What does a mere dead zone mean?

The only pity is.

Many people have not seen the Little Lucky Grass King.

This is quite a pity.

Because the people do not trust the Xumi Order, all policies are promulgated by orders.

All are open and fair.

It is conducted through live broadcast.

This is extremely reassuring.

The deputy leader of Ningguang and the Witches.

Many jumps were signed.

Including diversion water source.

Calm the earth veins.

Clean up the demonized plants and demonized monsters...build the Xumi High-Speed ​​Railway.

These are among them.

"Xumiu actually has a lot of resources and treasures... In the past, you were too focused on knowledge and ignored what the people at the bottom really wanted.

This collaboration.

I hope to let go of my prejudices.

Pay more attention to the people at the bottom.

I think within a month, everything will be prosperous.

Fungi processing technology.

Scientific researchers will be here to impart knowledge to you in a short while.

At the same time, regarding the issue of ley lines... please do not continue to extract and study them, because ley lines are related to the stability of the world.

Continuous extraction.

This will lead to the spread of the dead zone.

Because...the bottom of the world is the abyss.

As for why...this is covered in the book Abyss Palace Research and the activities of the Strata Rock Abyss..."

"Yes, Miss Ningguang... We will learn from our lesson. Thank you very much for your support regarding food and other needed items..."

At 70% of the market price.

Selling in bulk.

He was even willing to help the Sumeru people build their own city.

Also give those desert remnants a job.

And a stable life.

They really need such a good thing.

"You're welcome, we are all allies... Just like Liyue and Daoji, we never say thank you... because we are one, and now Xumi is the same.

Little Lucky Grass King and Su Han have an indissoluble bond...

Treat each other as brother and sister.

So we won't be embarrassed.

But...the border issue, the mercenary issue, the treasure stealing gang and the fools...we all have to fight hard! ! ! "


One plan after another was signed continuously.

This also gave the people a sigh of relief.

And that morning.

Supplies began to be delivered continuously.

The price is really cheap.

At the same time, scientific researchers also handed over the cultivation of fungi and some spiritual herbs to the local people.

With wisdom.

Just change your life.

This is the most important thing.

And now everyone is working hard for this.

Tinari as a participant in the meeting.

He looked very happy.

At the same time, it can be regarded as witnessing the history of Xumi.

At this moment, he couldn't help but feel a little sad, if he hadn't participated in the Zhuyue Festival at that time.

Is there no such thing as the current scene?

What a dream encounter.


Time passed minute by minute.

Soon it was eleven o'clock in the morning.

Within the Zhutian mission group.

Although everyone was a little tired after the battle.

However, this mission is still exciting.

Beidou: "I hope it's a little more difficult... Mona can do five-star missions, so can I..."

Gan Yu: "I hope it's the mission of Xian Xia, well... it's best to be in the world of fairy swords... or that kind of white snake world. I want to challenge myself..."

Mandrill: "The same is true for me... I have been understanding Buddhism very quickly recently, and I am just looking for someone to discuss it with..."

Hutao: "Hehe... To tell you the truth, I have understood one of the powers of Samadhi True Fire, and I want to show it, hehehehe...

This mission.

I want to receive..."

Arecino: "Since I betrayed the Winter Country, I will work hard to practice from today on. I hope to have the opportunity to go to another world..."

Yae Shenzi: "Don't worry, it will be all right... By the way, let's bring that grass god in later. I felt a little embarrassed for fooling her before.

Now let's make up for it..."

Hua Sanli: "Let her rest first. She was injured just now. She probably needs two or three days to recuperate... Then she will be ready for the next mission."

Xiang Ling: "If I were to fight with Guoba in 5.4 now, who would really destroy whom? Hehehe... I also want to challenge the mission."

Just when everyone was chatting.

The mission has finally been refreshed.

This mission is naturally a five-star difficulty.

[Ding... It is detected that the mission cooldown time has expired, and the five-star mission has been released! 】

[Quest]: Please rescue the white snake monster whose heart was pierced by the green blood rosary, and defeat the monk Fahai

[Difficulty]: Five stars

[Countdown]: one hour

[Description]: Because Fahai only distinguishes between demons and humans, but does not distinguish between good and evil, he was eventually sealed as a Buddhist magical weapon. However, the arrival of the scholar Xu Xian gave him hope.

Therefore, he calculated against the other party and used the Guanyin Heart Sutra to directly summon the boy under the Guanyin Seat, and penetrated Bai Suzhen's heart with one blow.

[Reminder]: Bai Suzhen cannot die. At the same time, Fahai must be defeated and Bai Suzhen and others must be sent more than half a step away.

[Tip]: There are two ways to save Bai Suzhen. First, defeat the Millennium Iron Tree Spirit. Second... you can use props other than the dungeon, but be careful.

Fahai always stares at Bai Suzhen

[Note]: As long as Bai Suzhen shows signs of recovery, Fahai, the demon who wants to become a Buddha, will definitely interfere. He must be defeated to complete the mission.

[Special]: This mission is a team mission, with a team of up to three people.

[Remarks]: If the countdown reaches zero and no task is accepted, it will be regarded as automatically abandoned.

Chapter 556 A plan to kill three birds with one stone, the poignant Bai Suzhen learns the truth

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