Qin used a faster speed than him.

Appeared in front of Mal'Ganis.

Top notch knowledge and color.

Able to foresee the future.

Not to mention Qin.

The Sword of Vow to Victory struck the opponent's left arm.

The fear lord felt as if his arms were melting.

Just hear him scream.

The arm suddenly fell to the ground.

"Oh...it's the power of the Holy Light. You guy...have you got the support of those guys?"

"No comment!"

Qin's sword skills.

It's not something that the rubbish swordsmanship in this world can compare to.

A storm-like sword intent unfolded.

It directly gave Mal'Ganis a headache.

He tried to dodge.

Unfortunately, the other party saw through every move he made.

As a result, the fear devil instantly turned into bruises all over his body.

This is the harm done by light to demons.

Has special bonuses.

However, Mal'ganis is not a vegetarian either.

The dark magic in his hands continued to explode.

Shadow Swarm.

Darkness swallows.

The two men were inseparable from each other.

However, with the blessing of the Sword of Oath of Victory, Qin is not worthy of this powerful fear devil.

The battle between the two men soon turned the scene into ruins.

Huge shock wave.

This made Alsace and others unable to intervene at all.

"Mind blast..."

Seeing that he could not harm the woman in front of him, the Dread Lord chose to use spiritual spells.

It's a pity that this kind of attack is not suitable for Qin.

What a joke.

"Are you playing with mental power? Then I'll help you... Overlord and domineering!!!"


Black thunder exploded.

The proud Captain Qin burst out with his own power.

The powerful aura even further collapsed nearby buildings.

But Mal'Ganis was knocked away again.

His spell failed again.

"Damn it...you are such a difficult woman, look at my dark magic..."

When Mal'Ganis attacks.

The army of natural disasters has also arrived.

The Scourge Legion was originally stationed nearby to deal with some accidents.

A strong attack began towards Stratholme.

After Lisa rescued those innocent people.

He said to Alsace: "Your Highness, retreat... Just leave the rest to us!"

"But...that devil...can the other party really do it?"

"Don't worry, I will help... Moreover, the next battle will spread nearby, and you may not be able to bear it! Today we must kill all the undead.

No one can be left behind.

If possible, I hope you will always be on the path of light.

After we kill Mal'Ganis.

Then I will leave... Next time we meet, I hope to see you continue on..."

Face Lisa's blessing.

Arthas nodded and said: "Don't worry... If I don't know the truth, maybe I will really fall. But now that I know... I will stick to it.

I hope you will also work hard..."

He glanced at the battle in the distance.

Leave decisively.

And after Alsace left.

The entire sky suddenly dimmed.

The power of the Dreadlord.

It's not just a few spells that can end it.

The battle has just begun.

The angry Mal'Ganis now turned into an assassin in the shadows.

Silent teleportation.

Cooperate with your own swarm of putrid insects.

Keep attacking Qin.

nearby ground.

They were all contaminated with poison.

However, fortunately, Qin's reaction speed was very fast and she didn't give the other party any chance at all.

When Lisa's voice came.

Qin also understood that she could let go.

"Mal'Ganis... you should be glad that you have survived for so long... because I allowed you to live, but... now the person who was in the way is gone.

It's time for you to come to an end.

Whether it's you or the guy from Revendreth.

They all should die.

Accept the shining of the light..."

While talking.

She activated the sacred badge around her neck.

All the energy was originally consumed.

Start a quick recovery.


The entire sky was broken by this huge light.

And Qin's power shattered everything nearby.

Powerful light.

Alsace and others in the distance looked at it.

I saw only the place where the holy light was.

This is the place centered on Qin.

"Did you see it? My mentor... this is the real holy light, this is the real justice... pedantic old man, take a good look...

The evil devil.

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