But as I got along with Su Han for a long time.

Slowly, some things became clear.

She didn't want Su Han to always turn to Morax for help when he was in trouble.

Because he is the one he relies on.

So what if there is a contract with the other party.

She is his first wife.

Looking at Lei Qianqian's affectionate eyes, Su Han held him in his arms and murmured: "Well... let's work together, no matter what.

We can all face it together. "


Two people cuddled together.

About ten minutes later.

Lei Qiancai chuckled and left.

Su Han said goodbye to the other party and returned to the backyard.

Start allocating resources.

"As for the spiritual stones, one batch is placed in Tushan...and the other is placed in Xianji Mountain. As for the Bodhi Tree...a few are enough, and some are also placed at the Arcane Throne.

By the way...Son of God, are there any outstanding talents among the assassins recently?

I mean, an assassin who can be as good as Kuki Shinobu. "

Teeth of Cerberus.

It's simply awesome as an assassination weapon.

But equipping only Kuki-nin is somewhat wasteful.

So some need to be allocated to other people.

Faced with his inquiry, Yae Shenzi shook his head and said: "There are very few qualified assassins... Liyue has a group of them, but training them is a bit troublesome.

Take your time..."

Assassins require more than just talent.

It also requires that terrible endurance.

Like a sniper.

Not the right time.

It is absolutely impossible to take action.

At this time, Hu Tao smiled at Su Han and said, "How about 780 come and practice this dream method... maybe you can see the Grass God..."

"You are really thinking too much... Even if you practice the dream method, you will not be able to see the Grass God!"

"Ah? Why...I still want to play with the Grass God..."

Hu Tao said with a disappointed look on his face.

Lisa next to her smiled and said: "The power of the gods is insurmountable... We are close to Daozhu and at the same time in the inland sea of ​​Liyue.

If that god spreads his divine power.

It's tantamount to provocation..."

"Hmm...Is that so? Well...I won't practice this kind of technique anymore. It's not interesting at all."

Hearing that he cannot go to the dream world.

Hu Tao gave up immediately.

Even the Dharma door was thrown to the ground.

Judging from her appearance, she probably went to train Digimon.

The director of Hutao's kindergarten is not called that for nothing.

But after she left.

Wendy smiled at Su Han and said, "If you enter a dream... maybe you can really see the Grass God..."

"Huh? You mean..."

"It literally means that Xumi people can't dream... Because of some inexplicable problems, they will never dream. But...

Dreams are the power of the Grass God.

Everything you've been doing in Sumeru recently.

The other party must be seeing it.

If you use this method to practice, there is a high probability that you will meet her... Okay, I'm going out to drink... When I get back, I will challenge the Spiral Tower of the Heavens.


Wendy turned into a ray of breeze and left.

Su Han frowned.

Originally, he wanted to enter the Spiral Tower of the Heavens directly.

However, looking at Wendy's words.

It seems that the situation is not the same (bcfe).

Enter dreamland.

Can you meet the Grass God?


Is the other party so powerful?

However, thinking about it carefully...it does seem possible.

Why can't Sumeru people dream?

But others can.

Think back to the game.

The idea of ​​the Grass God appearing in the Golden Apple Islands.

Maybe, it really can be done.

"No matter... I'll give it a try after a while. Maybe... it's a good idea to meet now. But... before that, let's collect this reward..."

Mona defeated Steel Seadramon.

The current mission reward has not yet been claimed.

Take advantage of the time now.

He was ready to receive the prize for this mission.

After all, it is a five-star mission.

Maybe something amazing will appear.

[Ding... Congratulations to the group members for completing the Five-Star Heavens mission. As the group leader, you will receive an additional mission reward: 260,000 points. 】

[Ding... Congratulations to the group members for completing the Five-Star Heavens mission. As the group leader, you will receive the mission reward: a Holy Evolution Badge. 】

[Holy Evolution Badge]: A special treasure originating from the Digimon world. It contains extremely powerful divine power. If used by a Holy Digimon, it can directly evolve into the ultimate form.

[Introduction]: A magical object created by the four sacred beasts of the Digimon world. It has unimaginable power. Once used, it will inevitably cause miracles.

[Introduction]: The Holy Evolution Badge is a unique power that allows Digimon to evolve. Mastering it allows Digimon to undergo the ultimate evolution.

And freeze it forever. If you don't use evolution, you can absorb the huge sacred power in it to gain enhanced strength.

You will also get an additional skill

[Skills]: The Holy Evolution Badge contains the power of Holy Destruction. If it is absorbed by humans or other living things, it will realize the following abilities: Heaven Cutting, Holy Destruction Cannon, Holy Baptism...

There are eighteen spells in total, two of which can be chosen.

[Tip]: The Holy Evolution Badge cannot be used on creatures with evil constitutions or dark attributes. The two forces will have opposite effects and may even cause death.

[Suggestion]: If it does not absorb or evolve, this item can also be treated as a sacred object and refined into other things.

[Special]: The treasure of the Digimon world is very difficult to obtain. Please cherish it.

Watch the treasure appear.

Su Han couldn't help but be surprised.

Because this treasure is really special.

Mona’s strength is terrifying, right?

But it was still difficult for her to defeat the Ultimate.

It took a lot of effort.

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