This one is the real terror.

Step by step towards victory.

The gathering of samsara eyes is terrifying.

Directly pushing the ninja world into despair.

However, Black Zetsu stepped out from behind the scenes.

One blow destroyed all his hopes.

"Hey...Uchiha...Madara...who do you think Obito can only dream? Do you understand...your dreams were also painted by me...everything is over.

Only Otsutsuki Kaguya is the master of this world.

And you are not..."

"Why...why on earth is this..."

Uchiha Madara didn't understand until his death.

Where did I go wrong?

A stone tablet of belief.

It's the other party's illusion.

Hate is also made up by the other party.

Even the hatred between the Uchiha clan and the Senju clan.

It was also established by the other party.

Uchiha Madara was desperate.

But Kaguya Otsutsuki appeared in front of everyone, and accompanied by the music of despair, the opponent appeared on the stage.

However, this poor woman.

No combat experience at all.

Moreover, each time is an experience of emotional betrayal.

When he came to this world, he was first assassinated by his companions.

Later, he was attacked by his own child.

This happened several times.

She's the one who's going to fall apart.

Just driven by instinct.

Attack after attack.

But it resulted in failure again and again.

Eventually, she was sealed.

But Sasuke and Naruto did not stop attacking.

Instead, the final battle began.

This is the final battle.

Of course, it ended up being a tie.

The cost was that two people lost their arms.

Bury the hatchet.

The finale has arrived.

Nasida said with a smile on her face: "What an amazing story, really interesting...Thank you Su Han, I think this story is more interesting than the world of One Piece.

Although similar to Inazuma's background.

But, it's all in good fun.

But, without that Black Zetsu, maybe things would have gone completely differently..."

"Yes... peace can actually come a long time ago, but... some people don't want peace, just like Haiji Island at that time..."

Facing Su Han.

The Coral Palace in the distance made me feel a little embarrassed.

Chapter 521 The Little Lucky Grass King began to show his power, and the people of Xumi were completely angry.

Who told what happened in the first place?

It's them.

Naturally, I feel a little embarrassed.

And Su Han just commented.

Nothing was pursued.

However, with the end of a long novel.

Time also slowly came to dawn.

Yae Shenzi said to Nasida: "Let's discuss it. Regarding matters related to Sumeru... In addition to issuing an announcement, you must also take some action.

It's not good to always fish for fish.

Support our actions... at least with words.

It's okay if you don't understand, just keep silent.

Just authorize us..."

"Then what should I do?"

Nacida looked confused.

Because she really doesn't know.

Hua Sanli explained: "Recognize Hua Chengguo's deeds, release goodwill towards the former sage...and recognize the other person's achievements. Appoint the other person to become the Dharma King of the Buddhist scriptures."

Or His Holiness.

Only in this way can you show your majesty..."

Under the guidance of two foxes.

Nasida learned a lot.

Just the efforts of others are not enough.

You must also do your best to cooperate.

Only in this way can those wise men be suppressed.

Because the living conditions in the area under the rule of the Grass God are better than those in other places.

Then, the people of Sumeru Kingdom will naturally know what to do.

The common people are the most lovable.

Because they will choose a living area that makes them comfortable.

Real action for them.

is the most effective.

Nasida wrote it all down.

At the same time, I also added my own opinions.

For example, the mercenaries in Xumi.

There are also some people in desert areas.

The conflict here is not small.

Even the people are constantly breaking out in wars because of this.

People in the desert area feel that the rainforest area is too rich.

As a result, they used pen treasure thieves to attack passing people in even more cruel ways.

This is also a huge contradiction.

If this problem can be solved.

Nasida's prestige will definitely be raised to a very high level.

Hearing this, Yae Shenzi shook his head and said: "You... it's better to focus on the present. As for those things, let's talk about them later... when you can completely win the public opinion of this country.

Aren't you ready to capture those mercenaries? "

"A war?"

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