As long as the soul is cut off, his body will not get any information.

Because the true body of the doctor was asleep the whole time.

Activities outside.

It's all false.

It can be said to be a clone.

Everything on the mountain was destroyed by Arecino.

She picked up the phone and said, "Before you kill the doctor, remember to use the sealed treasure I gave you... Otherwise, he will pass on the message. It will be difficult for us..."


Dadalia touched the treasure in her hand.

Incredible peace of mind.

Naturally, he doesn't know the doctor's secret.

However, I just got a lot of news.

Such a crazy person is indeed not fit to live in this world. this time, the Fool Executives on the border were wearing masks.

But they received news that the Xumi branch was attacked.

"Damn it... Su Han actually started cleaning up our stronghold..."

"Don't worry, as long as we steal Scarlet's power. We can turn defeat into victory..."

"Yes, the power of the Scarlet King is the most powerful!".

Chapter 548 The bloody eyes hidden in the pyramid, the despair of Sage Akabane

"Could there be a traitor?"

"Hmm...are you the injured loser Dardalia...or the weak Arecino?"

These two people are indeed suspicious.

However, the injuries of both people were extremely real.

Take Arecino.

If the other party hadn't escaped quickly, they would have been killed.

A large hole was penetrated directly into the abdomen.

The terrifying power continued to burn her body.

As for Dadalia, it goes without saying.

I turned on the Demon King's weapon several times and was killed.

If it weren't for his body and bones, he would be fine.

It has long since been completely scrapped.

Although these two people are arousing suspicion,... their physical weakness will never lie to others.

And... there is Dotore's clone in the stronghold.

Two losers want to capture it.

It is somewhat difficult.

At this time, someone asked: "Now that Su Han has used two demon gods, what should we do? Are we counting on the teacher from Dotore...the so-called great sage?"

"The fishermen benefit... Our target is not just the Scarlet King, but the place where the other party lives... When the Kanria War broke out, there were also many guys.

He died in front of the Scarlet King's lair.

Otherwise, do you think the other party's power would be so strong? "

"What? You said...there is something from Kanria, Shen is in that area...The previous Grass God was so bold?"

"It's not that she's's that she has to do this because her power is too weak and she wants to transfer but has no you understand?"

"I see!"

The captain mentioned this.

Everyone suddenly realized.

Demon war.

In the end, it was the Grass God who won.

However, the opponent's strength is not too strong, and they rely on those ancient sages.

When those guys are all destroyed.

The results are self-evident.

The grass god also fell.

"So, we just need to wait quietly... What about the Kitchen God Marcus? He can't regain all his power... Even the Vortex Demon God is nothing to be afraid of.

Just escaped from the control of Emperor Yanwang.

He can reach 70% strength, which is already the limit.

Hum... today is our harvest day.

Get your things ready, we will take action soon... When Su Han and the Scarlet King are inexorably fighting, it is time for us to take action! "



On the other side, deep in the rainforest.

Along with the death of the clone.

The proud Dotore knelt directly on the ground.

"Huh...this this feeling that my split body is dead? Who...who can kill me..."

"Did the young existence die? It seems that someone attacked... No news was even sent. This is wrong... Someone knows my secret."

"But, don't you know... I have many split bodies, hey hey hey... do you think my target is the Scarlet King?"

"You are all wrong... I won't even look at something of that level... I already know where the power of the previous Grass God is...

Some were even plundered.

Now...just overloading the grass god is enough. "

There was a strange potion in his hand.

This thing is the culmination of Dr. Dotore's countless years of work.

Once stole the power of the devil.

It's this kind of thing that I rely on.

And there are many split bodies around him now.

It is approaching the place where the Grass God is.

The executive of fools.

Except for the buffoons.

The rest mostly work on their own.

Everyone has something they want to do.

For example, Dadalia wants to challenge the strong and enjoy the thrill of fighting and becoming stronger.

Rosalin, on the other hand, wants revenge on Abyss.

The Doctor wants to steal the Demon's power.

What about mortals?

Just crazy enough.

It can also shake the status of gods.

And now the opportunity has come!


The scene turns back to the upside-down pyramid.

There are currently only two remaining.

The great sage came to the black-gold pyramid with blood-red eyes, and flew away with the seal of seal.

Black shackles.

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