Compared to others.

Su Han felt that Mona was undoubtedly the most suitable person for the innate water spirit body.

First of all, Ayato Kamisato and Shinkai the Five-Star Jellyfish Coral Palace are both workaholics.

Even if it gives strength.

It is also difficult to spare a lot of time for practice.

Mona, on the other hand, is completely different.

Now I am practicing every day.

It even evolved from divination to astrology.

The innate water spirit body will make up for her offensive pressure.

With this card, Mona's strength will be greatly improved.

Su Han smiled when he thought of this.

"It seems that I haven't promoted Mona for a long time... She will be very happy this time, right?"

Through the mission group of the heavens.

He called Mona over.

The other party was still dressed like a witch full of lust.

Magic robe that ties the waist tightly against the waist.

The lower body is in beautiful black stockings.

Compared to before.

Now Mona's front is also a little straight.

It is no longer the airport it was before.

"Hey... the mission is about to be refreshed. Why are you calling me here... You don't want me to help you with that kind of thing... I can say it first

My parents didn't have the permission.

It can't be like that. "

Mona's words made Su Han dumbfounded.

He came to reward the other party.

It's not like that.

However, when he looked at the other party, he was surprised to find out.

Mona's expression turned out to be a little strange.

In shyness.

Revealing some subtle anxiety.

This...could she...

Recall the time when two people got along.

From the initial model to getting along slowly.

Later the two became good friends.

Mona is always looking for ways to help herself.

But they seldom express their needs.

Of course, Maura has not been lacking since that time, but...after material satisfaction.

Naturally, you will think about another aspect.


Mona is about the same age as Hu Tao.

However, compared to Hu Tao's carelessness.

This girl is more like a gentle lady.

Moisturizes things silently.

However, now it seems...she is not like that, but expects herself to take the initiative.

"You can't do that kind of thing... It should be okay if you play with that, right?"

"Hmph...I knew you weren't a good guy. Every time we were together, you always stared at my calves. You were perverted...bad guy...big idiot!"

Speaking of the back.

Mona didn’t even know how to curse.

And when she turned to leave.


His feet twisted strangely.

He fell down directly.

Su Han naturally refused to miss this opportunity.

Gently hold the other person in your arms.

" want to be like that...I have to be approved by my parents."

"Ok, I know..."

About an hour later.

Mona lay panting in Su Han's arms.

His face was flushed.

There was even more whispering in his mouth.

"Big bad guy... my feet are sore... I really won't touch you if I don't let you..."

"I have to respect your choice, but... your parents will probably be picked up tomorrow... I'll talk to them then."

"Really? When did you..."

"I should have done it a week ago, but... there were some problems in that country, so it was a waste of time."

What does Su Han want to do now?

There will be countless pairs of eyes watching.

Therefore, we can only act secretly.

If anyone knew that Mona's parents were on the way.

Even if others don't intercept.

Winter Country will not let it go either.

When Mona heard that her parents were coming, she was so excited that she just hugged him and chewed him.

"Okay, okay... don't get excited, I called you here alone today not for that, but because I have a treasure to give you..."

"What treasure? Actually, it's okay. I don't hate you. As for treasures, give priority to others, and...seeing you satisfied, I also...

I'm also very happy. "

Mona's words.

Su Han was very moved.

His heart has already been with him.

But I just discovered it today.

I feel so guilty.

Then he handed the treasure to the other party.

Look at the property description.

Mona was shocked and said: "Is this... is this a reward from the world of fairy swords? It's such a terrifying thing... I'm afraid the water monster has this kind of physique."

"Well, I should have mastered this physique, but I didn't apply it. After all, the other party has no I leave this to you."

Su Han stroked Mona's calf.

Said with a smile.

Chapter 503 Little Amy discovers the secret and her mission is to kill the Steel Sea Dragon Beast

After Mona was shocked.

Looking at Su Han playing with his legs, he said speechlessly: "Hey... Let's talk about serious things. Otherwise, this card should be given to Coral Palace Xinhai or Kamisato Ayato..."

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