Building a stronghold also makes perfect sense.

It used to be occupied by a group of treasure thieves, and the Fools would sometimes visit.

The troops are insufficient.

Slowly gave up on this place.

However, Liyue Port is now constantly attacking fools, causing public opinion to boil.

Many young people want to join the Qianyan Army and serve the country.

Increase in military strength.

Naturally, there are more areas that can be protected.

All of this is thanks to Master Su Han.

ten minutes later.

The person in charge of Qianyan Army came to Keqing.

"Sir, the enemy has fled. However, I have ordered that a stronghold be established here. I wonder if you have any other instructions."

"Well, you did a good job! The inland sea will be safer in the future. We will return first, and you should pay attention to the counterattack of the Fools."

"Yes, I wish you a safe journey."

The person in charge was watching the soles of the feet the whole time.

He didn't dare to look at the intimate movements between Master Su Han and Master Ke Qing.

in his cognition.

These are all reasonable.

Even Master Yu Hengxing's marriage is very reasonable.

Soon, the Meili sailed towards Liyue Port.


Within the Zhutian mission group.

Ningguang: " @Keqing, how is he now?"

Ke Qing: "Don't worry, I'm just tired and fainted. I'm lying down sleeping..."

Hutao: " scares me to death. Su Han really wants to go out and call more people, and he also goes to sea. He is alone and helpless.

If something goes wrong, no one will help. "

Mona: "I had known that when he went out, I would have helped with divination. I was studying divination today and didn't even go out..."

Sugar: "How about making some alchemy bombs? In this way, Su Han will have more protection when he is in danger."

Maplehara Manyo: "It's good that Master is fine. When things calm down, I will protect Master personally! Please don't worry..."

Zhongli: "A person's growth must always undergo various hardships. He is not someone who likes to take risks. There must be many calculations in every step.

You don’t need to worry too much..."

Except that he plotted against Su Han.

It feels like no one in this world can cheat him.


Ning Guang: "It's okay, I'm worried too... He's such a troublesome guy."

I just heard Su Han's cry for help in the group.

She was so frightened that her mind went blank.

Lived so long.

This was the first time that Ning Guang lost his composure.

At that moment, she didn't even know what to do.

Fortunately, Keqing responded quickly.

I happened to be patrolling the beach too.

This was the scene just now.

Xiangling: "Then I'll prepare some medicinal food to replenish him. Dad bought a lot of precious ingredients today and I'll deliver them to him."

The little cook quickly got into the kitchen.

Start to toss.

Beidou: "Just be more careful next time. By the way... I remember that Su Han is accompanied by an immortal disciple? Nothing will happen to him with him, right?"

Ke Qing: "What's more, that immortal disciple was very dumbfounded. Su Han asked her to guard Baiwen, so she just looked there stupidly.

Mastering the second level of domineering is amazing.

His training time was always too short. "

Beidou: "Oh, it's okay. You guys... are too worried about that price guy. How can you become a master without getting hurt? Besides, didn't Su Han say that.

Haki wants to become stronger.

The moment of life and death is the fastest breakthrough!

I really wanted to go back and fight Su Han earlier, but it's a pity... Now I'm staying in the Mulao Teahouse waiting for that Mr. Eighth Palace Secretary.

Why did you summon me if you have nothing to do?

I'm so annoyed and you won't even buy me a drink.

Inazuma's tea doesn't taste good at all. "

Beidou arrived at Inazuma early this morning.

The results are being unloaded.

The boy from the promotion club who contacted her, Thomas, said that someone wanted to see her.

As a result, I came to Muliao Tea and sat there for several hours.

As a result, there was not even a human figure.

She drank so much tea that she almost died.

I don’t know where the Yazouji-sama has gone.

But it’s all here.

Beidou can only continue to wait.

After all, if you want to do business, it is always good to have more connections.

Chapter 83 The Eighth Level God Son wants to come to Liyue, and everyone cares about it (second update)

Almost waited for another half hour.

The Eightfold Divine Son arrived belatedly.

She looked apologetic and said, "I have made the Beidou ship wait for a long time. I was delayed for a while due to some trivial matters. Please forgive me..."

"That's okay. If you need me to carry any goods, just tell me. I'll do my best!"

Beidou waved his hand.

Don't care about this.

She just wanted to sell the goods quickly and return to Liyue as soon as possible.

Watched the video demonstration of sugar.

Beidou is now eager to see what happens after changing the power system.

What will become of the Death Star?

Yae Shenzi sat down on his knees and said with a sweet smile: "It's easy to talk about the goods, just follow the old rules.

Keep 30% of novel things.

Can we talk about the Liyue National Treasure?

I heard since he showed up.

There are many interesting things happening in your country..."

Talking about Su Han.

Beidou instantly became alert. Why did this woman ask him if he had nothing to do?

(1) Zero 0 one ⑥ ⑺ Yi Mio 5-skirt

Do you want to get some information?

"Haha... I don't know much about this. I just know that that guy often hides in Qunyu Pavilion and I haven't seen him a few times.

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