Su Han explained: "The development of a country in Liyue is always a bit slow. There are many friends and many paths, and... the group will continue to expand in the future.

There are so many top experts in Liyue.

Don't worry, I won't leave Liyue. ”.

Chapter 88 Yae Shenzi: I sold the movie, but I didn’t want to get involved with myself.

Ningguang said with some dissatisfaction: "Liyue is full of talented people, how can it be as unbearable as you said..."

This guy was clearly fascinated by that sexy fox.

Such a big thing.

Don't even discuss it with yourself.

The one who hugged him before also said that he would make Liyue dominate the Seven Kingdoms.

Now it’s about growing and growing together.

The man's words really can't be believed.

Su Han shook his head and said: "You don't understand. I admit that Liyue is full of talents, but... there are people outside the world, and there is a sky outside the sky.

In the world of heavens.

There are countless beings more powerful than the Rock King.

Currently, we in Liyue are thriving.

We should also take a long-term view.

I invited Inazuma's Yae Shenzi to join the group chat, which is equivalent to tying the God of Thunder to our chariot.

By then, the sea train will be launched.

We can reach Inazuma easily.

I heard that Inazuma’s sacred cherry blossoms are very beautiful. We can go to enjoy the cherry blossoms together..."

Look at his affectionate eyes.

Ningguang couldn't help but think of her own neon dance.

His little face turned red instantly.

She whispered: "I don't like dancing in a foreign country..."

Gan Yu next to her was very surprised, and she asked: "Su Han, is there really a being more powerful than Emperor Yan Wang?

And, there are so many more..."

"Yeah, of course. You'll find out later."

Su Han didn't want to scare the little coconut sheep.

After all, much of the world is yet to be determined.

But there are definitely people who are more terrifying than Zhongli.


Inside the Wanmin Hall.

Yae Kamiko is enjoying her fried tofu.

She traveled to many places.

It's not as delicious as here.

Just as Yae Shenzi was tasting the delicious food, noisy discussions came from the side.

"What a relief. This time our black blade troops killed the elites of the Fools again, and all the bodies were brought back."

"Hehe, ever since Mr. Su Han came to power. When have we, Liyue, ever suffered a loss..."

"I heard that the elites of Fools possess very strong technological power. How did our black blade defeat our opponents?"

"You don't understand this, right? Our black blade troops possess very terrifying power. It is said that they were taught by the national treasure.

When used, the fist or weapon can turn black.

Even the elemental bullets of the fire guerrillas can be ignored. "

"I, Cao, am so powerful?"

"Of course, why else would so many young people join the Qianyan Army? Because they can become stronger in the Black Blade Army without the Eye of God."


Just when everyone was talking about it.

Master Mao ran out of the kitchen and warned: "You guys, don't discuss Qianyan Army when you have nothing to do. What will you do if those spies hear it..."

The crowd roared with laughter.

"Master Mao, don't be nervous... We are all our own people. Since the reporting bill was introduced, who dares to be a spy now~?"

"What I'm talking about is, I heard that there was a spy in the shipyard a few days ago, and there were astrologers going to search for it. Good guy, the next day the body was hung at the crossroads for public display."

"That's what he deserves. This is what he should end up with if he leaks information to the fools."

Listening to everyone's refutations.

Master Mao snorted coldly: "Anyway, you have to be careful. This is a restaurant, not a place where we can discuss those things casually."

Su Han was attacked, and he was the first to know.

You can tell from the anxious look on her daughter's face.

Only that brat could make my daughter so nervous.

To avoid spies here.

He had to remind everyone, otherwise his daughter would start crying again.


Yae Kamiko stirred the food in the bowl.

His eyes were full of shock.

Why does that Black Blade Troop's move sound so familiar?

Suddenly, she remembered something.

He quickly took out his notebook and looked through it.

Sure enough, in a story about the nautical world.

Then there was the system of domineering.

However, it did not describe the training methods, but mentioned the effects of the moves.

Armed Color Haki: You can grab elemental enemies, and your arms can turn black to increase your defense. This change is called hardening in Haki.

Yae Shenzi couldn't help but take a breath of air.

If the facts are really as described in the book.

So, Liyue’s black blade troops.

It has the power to threaten the original god!

So what if I have the Eye of God?

The other party can cultivate thousands of domineering practitioners.

It's a pity that the stories in the book are gone when we reach the underwater prison.

However, there was one scene that struck Yae Kamiko as outrageous, that was the encounter between Shanks and Whitebeard, where the sky exploded with just their aura.

At that time, she was still asking whether the description was too exaggerated.

But Su Han said: "The power of Overlord Color is like this..."

"If the power of the Black Blade Troops is armed, does that mean that the things in this book are true..."

Yae Shenzi read the book for a while and finally shook his head.

It must be fake.

There are no devil fruits.

That domineering spirit was probably adapted by the other party based on some kind of cultivation method.


The fox breathed a sigh of relief.

Because she thinks the power of Devil Fruit is too incredible.

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