However, there is a lack of attack methods.

There are also methods of cultivation.

Unfortunately, my own method is not suitable for the other party.

Otherwise, Zhongli's strength can be greatly improved.

Two people are communicating.

Naturally, I also felt the arrival of Su Han and others.

Zhong Li said with a smile: "My identity should not be exposed, please keep it a little secret..." After the words fell, his body disappeared.

Then everyone arrived one after another.

Hutao looked around and said, "Hey... where is the emperor? Where has he gone... Why didn't I see him..."

"He left because he had something to do..."

"Oh... what a pity. I also wanted to take a picture. If there was a picture of the emperor as a sign, my Shengshengtang would definitely be a hot seller."

Hear what Hu Tao said.

Everyone's head is full of black lines.

Good guy, you little girl makes your calculations very quickly.

Su Han, on the other hand, thought in his heart that Zhongli would not reveal his identity.

It is indeed correct.

Otherwise, my posters might be flying all over the sky.

Everyone looked at Miao Yue's good-looking appearance and knew that the other party had almost recovered.

But Su Han still asked: "How is your recovery?"

"About 80%... If I continue to absorb it, this World Tree will probably become angry, but... the power is enough for the time being. There is no one in this life who can stop me."

Fairy Miaoyue said with great confidence.

Everyone was filled with emotion after hearing this.

This time there are thighs.

Then the other party smiled and said: "Okay... Since I have come to your territory, naturally I can't take advantage of it in vain... These are my collection of skills...

There are also things for refining weapons, elixirs, and Gu.

Just find someone to make a rubbing.

As for spiritual matters, you can come and ask me at any time... Of course, you can't make me work every day. I also want to enjoy life..."


" there anything you can do today? If not...I'm going to go for a walk. Don't's only within three countries."

Faced with Miao Yue's inquiry.

Hutao from the crowd said quickly: "Excuse me, Fairy Miaoyue, can you repair the space now?"

"Repair space? Is this world broken..."

faced her inquiry.

Su Han thought of things in the underworld.

He quickly explained.

" turns out that if you have the Water Spirit Pearl, you can...let's go, I'll help you...and let you know my power by the way.

do not know why.

Su Han, your power.

It seems to be somewhat similar to my power. "

Miao Yue said with a strange expression.

I didn't pay much attention to it before.

Strength is now restored.

But don't know why.

She always felt that Su Han's breath gave her a very familiar feeling.

Su Han said doubtfully: "It's impossible..."

"Forget it... let's talk about it later! Let's deal with the underworld first..."


With them leading the way.

Soon Miao Yue came to the border.

Looking at the crack temporarily blocked by the spirit bead.

The other party shook his head and said: "The technique is too crude... That's not how the Water Spirit Pearl is used. Although it is a familiar Sky-Mending Stone, it requires special power.

Only then will it show its true power.

You must know when it comes to repairing Kyushu.

I only used a little bit.

open! "

A colorful light was injected into the water spirit bead.

The power that originally blocked the crack.

At this time, it suddenly turned into a blue light and spread directly.

It's so fast.


And that cracked gap.

Under this light, he repaired quickly.

Paimon, who followed, was shocked and said: "What a powerful force..."

There is a problem with space.

5.4 The other party actually repaired it with a wave of his hand.

The power of the water spirit bead is still spreading.

Until a small crack in the distance is repaired.

Then he stopped moving.

The original world was separated.

Then the strength is restored directly.

It's as if the crack doesn't exist.

And the Shui Lingzhu disappeared.

"Excuse me...has the spirit bead disappeared?"

"Of course, after using it to patch the sky... it cannot be taken back, and I have also strengthened the barrier at this boundary so that outside creatures cannot enter. But there is one thing to say.

There is something bad here in Hades.

It has not completely evolved successfully. If there is strong power, let it continue to evolve... maybe it can become a true six-path reincarnation.


"By the way, Miao Yue, are there any living things in the palace that I passed by before?"

He recalled that the messengers had said before that the devil was in the palace.

Now Miaoyue is here.

You should know what's going on inside, right?

I saw the other party shaking his head and saying: "I didn't feel any powerful life form... It should have disappeared. If nothing happens, I will go back first...

The consumption of repair space is still very large. "

"Well, it's really hard work..."

The space is restored.

Su Han was extremely satisfied.

Chapter 502: The group leader’s special reward, is Mona a leg player in the Nian series?

The devil has perished.

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