
Broken power.

Directly obliterate the three-headed dog of hell.

That huge head was filled with madness and bloodlust.

Even death did not stop attacking.

But just when Lei Movie thought he had won.

The severed three-headed hell dog had its head regrown.


Bloody eyes.

An angry roar.

Cerberus is not dead.

But it was reborn.

Lei Yingying's eyes turned cold, and the Zhuxian Sword Formation exploded. The intertwined power of water and thunder directly turned into a chain of sword energy.

Suppress the past.

"I'm really looking for death..."


Water spirit.


A triple power combination.

It turned into a slash again.

But when taking action, Lei Movie accurately captured the core of the enemy's body.

"So that's it..."

It dawned on her.

The sword in his hand deflected slightly.

It hit the center of the three-headed hell dog's neck directly.


The crimson core was shattered.

And the hound perished.

After winning again.

Sound rewards also arrive.

[Congratulations on killing the sixtieth floor BOSS: the three-headed hell dog, and obtained ten teeth of the three-headed hell dog. 】

[Name]: Teeth of the three-headed hell dog

[Introduction]: This is a special material for making weapons. Since the three-headed dog of hell has the power to gnaw souls, weapons made of this material also have this power.

[Tip]: It is best to make daggers and other assassination weapons for the best effect.

[Ability]: Soul Eater, has the power to eat souls! Once the soul is cannibalized, it will be difficult to repair, and the soul will be used as nourishment to grow.

[Remarks]: If it is a high-frequency attacking weapon, the soul-eating effect will not be very good. It is impossible to achieve the soul-eating effect in every attack.

Simply put, this is an excellent material for making weapons such as concealed weapons and daggers.

The king of short soldiers.

Kill with one blow.

The same goes for hidden weapons.

Yae Shenzi: "Leave one for me, little sister Kuki Nin needs this kind of thing... Su Han, you can distribute the rest."

She has a good relationship with Kuki Shinobu's mother.

So it is easy to take care of it on weekdays.

Saw something good.

Naturally, I want to give it to the other person.

Su Han: "Hmm... That's easy to say. I'll leave you a pair after the shadow comes out... Moreover, it seems that the strength of the boss on the 60th floor is average.

I wonder what the 70th floor is like? "

Wendy: "I have a hunch that the BOSS on the 70th floor should be very scary, maybe a blood demon level existence."

Calculated based on combat effectiveness.

The strength of the 60th floor is still not very strong.

But the 70th floor cannot be ordinary.

Thunder Movie calmed down and moved on.

About half an hour later.

Sure enough, I met a good opponent on the 70th floor.

There was a look of destruction all around.

In the distance is a big tree, which is dropping leaves, and under the tree.

It is a sleeping woman.

The opponent is wearing a flying wing helmet.

And at his feet lay an arm.

Raikage slowly frowned, this time it was a humanoid enemy?

Able to guard the 70th floor.

The opponent's strength must be stronger than the previous one.

At this time, the prompt tone sounded.

[The boss on the 70th floor is awakening, and the enemy is: Scarlet Corruption Valkyrie Marlenia. 】

[Tip: The enemy masters the Scarlet Law, and its power can corrode half of the continent. Please be careful! 】

[Special: When the enemy is seriously injured, the corruption mode will be unlocked, please be careful not to get injured...]

[Message: I have always pursued peace, but... my body does not allow it, Michaela... where have you been...]

Lei Movie looked at the system panel.

Know the enemy this time.

The strength has already surpassed that of Orobas.

There was no hesitation in my heart.

Step directly forward.

Since the enemy is the Valkyrie.

Then she would like to know the other party's strength for a while.

Along with this, Lei Movie entered the courtyard.

A sigh sounded.

Countless fallen leaves followed.

"If the body loses its color like gold, the blood will also become corrupt... And I am just waiting for that person to return... I am Marlenia, and I am Mikaela's blade..."

The fingers slightly grasped downwards.

The golden prosthetic limb flew over.


The moment the arms are connected.

The scarlet wind blows.

And Marlenia came in front of Lei Movie.

Hundreds of sword energy.

It came like a heavy rain.

"Really good swordsmanship..."

Lei Movie commented.

No avoidance at all.

Go straight forward to fight.

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