He might even have to be stabbed by that lightning general.

Why bother.

Su Han shook his head and said: "I'm sorry, I won't go there. Beauty is just a cloud to me..."

Yae Shenzi was so angry that his teeth itched.

And you really have the nerve to say it.

I went out with this girl today and took that person out tomorrow. It is said that there is another immortal disciple by my side now.

The so-called beauty is just a cloud to me.

But the quality is not enough!

Anger is anger.

But the Eightfold Divine Son still wanted to win over Su Han.

Because she really needs someone to help her.

Inazuma is currently in chaos.

There was no way she could reverse it by herself.

Yae Shenzi calmed down his emotions, looked directly at Su Han, and whispered: "What if I give you the superior God of Thunder?

Then you should be willing to help our rice wife. "

Su Han looked at Dan Fox in surprise.

What's going on with her?

Did you take the wrong medicine?

In order to win over him, he actually sold the God of Thunder?

Su Han laughed out loud and said: "Aren't you afraid that the God of Thunder will give you a knife?"

"Then what do you think I should do? As a descendant of the God of Thunder, but I can't see her face, I can only watch Ina Wife become ruined step by step.

People in China are not like elm lumps.

Just a bunch of bastards.

If there were other possibilities, would I be so cowardly..."

Yae Shenzi's expression was extremely lonely.

do not know why.

She was willing to confide her depression to Su Han.

Everyone knows that Yae Miyaji is extremely smart and the most beautiful person.

But those pains.

But only she knows it.

Su Han was thinking about whether to help her, but of course it was impossible to go to Dao Wife.

However, for the sake of future layout.

It seems good to intervene in Inazuma early.

It will be promoted to the second level group chat soon.

Inside the ten newly opened locations.

Originally, he wanted to leave a place for Kamisato Ayaka.

Since the Eightfold Divine Son is right in front of him, why not bring her into the group?

Looking at the lonely looking fox.

Su Han thought it was very feasible, so he said to Yae Shenzi: "Hey... I have a plan to save Ina Wife. I wonder if you are willing to cooperate?"

"tell me the story."

Yae Shenzi sat upright.

Pretend to listen.

"At present, it is basically impossible for Inazuma to change the status quo, unless someone can defeat the Thunder God hiding in the Pure Land..."

"How did you know where she was hiding!"

Yae Shenzi looked shocked.

The other person has never even been to Inazuma.

Moreover, even Inazuma's people don't know where Ying is.

I just thought the general was the God of Thunder.

What is the identity of the man in front of me?

Looking at Tan Hu's expression, Su Han was very satisfied.

"Don't look at me with such surprise. Since you have communicated with Beidou, you should know that I come from another world, and I also know this world very well.

For ordinary people to defeat Thor, the probability is too low.

Even if you wait thousands of years.

There may not be anyone who dares to face Thor's sword.

But I'm different, I can beat her!

Give me a little time.

I can surpass gods!

How about heading over to Inazuma to help you crush Thor's ridiculous eternity? "

This suggestion is of course extremely attractive.

As long as Ying can realize his mistake.

In fact, Inazuma's matter is very easy to solve.

Yae Shenzi looked at Su Han, and their eyes intertwined.

There are no falsehoods or lies.

This man is serious!

"What are the conditions? A man like you wouldn't help others casually."

"The condition is that the God of Thunder betrothed to me!"

"You...you guys really dare to think about it! Hahahaha...but, someone likes that otaku girl, I'm quite happy."

Yae Shenzi was stunned for a moment, and then his branches trembled with laughter.

There are people who really like that home girl.

But that’s fine too.

It can not only solve the problem of rice wife, but also solve the lifelong events of best friend.


The key is that if someone is watching the shadow, he will stop doing stupid things.

"By the way..." Yae Shenzi remembered something and asked, "When are you going to take action? Don't make me wait for hundreds of years..."

"In about a year, I won't be able to defeat Thor now."

"Bragging, can you defeat Shadow within a year?"

Yae Shenzi's first reaction was disbelief.

What can you do in one year?

Learning a martial art is not enough.

Wanting to defeat Ying is simply a fool's errand.

Su Han smiled evilly and said, "How about we make a bet? If I can defeat the God of Thunder within a year, you can marry her together."

"Okay, if you lose, quit Liyue. Come to our Dao Wife..."

Yae Shenzi looked indifferent.

Su Han has only been in this world for a year.

I could even fight before.

Do you think he can defeat Ying in a year?

I don’t even believe it!

Su Han then drew up a contract, which contained confidentiality regulations, and also stated that he would defeat Thor within one year starting from today.

Then Yae Shenzi will marry him.

Looking at the shining contract in front of him.

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