It will even be watched by some big shots.

This is your own way of survival.

After the thousand-year-old iron tree spirit figured it out, its body disappeared, and the next second its body wrapped Xu Xian.

He wants to live.

And this is the only way.

However, the Millennium Iron Tree Spirit almost controlled Xu Xian.

The flame turned into a sword energy.

Cut off all the branches directly.

The huge impact made the cave shake.

"You kid...are you really going to fight me to your death?"

"Wrong...I just want your life!"

Xiangling comes in pursuit.

The palm of his hand pressed against the abdomen of the thousand-year-old iron tree spirit.

A red light burst out.

A huge wound erupted from the opponent's body.

This incarnation can no longer bear it.

And Xiangling was not careless.

One hit.

Then he started to attack quickly.

It's a pity that the thousand-year-old iron tree spirit's body turned into foam at that moment.

Just disappeared.


The strange black tree that was originally far away now began to dig into the ground and escape.

Although the plant type is not easy to fight against the fire type monks.

However, the plant system has a natural advantage.

That is: Earth Escape.

You can use the earth to move away.

Although doing so will seriously injure yourself.

However, the thousand-year-old iron tree spirit no longer cares about it.

Continue to stay.

Likely to perish.

He's not a fool.

Compared to chance.

I want to live even more.

If you provoke heaven, the worst possible outcome is to go to the devil world.

It’s not like I haven’t been there before.

If life is gone, everything is gone.

There is fire on the ground.

But he is not afraid.

It's okay to be injured, as long as you can survive.

Ten kilometers away.

On a grassland.

The body of the thousand-year-old iron tree spirit slowly climbed out of the ground.

"Huh... It's almost over. What a troublesome guy... It's better to leave quickly... Otherwise, this old life will be gone..."

He turned to leave.

But a figure stopped in front of him.

It was the strange creature next to the girl.

The other person's body becomes the same size as your own.

But he came here without knowing it.

The Millennium Iron Tree Spirit's heart skipped a beat and asked, "How did you catch up? I used Earth Escape..."

"I'm sorry, I can also escape..."

Guo Ba smiled and stretched out his palm.

The true fire of samadhi suddenly broke out.


A blazing fire bomb penetrated the body of the thousand-year-old iron tree spirit.

That fiery power.

It burned the other person's soul.

"No...this is Samadhi True Fire. How can you have this power...No..."

The thousand-year-old iron tree spirit struggled crazily.

You must know that in this world, there are only a few powerful people who can master the true fire of Samadhi.

How did the opponent obtain this monster?

Just a few breaths.

The tree demon completely lost its voice.

The soul was destroyed.

Total death.

After Xiangling rushed over, she looked at the big tree and said with a smile: "Well... not bad, we really made a profit from such a monster...".

Chapter 559: I am a golden-winged roc, and in terms of seniority, I am the uncle of the Buddha.

A monster that has practiced for thousands of years.

Strength is naturally no small matter.

The value alone is very impressive.

I think Bai Suzhen was penetrated into her heart.

It only takes one Iron~Tree Fairy Fruit to repair it.

This is proof enough.

the other party’s ability.

Has great healing power.

Guo Ba smiled at Xiang Ling and said, "Then you take care of this iron tree spirit, and I'll go deal with the monsters nearby... and see if I can hunt more -..."

"Then you have to be careful...after all, there are many strong people here."

"Don't worry, I'm measured."

Guo Ba patted Xiang Ling on the head.

Flying towards the distance.

Soon, a shocking battle broke out in that mountain range.

Apparently, Guoba was already fighting with other monsters.

Xiangling collected the body of Tie Shujing.

Returned to Xu Xian and Big Beard.

"Fairy... Fairy, where is the iron tree spirit? Have you caught it..."

"The person has been killed...but I won't give you the Iron Tree Fruit, but...this elixir can heal the opponent's injuries. Go back quickly.

By the way, let me tell you something scholar.

A war may break out careful..."

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