Mona's father smiled and said: "A man who is dedicated to the world, what can we say no to?"

Chapter 520: The Emotional Miss Mona, the World Story of Naruto

Actually before coming.

They already knew about Su Han.

It seems that the other side is hegemonic and controls three countries.

However, after his management.

No matter which country it is, there is a strong leap forward.

Technological development.

The people are wealthy.

Strong fighting ability.

Let me ask, who dares to look for trouble against three countries now?

Even the strongest Winter Kingdom.

They don't dare to provoke them easily.

As for Su Han, there are many women.

In fact, even Mona's parents had some complaints.

I dare not say it.

If you count Su Han's women in detail, you can imagine it.

What a powerful force this is.

The woman who controls the entire Liyue economic lifeline - Tianquan Ningguang.

The woman in charge of the navy - Beidou.

The body of an immortal beast - Gan Yu.

Acting leader of the Mondstadt Knights - Qin.

The Rose Witch of Mondstadt - Lisa.

Inazuma's strongest one - Thunder God.

There is also the shrine maiden of Narukami Taisha Shrine - Yaeguji.

Each one represents the strongest force in his or her country.

And Mona is simply too small compared to these.

It can even be said to be trivial.

It’s not that they don’t want to seek happiness for their daughter.

But the pressure that the daughter has to face is too strong.

As a result, there is no other way...only blessings are left.

I hope Su Han can take more care of his daughter.

Give her more love.

That's enough.

Under the guidance of their daughter, they traveled to various places to visit.

Undersea city.

Daozhu's Qingyun Mountain.

world Tree.

Mondstadt's Eagle City.

After playing all the way, it was just a quick glance.

However, it was evening.

The banquet was held in Qunyu Pavilion.

Since today was a banquet for Mona's parents, the other women wisely chose to give in.

Only three little lolita, Keli, Ruoruo and Nilielle, came to the table.

Because Su Han doesn't know how to drink.

So drinks were used instead of wine.

The whole family is enjoying themselves.

Su Han told the two elders that he would never let Mona down and would always love her.

Such a straightforward expression.

Mona lowered her head shyly.

I can't wait to get into the mud cracks.

She never thought that Su Han would express his love for her so straightforwardly.

The most important thing is.

His parents were right in front of him.

Mona's parents were very satisfied after hearing Su Han's assurance.

That night, they wanted to leave, not wanting to disturb Su Han's private life, but the spiritual energy here was strong.

Under Mona's persuasion.

My parents chose a relatively remote pavilion to live in.

After watching his parents leave.

Mona turned and hugged him.

Her voice was choked and she said: "Su Han... you are so kind to me... thank you very much... I will love you too... I will always love you..."

"This is what I should do, because your parents are my parents... You, stop crying... Be careful..."

The words have not yet fallen.

Then he saw Mona unable to control herself.

The two men stared at each other.

Finally they kissed each other.

Since they are in love with each other.

What are you waiting for?

Su Han picked up Mona and started to dance in the moonlight.

About midnight.

Only then did he enter the dream world.

At this time, many people had gathered inside.

Others are either studying spells or competing in martial arts.

Like Yae Shenzi and others.

They are all practicing new spells.

Time flows very fast in the dream world.

A lot of new things can be researched.

When Nasida saw his late return, she couldn't help but ask: "What happened today? Why did you arrive so late..."

"Well, I fed a little kitten... By the way, what story do you want to read today?"

"Hmm... let me think about it, are there any fairy tales? I think it inspires me a lot... and I think that style is very interesting."

"Of course... Today we are going to enjoy the story of Sword and Sword Three... The story is like this..."

The scene is reunited.

The story of Sword and Sword III.

Appeared in front of Nasida.

Those who have not watched the TV series put down their practice.

Come here and watch.

Familiar scenes appeared in front of everyone.

If it weren't for the interference of Yae Shenzi and Kamisato Ayaka.

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