No wonder Thor likes it.

InuYasha and others continued to slaughter the followers of the Scarlet King.

Although the leader died.

But those guys aren't completely dead yet.

Still wandering in the desert.

And their mission.

Just eliminate this guy.

As for Rosalin and Lisa, they were treating the people of the Witch Association.

"Those who are in serious condition should go directly to World Tree for treatment. People who are in ordinary condition will support the Witch Association for the time being... As for the research on exploring the power of the void.

Let’s stop for now. "


There are very few people in the witch guild.

The elders among them all recognized Rosalind.

Previously heard of her demise as the Executor of the Fools.

Everyone is still sighing.

Who knew it was all a scam.

However, the other party has gained a new life.

After sending the people from the Witch Association away, the two witches began to lead the students of the Arcane Throne to deal with the rainforest problem.

"Desertification is not too serious, but... we need to set up a simple barrier and arrange manpower to manage this place later. I think... the desert will turn into an oasis in the future."

"Is it really possible? Teacher Lisa... there is no life at all here..."

"Don't worry, the current scientific research department has special methods to study this. So... don't worry about the desert, the important thing is to clean up the internal troubles...

The problems brought about by the sages for five hundred years.

It all needs to be solved now.

Moreover...Xumi's current situation is actually not optimistic.

Even with Liyue's help.

Everyone must have confidence and work hard..."


Look at the students who have regained their confidence.

Lisa smiled heartily.


At this moment, in the rain forest.

A fierce battle is breaking out.

Nasida, the goddess of grass, fell to the ground with a pale face.

nearby ground.

Full of weird white flames.

Her eyes were filled with hatred. Once... it was this flame that destroyed the legacy of the previous Grass God.

Now the enemy appears.

He couldn't even take revenge.

This is too abominable.

"You guys, don't hinder my path to becoming a god..."

The doctor shouted with a crazy expression.

Just one step away.

All he had to do was throw this little thing into his own vessel.

You can steal the opponent's power crazily.

But who knew that Beidou and others would be killed.

This made Dotore itch with hatred.

Beidou sneered and said: "I just got the news that the Scarlet King has been killed... How long do you think you can hold on? Ten minutes... twenty minutes...

Or thirty minutes?

Stop will perish soon! "

At this time, there were many people around her.

High-level combatants like Ulquiorra.

All gathered together.

Fighting with the doctor's puppet.

These people have numb expressions, but they are fighting with strange powers.

Because of these guys.

They are all humans injected with the residue of the devil.

But his mind was wiped out by the doctor.

Became his puppet.



Beidou, who turned on the Thunder Emperor mode, kept chasing the doctor for less than a minute.

It forced the opponent into a blind corner.

The young eighteen-year-old doctor was cut into pieces with a sword.

Then Beidou turned around and ran towards the other clone.

Everyone here will die today.

No one can stay!

Ulquiorra returned directly to the second stage.

The sword in hand.

Turn into an infinite storm.

He easily killed the two puppets that were the remnants of the demon god.

"It looks good in combat, but it's actually too rigid... Sora is a bit boring..."

"Okay, don't say so much...just get rid of them quickly, we have other tasks..."

Here Stark received orders from above.

He quickly started urging.

The fighting continues to surge.

Dotore is a madman.

Seeing that he could not escape, he began to throw out various strange potions.

Deep purple storm.

Black flame.

Swarm of disaster insects.

Various products emerge in endlessly.

However, it still could not stop Beidou's offensive.

The Thunder Emperor Sword penetrated a person again.

Now there are only two clones of the Doctor left.

A forty year old.

A thirty year old.

These two people were protected until the end.

It means there must be something important about them.

".¨Damn, it's really troublesome... white cloud miasma..."


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