When these video clips come back.

Everyone's eyes showed disbelief.

No one can imagine it.

Su Han actually made the secret public.

Even the cultivation method inside.

There are also uses of domineering.

"What does he mean by this? Why do you dare to show your domineering attitude... Isn't this his way of training soldiers..."

"It is impossible for the other party to announce the detailed method. Unless Su Han is a fool, he will announce such a powerful method. Is he stupid?"

A powerful man who controls three countries.

Of course he's not an idiot.

However, the use of domineering.

It did appear inside.

There is no doubt about it.

Several executives of Foolish People were discussing constantly.

In the end, it was still impossible to determine why Su Han did this.

And other countries after obtaining the video tape.

One by one fell into madness.

Liyue's power is well known.

Now that there is a way to practice domineering, who doesn’t practice it?

Countries are 780 studying it.

Unfortunately, there is only a little bit of footage available at the moment.

There is no way to crack the cultivation method of domineering.

However, the method of using Haki was revealed.

Haki can capture elementalization.

At the same time, the power of the elements can be easily destroyed.

This is also the key to why the Black Blade Force is so powerful.

You can use elemental powers.

It's Genshin Impact, right?

It's a pity that we can break the power of the elements.

This is the confidence of the Black Blade Troops.

There is also an astonishing description of the Yonko Shanks' domineering power.

That's just based on momentum.

It can shock countless people.

Even on the show that night.

Xiao Gong specially interviewed Beidou.

The other party demonstrated the application of domineering.

"Hello everyone... Today is the first day of the show. Before, everyone didn't know much about domineering, but now I will demonstrate it..."

in the program.

Beidou demonstrates various applications of Haki.

Therein lies the power of seeing and hearing color.

It’s even more mouth-watering.

The power of being able to see the future.

How powerful would this be if applied to combat?

The second is the armed color.

The final overlord color entanglement is the most terrifying. No one knows where Beidou filmed it.

However, the sword fell.

It directly cut off a mountain peak hundreds of meters high.

Black thunder exploded.

One sword reaches the sky.

What a terrifying combat power this is.

people in three countries.

In fact, I have known domineering for a long time.

However, outsiders have no idea at all.

When the recording of the program reached the end, Xiao Gong asked: "Miss Beidou, why did Lord Su Han want to make the secret of domineering public...if it was hidden.

Wouldn’t it be better for the three countries? "

"No... Lord Su Han's idea is far more distant than ours. The practice of domineering can increase the number of strong people. And the creatures in the world of Teyvat become stronger.

It's actually a good thing.

Because fighting the Abyss can be very helpful.

Everyone must understand that our enemy is always the abyss.

Before the infighting.

Can you think about what your enemy has always been?

Five hundred years later, disaster struck...

The dark beast swept across the Seven Kingdoms.

If we all become stronger, can this happen be avoided? "

This is a speech.

Immediately attracted the favor of countless people.

Su Han's supporters skyrocketed.

Especially the sages in the Sumeru region.

Hear this.

Everyone's faces were distorted with anger.

Make the practice methods public.

Make all kinds of knowledge public.

This is a slap in the face of Sumeru people.

When the show is over.

Ningguang appeared on the screen and gave a more official answer.

"We Liyue, Meng, and Daozhu welcome all kinds of powerful people to join us. There are a large number of martial arts for you to practice, and at the same time... there are also various kinds of knowledge for people to learn.

Being openly domineering is only part of the story.

We have made many martial arts public...you only need to join our system to learn them.

By the way, we are in contact with the Grass God of Sumeru.

In the future, Xumi will gradually be included in our system.

Please look forward to it..."

The people in Huachengguo saw this scene.

Everyone burst into tears.

Lord Grass God.

It must be the Grass God who cares about the people.

Those wise men only care about themselves.

He doesn't care about civilians like them at all.

It can be said that this speech by Ning Guang.

It caused a lot of trouble.

At the same time, a signal is also released.

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