If everyone surrenders.

Then Su Han will target those enemies.

That's what he thinks.

In the arena.

The battle continues to escalate.

From a small fight at the beginning, it slowly began to explode with various powers.

Until both sides began to erupt with powerful momentum.

The battle gradually became fierce.

"The laws of heaven and earth..."

After a stick of incense.

Liu Er suddenly used a magical power.

The body becomes like a giant.

He just picked up the stick and knocked it down.

The body of several hundred meters looks very spectacular.

Beidou's eyes lit up, and he said with a ferocious smile: "Well done...Swastika Thunder Emperor..."


A huge thunder pillar bloomed from her body.

The whole person directly transformed into the state of a Valkyrie.

And that huge golden hoop.

Then Beidou grabbed it with one hand.

Hu Tao's eyes widened.

"Wow... what kind of move is this? It feels so fun... it can actually make your body bigger!!! Su Han... do you think I can learn it?

If only this could make my flame soul grow bigger.

It's so cool.

A requiem secret can spread to a very terrifying point. "

"This is Fa Tian Xiang Di, a kind of magical power... When the battle is over, you can ask Liu Er if you like to practice."

Su Han explained.

And he said that anyone who likes can learn it.

It is mutually beneficial for both parties.

It's not like she wants Liu Er's things in vain, if she has any needed spells.

Su Han will also give it to the other party.

At this time Zhongli walked out of nowhere.

Looking at the huge Liu Er, he smiled and said: "This move is interesting... not only can the body become larger, but it can even make objects larger.

In this way, it is actually easy to deal with those big guys. "

"That's right... If Mona transforms into a giant when dealing with Steel Seadramon, she can easily kill her..."

"Idiot, such enlargement consumes a lot of spiritual energy. There are advantages and disadvantages... Don't just look at the powerful parts and forget the previous teachings?

The use of power is the most critical.

· ··Asking for flowers····· ····

Don't always be whimsical. "

Yae Shenzi complained.

Such terrifying power.

How come there are no side effects?

However, even so... Baguio and others, as well as Dongfang Huaizhu and others, were also shocked.

This kind of power is still very terrifying.

Even if there are side effects.

Seeing the blocked attack, Liu Er was not discouraged and pulled it out directly.

He picked up another stick.

And Beidou will naturally not be used to it before the opponent's attack falls.

He came to Liu Er's chest.

The light of thunder gathered on the fist.

"Broken Thunder Strike..."

A blow that directly condenses energy and spirit.

It hit Liu Er directly.

She even used internal sabotage.

However, the originally vicious blow did nothing.

"What...what's going on? Could it be that..."

"You guessed it right! This is the secret of the laws of heaven and earth..."

Liuer laughed.

He slapped it directly with his palm.

Beidou didn't notice for a moment and fell directly to the ground.

Then, she flew up again, with countless streams of light surrounding her body.

....... ........ 0

It's already serious.

"It would be a bit despicable to wait until your power is exhausted. Forget it... let this move make you admit defeat, Broken Star..."

The sword energy slashed away.

Directly smash Liu Er's dharma body into pieces.

After the laws, heaven, and earth were shattered.

Only then did the real Liu Er appear in front of everyone.

Yae Shenzi's eyes lit up and he smiled: "So that's it..."

The so-called Dharma, Heaven and Earth.

It seems to be his own enlargement.

In fact, this is not the case, but the other party has condensed a Dharma body.

This way you can be immune to a lot of damage.

It's really a powerful magical power.

"The reason why supernatural power is a magical power is that it has an extra divine word than magic. You can understand it as incredible...just like the Buddha's Kingdom in the Palm of Buddhism.

It is like having a Buddhist kingdom in the palm of your hand.

Contains countless bald asses.

If you want to defeat the opponent's magical power, you must destroy the Buddha Kingdom.

Otherwise, you will only be consumed alive and become a pawn of the opponent..."

In fact, the combat power of the fox demon world is really not low.

It’s just that many secret techniques have been lost.

If those secrets still exist.

Su Han dared to say that the other party's world was definitely five-star.

Just say that Third Young Master Aolai sealed the circle.

That is to use a supreme artifact, and also use the law of heaven and earth.

But he himself was also attacked.

That's why we are constantly injured.

Therefore, Su Han will never waver if he wants to conquer Aolai Country.

Even if it is conquered by violence.

We also want to get the secret treasure of Aolai Kingdom.

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