And Lemonia returned to her human form in the sky.

There was a blood-red storm all around.

She was seen licking her red lips, looking at the golden king beast below, and said with a silly smile: "Little guy... don't worry, I will eat you soon..."

Saying that, Lemonia flew downwards.

The body turned into a sword body again.

I saw countless afterimages of sword energy flickering.

The Golden King Beast was completely destroyed.

All the flesh and blood of the body.

All were absorbed by Lemonia.

But at this time, she was not satisfied yet.

The tip of the sword turned.

Red lightning tears apart space.

A run-down place.

Presented in front of everyone.

Doriel looked shocked and said: "No way...this weapon can tear apart space? And...why are there so many beast-land hounds in it?"


In that ruined place.

All are beastland hounds.

That adds up to thousands.

Su Han saw this scene and recruited Lemonia.

The other party flew back reluctantly.

"Master...I can still fight..."

"Don't worry, I just want to test your strength..."

When he held Lemonia in his hands.

A feeling of warmth and flattery suddenly surged into my heart.

He is simply more well-behaved than Tie Suiya.

When Nuwa's spiritual energy was injected into it.

Lemonia suddenly screamed.

"Oh God...Master's power is boiling inside me!!!"

"My strength has become stronger..."

"Let us devour everything, Master..."

Su Han held the Blood Demon Sword.

The whole person was in a thick bloody fog.

A twist of the wrist.

The sword energy slashed away.




That piece of space was instantly swallowed up by countless vermilion cracks.

Accompanied by a violent sound.

The entire nest collapsed instantly.

All the hounds in the beast realm were swallowed up by the blood-red sword energy.

Then he flew back into the sword body.



Lemonia's body glowed red.

It seemed that I was full this time.

Su Han stroked the sword body and said with a smile: "It seems that the power is not bad...but his temper is a little too bloodthirsty, so I need to be patient..."

"Yes, Master...Lemonia will be obedient. But...I will never forgive your enemies..."

While the yandere sword girl expresses her position.

Still showed his role.

She is a murderous sword.

Rather than a decoration.

Hua Sanli looked at the broken space and whispered: "This sword is terrible... The power of pure blood can actually destroy a space. Sure enough,

The power has reached its extreme.

Everything can be destroyed. "

"The most important thing is that she can continuously become stronger by devouring blood... This is the essence of the magic sword. However... in general, the magic sword has to pay attention to its influence on the owner.

This Lemonia seems to be very well-behaved..."

Ning Guang looked at the sword girl who was like a child and couldn't help but laugh.

Although her yandere personality is prone to accidents.

But if the target is the enemy.

Naturally, this little flaw is nothing.

The battle is over.

Everyone also briefly saw part of Lemonia's power.

Can fight independently.

However, the real Su Han took action.

There will be a terrifying improvement in strength.

At the same time, it can also connect with the owner's mind.

It can be said that the sickly sword girl is very powerful.

Doriel next to Mona was dumbfounded because this was so terrible.

To test the sword.

It actually destroyed a space.

She wondered how she could survive in her previous world.

I remembered my father’s warning before.

Liyue is terrifying.

I am still a little dissatisfied.

Only now do I understand.

The pedantic old man in my family still has a unique vision.

Liyue is too scary.

No... It should be said that Su Han is too scary.

Blood Demon Sword.

If this kind of thing is controlled by him.

Can you compete with the devil?

The battle is over.

Su Han waved to Paimon and Yingmei.

Two people flew over directly.

"Hey...this is the magic sword I just got. It feels so interesting, but my personality is a little weird..."

"Are you also the master's friend?"

A sword girl who is well fed and drunk.

The hostility has weakened.

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