Kitchen god.

River god.


Because of the limitations of the skills and the limitations of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

It is very difficult for a living being to become an immortal.

But now Ah Zhi has given Bai Suzhen hope.

Chapter 557: Heaven and Earth Audio-Visual Dafa reveals the truth, and the iron tree blooms? I'll make you blossom

"Practice will know everything next."

Finish this sentence.

The bird then disappeared.

The secret method of the Tang snake clan.


The body is hidden in the cracks of the void.

This prevented Ah Zhi from being discovered.

Bai Suzhen felt the secret method in her mind and started practicing secretly.

It's not like she didn't doubt Ah Ji.

But the aura on the other person's body.

But you can never deceive anyone.

It was the aura of his own lineage.

After practicing.

Plus the power in that mark.

Bai Suzhen fully recovered from her injuries in just an hour, and her shattered heart is now slowly healing.

That's why it hasn't been completely repaired yet.

Just because she wants to see the truth.

And there is a magic in that mark.

It's called: Heaven and Earth Audiovisual Dafa.

Ability to quietly pry into the mysteries of this world with the soul.

In fact, it is a kind of fugue technique.

The soul changes in many ways.

Hard to be noticed.

The reason why Bai Suzhen wanted to do this was to take a look around the chaotic Banbuduo Inn.

Are there people everywhere watching over the gods and Buddhas?

Because he was deeply hurt.

The younger sister and the bearded man left again.

Therefore, it would be extremely simple to spy on it yourself now.

When Bai Suzhen started practicing the method.

A strange force was born.

Her spiritual sense was magnified without limit.

Heaven and earth audiovisual.

What is important is to use weak to extreme spiritual power to adhere to every plant and tree, even the wind.

Use this to spy.

It is a supreme method.

Su Han is also currently practicing.

And for Bai Suzhen, who is only one step away from becoming an immortal.

The speed of practicing this technique is even more powerful.

Not even a stick of incense.

Then she found the trick.

Maybe it's talent.

Maybe she is a perfect fit for this technique.

Anyway, I got used to it quickly.

Consciousness continues to spread out.

Every bit of the inn.

appear in one's own perception.

The Chopstick Immortal is talking.

"Sigh... I was taken advantage of by monk Fahai this time. Let's not do this again in the future... It's not easy for Bai Suzhen..."

"Old man, I don't like hearing what you say. What a humble existence we are. Even if we want to resist, we don't have the heart. If we have the strength

Are you still here waiting to be taken advantage of? "


what is that.

Bai Suzhen frowned slightly.

The old man Chopsticks sighed: "Xu Xian is born kind... Qiqiao has a delicate heart, and it is right to form a good relationship with him... However, this kind of fate has harmed him...

I have a troubled conscience. "

"I also know...but...if we don't do this, we will be hunted down by heaven...Don't forget what the great immortal told us..."

"Hush...don't mention it, don't mention it..."

The sound gradually became empty.

Apparently the two Chopstick Immortals transformed into their true form.

I don’t want the walls to have ears.

But Bai Suzhen got a piece of news.

They came here to wait on purpose according to the instructions of a great immortal.

we can even say.

I knew I was being used by Fahai.

Divine consciousness continues to spread out.

Soon she heard another group talking.

They are other monsters hiding in the inn.

"Sigh... The arrival of Guanyin's boy just now did not scare us to death... If the other party takes action, we will all be doomed...〃~"

"What are you afraid of? Hehe... We are monsters that have been here for thousands of years. How many people have been eaten here... If Guanyin wanted to take care of it, he would have killed us long ago..."

"That's's more than half a step here, and the Guanyin boys don't dare to care about us. You can say...turn a blind eye."

"Hahahaha... Come and enjoy the boy you caught today. This is delicious food. I brought it from the human world..."

"It's really fresh flesh and blood..."

Bai Suzhen listened to the sound of chewing.

Slowly bite your lower lip.

She originally thought that the boy of Guanyin Bodhisattva used a magic weapon to penetrate her heart.

It was originally an unintentional move.

After all, she is a female believer in Bodhisattvas. these words broke Bai Suzhen's heart.

Is Guanyin Bodhisattva really omniscient and omnipotent?

Are you really compassionate?

Then why can't you see the real man-eating monster?

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