Each paragraph will be separated.

Reel after reel of images was born.

He was originally a funny person.

After experiencing the war on top, he began to slowly mature.

And the personality charm is fully displayed.

However, seeing Luffy's antics, Nacida couldn't help laughing.

Including others.

"Hahahaha...this idiot is going to make us laugh to death..."

"What a pity. It would be fun if Luffy could come to our world!"


"that is..."

At this time we came to Cake Island.

in the screen.

Katakuri's true manly style is shocking.

Nasida looked at the tall man in the distance and found that the two men looked exactly the same.

So, with a shocked look on his face, he said: "He...〃~."

"I am Katakuri, from that world... Hello, sir..."

This time the dream world.

Many people came.

Katakuri is a die-hard fan of Su Han.

Nature is among them.

Including Baguio... Shuiyue, Lu Xueqi, and even Tushan Yaya were there.

Nasida heard this and said, "So you came from that world?"

"Well...yes, thanks to Mr. Su Han, and...I originally hated my mother's style, so leaving is also an option."

Katakuri said calmly.

That kind of family environment.

Good people can be driven crazy.

It's better to leave and choose a quiet life.

Soon, the video came to Wano Country.

The rubber fruit awakens.

Various abilities are born.

It makes people's blood boil.

As for the power entanglement of Overlord Color, there is also a detailed explanation here.

Next to him, Tu Shan Honghong asked: "Sir, aren't you afraid that this kind of thing will be learned by others? The power of Overlord Color... is too terrifying..."

Although I have no actual experience.

However, she could feel the power of this force.

Red-haired Shanks is somewhere far away.

They can suppress the general Green Bull.

How terrifying is this power?

Su Han smiled and said: "I'm not afraid... Since I want to play this video, I won't be afraid of others learning... because my dream is to upgrade the world of Teyvat.

If other countries become stronger.

It’s also good for the world.

Because the abyss is the enemy of all living things.

And...for those masters, even if they don't know it in such detail, they can slowly understand it..."

He's willing to let this stuff out.

In fact, it is because of having a stronger one.

The method of cultivating immortals is something beyond domineering.

It can even allow life to evolve.

What does mere domineering mean?

Moreover, he has blurred the training methods of Armed Color and Wisdom Color.

No one teaches.

Ordinary people want to learn.

I'm afraid it will be as difficult as climbing to the sky.

The video ends.

Seeing that there was still some time, Nasida smiled and said: "We can also watch a short story. Can we do another one..."

"Okay... let me think about what kind of story I want... By the way, let's use Kiriyama's story."

Ink painting is back again.

Accompanied by passionate music.

Wushan’s story is presented to people.

The problem of humans and monsters.

It also started to explode.

In order to save his mother, the man resolutely opened the seal.

But as the strongest Qilin, he would not tolerate him.

A violent beating resulted in the disappearance of his own child.

So, the story begins here.

The early stages were a bit bland.

Even a little boring.

However, with the invasion of the angry beast Peacock, the story begins to reach its climax.

The fire ignited.

The powerful power approaches the Demon King.

Finally, the demon was killed.

And the news about Qilin was also passed on.

The evil of this village is also revealed in front of everyone.

When this short story is over.

Dongfang Huaizhu sighed: "Is this the result of the incompatibility between humans and monsters? If that Qilin was a human, no one would care if a war broke out...

But because it is a monster.

But it will become the so-called demon slaying. "

For the sake of healing and longevity.

Those people turned directly into monsters.

How disgusting.

How terrible.

Tushan Yaya nodded and said: "Yes... Originally, humans and monsters are really not that hostile. They just have different shapes... Monsters also have good people.

That unicorn protects humans.

So he was sealed voluntarily.

He even manages the entire demon world.

However, who understands his suffering? "

The two videos end.

It's dawn outside too.

Everyone exited the dreamland one after another.

And Nasida was also very happy.

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