Su Han looked at the people who were waiting eagerly and said with a smile: "Don't worry, everyone... everything will be taken care of!"

"Sir, please say something... The people are waiting now..."

"That's okay..."

He thought for a while, he still needed to appease people after the war.

· ··Asking for flowers····· ····

So he took the microphone, looked at the camera and said: "Hello, people of Xumi... I am Su Han, the war is over... the internal troubles should also end.

The sages are dying and escaping...but don't worry.

We will continue to pursue those criminals.

At the same time, Xumi’s situation will also be taken into consideration.

Provide appropriate help...

Little Lucky Grass King is my friend and also my sister... The current model of Huachengguo and Vimo Village is very good.

happiness in people's lives.

Other areas will slowly usher in spring.

At the same time, desertified areas.

I will also find ways to green it...but, what I want to say is...all I can do is help you.

The real thing.

You have to rely on yourselves...

I hope everyone understands one thing.

Wisdom is just knowledge.

Rather than controlling ordinary people...

What the people need is life, not sages from above.

Starting today, the Xumi Order will cancel the sage mode.

At the same time, the Presbytery was established.

They should be appointed by rich and famous people from all over the country, and they must also be capable of management.

........ .. ........

At the same time, three people from the Witch Club participated.

Forming a Council of Twelve.

Don't worry, everyone, it will be the same as before.

Because there are two ancient sages who will help..."

Hear his announcement.

Everyone cheered.

The affairs of Huachengguo and Vimalakirti Village.

Everyone has heard it.

Now run to the entire country.

This is such a blessing.

And Sage's cancellation is a good thing.

At the same time, hunt down those criminals.

Very convincing too.

Later, Su Han told some more things.

The Buddhist scriptures established a martial monastery.

Druids build a natural dreamland.

Moreover, from now on, all Xumi people can go to the Emerald Dream to practice.

As for the things inside the Xumi Order.

Will check one by one.

No bad guy will be spared.

Naturally, one would not wrongly accuse a good person.

Such a policy.

It made people cry with joy.

Of course, the Xumi Teaching Academy is no longer just about academic research.

You also need to practice physical training.

Communicate frequently with people everywhere.

Work together.

All talk without practice.

That's not a good thing.

That's on paper.

And people from the Arcane Throne will also come over to give advice.

At the same time, all people can join these two school organizations.

Not affected by anything.

Compared to the joy here in Sumeru.

The atmosphere of the solstice country.

Undoubtedly a little depressed.


In the cold palace.

Several executives sat together.

"According to the intelligence from the front line, Dotore is judged to be dead... This is not good...another executive officer has died...and he is also a scientific researcher..."

"I think...his death is no accident. Once Su Han intervenes, it will be difficult to solve the problem. This time, Marcus and Osel appear.

No one expected it. "

Two demons appear.

Who can imagine this?

Su Han actually conquered the Whirlpool Demon God and his wife.

I really don't know how he did it.

Moreover, Marcus, the god of the kitchen, should have lost his power.

He is recovering well now.

At this time, Piero the Harlequin said: "Compared to those things... I think there is something that can be announced. Arecino and Dadalia betrayed us..." Guang.

Chapter 555 Xumi Kingdom joins the alliance, the missions in the heavens are refreshed and the demon monk Fahai is defeated


Basically it won't happen among fools.

Just because of two things.

First, the Fools' revenge is the most brutal among the Seven Kingdoms.

The consequences of betraying the fools.

It might be scarier than you think.

Secondly, if you join the Fools, you will definitely know the strength of the Fools and the price of betrayal.

It will be something you will never forget.

And now the two of them betrayed together.

This was something no one expected.

Pantalone frowned and said: "You mean...they are in Xumi? If they means that all our power in that country has collapsed.

At least that part of the rainforest.

Completely gone..."

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