And what Lisa meant was to rob an unpopular strong person like Azshara.

She even wants to steal the Well of Eternity.

However, for now, I’m just thinking about it.

Go to the world of Azeroth again in the future.

She was definitely planning all this.

The world of Xianxia can make Dao Wu and Liyue stronger.

In fact, Mond didn't like this kind of training system.

This time in Azeroth, Lisa finally found her goal.

That is the world that engulfs each other.

Just keep getting things from that world.

Mondstadt will continue to grow stronger.

Moreover, the other party’s training system.

Fits Mond perfectly.

This is what makes Lisa happy.

Su Han smiled and said: "Okay... Then I'll leave this matter to you. I will definitely come into contact with that world in the future... Let's just prepare well."

Since I got a lot of treasures from Dalaran.

Then, the Arcane Throne can also openly recruit students...don't let us down..."

"Just wait and will definitely not be disappointed."

Lisa said with great confidence.

Later, she will release a large amount of the exchanged resources.

Departments are picking and choosing.

For example, the medical department needs to remove the seeds of those herbs.

And the ecological sector.

Then start studying those new species.

After all, the world ecosystem of Azeroth is still different.

If the time is not short.

Lisa wants to raise some dragons in captivity for fun.

But even so.

She also acquired hundreds of creatures.

Crawling on the ground.

Flying in the sky.

There are also some insects and poultry.

In short, many creatures are lying quietly in the Dust Song Pot.

Everyone was dazzled.

It took almost an hour to clean up the scene.

Chapter 529: The Fontaines who yearn for the Arcane Throne, Mona’s nemesis Elizabeth the Flame

About noon.

Lisa nodded inside the Arcane Throne.

He placed some magic books in the library and said to all the mages: "Many new books have been added today. They are all gifts from Lord Su Han..."

Everyone was shocked when they heard this.

Didn't expect that at all.

Master Su Han would be so generous.

And this is not the only surprise.

Because this time the increase in spells includes many more spells for practical use.

For example, Dragon Breath.

It is the power that can cause melee combat.

And the ice shield technique.

Lava Shield.

These are all things that mages use to save their lives.

Blink...Transformation is the signature spell of the world of Azeroth.

No matter how strong you are.

During the actual combat of transfiguration.

You can still turn the opponent into an animal.

Of course... arcane magic cannot be practiced to a high level for the time being.

However, I can still practice a little bit for the time being.

Because there is no well of eternity.

There is no magic net either.

There are labels in this magic.

For the time being, I can only practice superficially.

However, the other two factions shined.

Frost and fire.

These two forces are very prevalent in the continent of Teyvat.

And the birth of magic.

It also made the mages of these two factions extremely happy.

A powerful blizzard can freeze the entire sea if practiced to an advanced level.

And the meteorite technique.

It can summon huge meteorites from outer space to attack the enemy.

The students of the Arcane Throne watched the demonstrations of those spells.

Everyone was extremely excited.

This is so cool.

Even if it's Pyroblast.

It is also the pinnacle of fire magic.

At this time, Lisa said to the students: "Whether it's magic or Liyue's magic... I hope you can communicate more while studying.

Don't be proud.

Don't be as arrogant as those sages in Sumeru.

Master Su Han is willing to share this power.

I just believe that everyone will work hard for the sake of the people, instead of learning from superiors..."

Hear her teachings.

Everyone was stunned.

One of the plainly dressed students raised his hand and said, "Sir Lisa, thank you for your teaching... We will never forget our original intention.

We will never forget who raised us. "

"Yes... Please rest assured, Lady Lisa, although there are children of nobles among us, but... we all understand that you and Lady Su Han have good intentions."

Someone who truly serves the people.

It is different from those bureaucrats.

Liyue has a true sense of equality.

Students are always the top priority.

There is no doubt about this.

Because of this, everyone has an extremely strong sense of belonging to the Arcane Throne.

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