Mona and Xiangling looked at each other and smiled.

It seems like this girl has pretty good character.

After eating and drinking enough.

Mona took Elizabeth Doriel to the training ground under the sea.

Looking at the magnificent technological city.

She was completely shocked.

Are there cities under the sea?

This is too spectacular.

"How did you do it?"

"Arrays... magical techniques, and some special materials... there are many things that can shock you. Let's go... It's better if we get a room and compete there."

Mona has a special room.

Naturally, you don’t have to queue like everyone else.

To show how powerful this city is.

She specially took this noble lady for a walk.

Elizabeth Doriel felt like a country girl arriving in the city.

The original arrogance was gone.

The prosperity of the underwater city.

Far beyond the main city of Fontaine.

Moreover, there are technological facilities everywhere.

Self-propelled car.

Not even a cigarette.

And it's silent.

Automatic vending machine.

There were even those phone booths.

Simply beautiful.

this place.

Soon, Mona brought the other party to the training ground.

Smooth and bright floors.

The area is hundreds of square meters.

"Come can attack at will, no matter what moves you use..."

"Look down on me?"

"No...I'm afraid that if I take action, I'll defeat you with one blow."

Mona's words.

It deeply stimulated the other party.

Elizabeth Dollier's hair instantly rose.

Countless flames spread around her.

A staff of equal height appeared in his hand.

"There must be limits when looking down on people, the roar of the flame dragon..."


Fierce temperatures.

sweeping the ground.

In an instant, he was in front of Mona.

Let’s see how you hide this time?

Dori smiled.

But Mona's behavior was beyond her expectation.

The other party actually used his hands.

Crushing the flame alive.

This scene deeply shocked the other party.

"You are... yes, you are domineering..."

"That's right, top level Haki. You can easily destroy elemental power. Stop playing with these gadgets... use all your power.

Say this to you.

My three colors of domineering are all top notch.

Moreover, he can predict the future.

Don't try to beat me with some tricks..."

What to say to Mona.

This time Dori really understood.

She took a deep breath.

An attack broke out towards the opponent.

Countless flames turned into a giant and attacked Mona.

This is a giant made of lava.

Able to fight for ten minutes for ten minutes.

It can also be regarded as her most powerful magic.

"Here comes my move... You should also use your strongest power, Mona..."

"Okay...look, my power is water...because my constitution is an innate water spirit...everywhere I am is a source of water."


827 days of water splashes.

Erupting from the soles of Mona's feet.

Just for a moment.

The surrounding areas all turned into a piece of Wangyang.

Next to Mona, there is a hundred-meter-high water element.

I saw a delicate thread in her hand.

Just press lightly towards the lava giant.

The other party collapsed instantly.

The gap is too big.

This is no longer something that strength can make up for.

After watching the venue change.

Elizabeth Doriel finally understood that her efforts were in vain in front of the other party.

All magic.

In other people's eyes, it's just a child's play.

Mona's strength.

It has already exceeded human limits.

It's not something I can touch anymore.


Elizabeth Doriel sat on the ground and smiled bitterly: "I lost..."

She originally thought that the other party looked down on her.

That's what he would say.

Turns out, Mona is really strong.

This level of strength.

I'm afraid it has exceeded my imagination.

And it's a very scary one.

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