If an old artist who has been on the stage for decades performs to the fullest at a dinner table after drinking, he will definitely be able to do it with ease, how can he be nervous.

But the strange thing is here, Lei's movie is very tense.

Is it because——I want to see the pioneer?

Worried about his strength?


Was she also moved?

"It's impossible, you don't even know who he is."

"How could I be attracted to him?"

Lei movies have never considered the element of love, let alone the criteria for finding a partner and a lover.

If so, the first thing to consider is his character.

She has been a god for so many years and has seen through the hearts of countless people.

Although she still doesn't understand the intrigues between humans, it's because of this that she doesn't bother to pay attention to them.

If she doesn't want to think about these complicated human issues, then the first element of her lover is not appearance, but the person he is.

A man who can save her troubles and bring her a sense of security.

Therefore, Lei Movie will pay special attention to Su Chen's character in the future.

See if he is as "frivolous" on the surface as he was just now, praising a girl casually and going to her home.

"But I can't call him frivolous. After all, his eyes are extremely sincere."

Forget it, don't think about it anymore, let's think about the current problem.

Whether it was for diplomatic purposes or she really had some selfish motives, Ningguang hoped that she could help Zhang Yuanyuan solve the problem of happiness for the rest of his life for Mr. Zhongli.

It seems that I have to accept this jade pendant.

Lei Movie hesitated for a moment and then said:

"Okay, I'll accept it. Thank you. I will help take care of Mr. Zhongli's affairs.

Ningguang smiled: "That's good. I also thanked the general in advance."


In this way, the three gods also left the Qunyu Pavilion and set off for the wine shop.

Nasida and the others had just arrived at the private room on the third floor of the tavern.

Then he sent the coordinates to Zhongli and others.

Several people took their seats one after another.

Su Chen was a guest and was invited to sit at 11 o'clock.

I just sat down and looked around. On my left was Funina, the host, sitting on the front seat;

After that came Kamisato Ayaka, Ganyu;

On the right side is the Eightfold Divine Son, Nasida.

Funina just sat down. Although she was still a little reserved, she was still very relaxed and generous.

After getting familiar with everyone, she no longer put on airs, and the lively atmosphere gave her a sense of security.

You Qi didn't know why, Funina had some doubts in her heart.

It seemed that sitting next to Su Chen made me feel particularly safe.

Sometimes, a sense of security is the special feeling that makes girls feel at ease and willing to give themselves to each other.

She gradually became familiar with Su Chen. While Fu Nina was waiting for everyone to sit down, she looked at Su Chen in a low voice and joked a few words to Su Chen in a low voice:

".||I (Nuo Zhaohao) just called Navilette over in the barrage. He said he was too busy with work and refused to come over."

"Then I told him in a commanding tone, 'If you don't come over, I'll say bad things about you in the video,' and then he coyly wanted to come over."

"Humph, I guess he must have some hidden secret!"

The barrage laughed.

[Tvarin: It turns out that Villette is still a social terror! 】

[Ruo Tuo Dragon King: No, during the trial, the audience was not full of people? They were all spectators. How could he be afraid? 】

[Yin Yuejun: It’s just because I’m too busy. 】

[Blade: Haha, even I can see that this is just an excuse. 】

[Apepp: A crybaby dragon king is embarrassing enough, how can he become a social dinosaur? It's really puzzling. 】

[Xigwen: Master Villette is a little abnormal, which makes people a little curious...].

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