Fahai vomited blood and flew out.

He flew directly from the inn to the grassland thousands of meters away.

And the mandrill came next.

The spear in his hand is carrying countless storms.

Take it straight to his neck.

If hit.

Even if you don't die, you still have to shed a layer of skin.

Fahai immediately said angrily: "You cannot interfere in the affairs of the poor monk! The mere evil heretics... still want to ruin my state of mind. I have the purple golden bowl given by the Buddha.

Go to hell..."

When saying this sentence.

In fact, it acquiesced to Mandrill's previous remarks.

He did not dare to fight with the Demonic Lord.

At the same time, chasing Bai Suzhen is also because she feels that she can conquer the other party.

Even Fa Hai didn't dare to trouble Tie Shujing.

Because there is no such thing as Xu Xian.

His dust curse cannot be lifted.

Blessed by the dust sealing spell.

His own magic weapon cannot be used, and his strength is naturally greatly reduced.

All thoughts are seen.

It's no wonder that Fa Hai became so angry.

The Purple Gold Bowl is a magic weapon given by the Buddha. It is so powerful that even Bai Suzhen would stay away from it.

· ··Asking for flowers····· ····

You can imagine how powerful this magic weapon is.

It was precisely because of this weapon that Fahai became so arrogant.

"Monster...what will you do this time?"

"Oh? Have you finally used the Purple Golden Bowl? Well, I will completely crush your dignity... As the saying goes, with a single thought, flowers bloom... golden lotuses everywhere..."


Golden light.

Blooming in Fahai's eyes.

That is the power of Buddhism.


More pure than him.

It can even be said that this power...is already at the level of a Venerable.

Come outside.

I want to be called Buddha.

The light of the purple golden bowl struck the opponent's body.

But it was resolved by a ray of clear light.

"No...how is that possible? My purple golden bowl...that is..."

Fahai couldn't believe his eyes.

This guy is full of evil karma.

He turned out to be a Buddhist power.

Moreover, he also has a third-grade Golden Lotus! ! !

My own Purple Golden Bowl cannot have any impact at all! ! !

"Oh? You understand... My power is stronger than yours in terms of attributes... and purity. According to Buddhist rules... you have to kneel down and salute..."

........ .... ...

"Bah... you simply stole my Buddhist power!!! It must be like this... it must be..."

"Noisy!!! Namo Amitabha..."

Looking at Fahai falling into madness.

Mandrill directly pinches the seal.

With a big thunder sound technique, he directly blasted the opponent away.

Terrible sonic technique.

Fahai had no way to defend himself.

Directly vomiting blood and seriously injured.

"Ahem...pure Thunder Sound Technique...I haven't even learned it yet..."

The arrogant Fahai.

Continuously humiliated by Mandrill.

His eyes were red.

The original magic weapon even fell to the ground.

The mandrill picked up the demon-conquering pestle and coldly snorted: "Since you, a monk, have gone crazy, I will keep the things for you... and if your dog eyes can't distinguish between good and evil.

I'll block it for you too.

Otherwise, it will stain the world..."

Golden light.

Directly into Fa Hai's eyes.

"Ouch... my eyes... what have you done... what exactly have you done... I am a disciple of Buddha... Buddhism will not forgive you..."

When the sting goes away.

Fahai found that his eyes could no longer see.

He became blind.

This situation made Fahai very scared.

And Mandrill said: "This is a sin that should be paid for... He talks about benevolence and morality, but in the end he kills... Depriving you of your eyes. It makes you feel the world with your heart...

Live well.

If you are not my Buddhist disciple.

I would have killed you long ago...

Remember my name.

Buddhism...the Golden-winged Dapeng...is the Buddha's uncle...you should call me Buddha.

By the way, I will take away your purple golden bowl...and the magic pestle.

Waiting for you to wake up to your true nature.

Just come and find me under the bodhi tree..."

With that said Mandrill left.

Fahai was left lying there helplessly.

Golden-winged roc.

Buddha's uncle.

This time I kicked the iron bricks.

Fa Hai wanted to cry but had no tears.

The whole person collapsed.

The Buddha's heart even began to have cracks.

He was originally a monk with many shortcomings, but he was only selected into the game because he was selected to be robbed.

Who would have thought that I would meet Mandrill Guang.

Chapter 560: Begin planning for the next mission, Guanyin Bodhisattva has arrived half a step away

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