The samurai boy held out his hand.

He took these six punches forcefully.

With each jolt, he took a step back.

Until six steps later.

Only then did Maplehara Manyo stop moving.

He looked at his hardened palms and seemed to understand the key points of the second stage of domineering.

Hardening is cohesion.

And putting it out means flowing.

Don't let domineering flow to unnecessary places.

To condense into one point!

"So this is the second stage of domineering that the master said? Sure enough, only when you really face your opponent can you understand the meaning...

To repay you.

Take advantage of it before it gets dark.

I'll send you back to the west. "

Maplehara Manyo held the sword, and a layer of domineering energy slowly wrapped around it...

It's different from before.

This time, the knife was continuously wrapped with an invisible air wave.

The wind is wrapped around it.

And domineering is also attached to it.

Then the flames burst into flames.

Yiwozuo's pupils shrank sharply because he saw the power condensed on the blade.

"What a powerful guy. I approve of you. Try my strongest secret."

"Destruction Kill·Final Style·Green Silver Chaotic Afterglow..."


The Luo needle is condensed on the sole of the Yiwo seat.

It turned into hundreds of missiles and exploded out in an instant.

However, the next moment, Tanjiro and others saw a scene that would be unforgettable in this life.

Maplehara Manyo swung his sword towards the ghost of the wind.

The black sword energy tore apart everything.

All the enemy's moves were destroyed by the sword energy.

Less than a second.


The sword energy fell on Yiwozuo.


Although missiles are powerful.

However, the addition of the three powers is even more powerful!



The bones of the Yiwo Seat made a crunching sound.

Then it completely shattered.


Flames and wind swallowed up Yiwozuo.

The third string of the upper string was completely obliterated.


"The battle is easier than I thought..."


Maplehara Manyo looked at the sky that was getting brighter in the distance.

A smile appeared.

We are one step closer to revitalizing the Fengyuan family.

At this time, Purgatory Anjuro walked up to him and said: "You are so strong, my friend, you can even kill a ghost on a string.

What's the name of that move just now? "

One blow kills the upper string.

It was a real eye-opener for him.

Although Yanzhu is already a very powerful existence.

But I felt like I was sitting in a well looking at the sky.

"Oh, I haven't remembered the name yet. Since it was enlightened at dawn, let's call it Dawn."

Maplehara Manyo said calmly.

mission completed.

He was also ready to leave.

At this time, Kamado Tanjiro behind him asked: "Sir, do you know a lady who uses lightning? We were saved by her last time and we didn't even thank her."

"You are talking about Miss Keqing. She didn't come this time. As for thanking you, I will tell her. I can see from 5.4 that you are also seriously injured.

Practice with peace of mind. "

After Maplehara Manyo finished speaking, her body gradually became lighter.

It quickly disappeared.

Purgatory Anjuro was shocked and said: "I heard someone saved you before, and I still didn't believe it. This time I really believe it..."

"Maybe they are gods, Brother Purgatory...Thanks to him."

"Well, if it weren't for him, maybe I wouldn't be able to hold on anymore..."

Purgatory Anjuro covered his wound.

Slowly sat on the ground.

In fact, he was close to losing his strength.

Can hold on without passing out.

Tried our best.


Cave sky.

Maplehara Manyo said to Su Han: "Master, fortunately you have fulfilled your destiny. The mission has been completed..."

"Well, we are doing well. But we still need to continue to work hard..."

Faced with Su Han's praise.

The boy was very happy.

"Yes, Master, I will continue to work hard in the future...I will definitely not disappoint your expectations."

Rested for a while.

Maplehara Manyo started boring training again.

Su Han looked into the group.

Entering the same world again seems to surprise others.

Chapter 87 Mission Rewards Thunder Spirit Body, Visiting Parents with Shen He

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