Genshin Impact: Playing Fu Nina, Aha Was Numbed By A Knife

Chapter 99 Fontaine’S First Lady Blows! It's Him?

Villette's face was calm: "This is the first time since you left the throne."

Funina: "Originally, it was out of apology to them and wanting to know more about the situation, but somehow it ended up like this."

Funina put her hands on her hips: "In the past, we only expressed our opinions on a single incident in the court, but it was difficult to see the emotionally touching stories behind it."

"Maybe it's because I finally became an ordinary person that I became more curious about their lives.'

Villette smiled knowingly.

"I am sincerely happy to see you cheer up."

[Su Shang: Hehe, Shui Long's lips can hardly be suppressed. 】

[Gui Naifen: It turns out that Villette can also laugh! He has never been happy before... In other words, it seems that from the beginning of the video, after he appeared, until now, he has never been happy! 】

[Xigwen: Mr. Villette was often depressed before, so it often rained in the sky in Fontaine. Even in Merlot Petersburg, it seemed that the sound of rain falling above could be heard.[

[Leosli: Can you see the unsmiling Villette laughing? The sun is really rising in the west. 】

[Clorind: It seems that he really cares about Lady Huang Ningna. 】

[Kavi: Yes, this water dragon is just like a certain guy. He has an expressionless face and doesn't seem to care about anything. 】

[Navia: But Navilette is not a human being after all, so for five hundred years, he was forced by Master Fukalos to understand human life, feel human emotions, and experience human pain. This gave him a A heart that loves and protects its people. 】

[But on the expression... don’t worry about it so much. Anyway, we Fontaine people know that Villette loves and protects us. 】

[People of Fontaine: Yes, yes, Lord Fukalos made the right bet, Lord Navilette pardoned our sins. 】

[Fortunately, Lord Velite saved us. 】

[Lord Fukalos’ plan was the last move of Navilette, which closed the loop perfectly and saved Fontaine. 】

[Speaking of which, Lord Villette is also our hero. He has been paying attention to the two water gods before. 】

[Hehe, we didn’t say it anyway, so we must know it in our hearts. 】

[Lord Villette doesn’t care about us either. 】

[But even a dragon should like to hear compliments, so we’d better praise him more. 】

[But I am also very curious as to why Lord Villette did not come forward. The four gods have been here for several days, and Lord Villette has been using the excuse of being busy with work. 】

[Yes, I am very curious too. 】

The screen continues to play.

Villette asked: "So after you are inspired, do you still have the idea of ​​returning to the stage?"

Funina put her hands on her hips and was a little surprised: "Why did you suddenly jump to this topic?"

[March 7: Hey Funina looks so cute like this. 】

[Dan Heng: In fact, Villette asked this because he wanted to know whether Fu Nina had really come out of the shadow before. 】

[Walter Young: Yes, if Funina says she plans to return to the stage, it means that she has come out of the shadow that has been brought to her for five hundred years. 】

【Actively choose to welcome a better life. 】

[But if Fu Nina is still as sleepy, tired, uneasy, unknown, and doubtful as usual, then it means that Fu Nina has not truly accepted the new life and the new self. 】

[Himeko: Haha, sometimes, the way Villette cares about people is really different from us humans. 】

[Funina: (I suddenly realized it when I saw this) Ah? So, does this mean that you care about my future life? Not long ago, Villette also asked me these questions, whether I want to find the stage I love, etc. 】

[Navia: So Lord Villette doesn’t care about you, it’s just that his concern is too subtle. 】

[Leosli: Haha, Villette is really a bit strange. The way he cares, even Lady Funina, who has 500 years of experience, can't see it, and it's quite impressive. 】

[Navilet: Okay, don’t make fun of me anymore. 】


But it's okay if Villette doesn't refuse. Once he refuses, everyone wants to make fun of him even more.

In fact, everyone still loves Navilette very much, and they also know that he will not be angry because of these things.

Sometimes, in a group, the pistachio that everyone makes fun of is the one who is truly loved by everyone.

Of course, cancellation here has no derogatory meaning.

If it's a derogatory joke, it's a different situation.

In the tavern, wine was gradually served. Everyone watched the video together and chatted gradually became familiar with each other.

In the picture, Villette was still analyzing clearly. 【013703119 Feilu 114351361】

But there is some truth in what he said.

"If 'Water's Daughter' is a success, it will become a classic. "

"At that time, many theater groups will re-perform it. Corio's experiences and choices in the play will seem to be created based on your template.

"You are naturally one of the most suitable actors here."

"It's a pity that you can't take this opportunity to let everyone appreciate your acting skills again."

Seeing this, even the Star God became even happier.

[Color star god Xipei: If I guessed correctly - it was actually Villette who wanted to see Fonina's performance. 】

[Pure Star Goddess Idrila: Yes, hehehe, it turns out that Villette is also a fan of Funina. 】

[The Gluttonous Star God Oberos: He cares about Funina's future life, and wants to watch Funina's performance, and then see his serious look [It's so funny, haha. 】

Everyone in Fengdan was also dumbfounded.

[Lord Villette, actually you are the only one who wants to see Lady Funina perform! 】

["Lord Villette: I am also your fan"! 】

[Who would have thought that it turns out that our Lord Navilette is the best lady in Fontaine!!!]

[Thunder Movie: Fontaine’s Water Dragon King, is he so cute? 】

[Zhongli: It’s true that I didn’t expect it. 】

[Wendy: Hehe, speaking of which, isn’t Mr. Zhongli also a dragon? Do you also like to watch Funina’s performance? Wan].

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