It won’t be nothing.

Start from scratch.

This is very satisfying.

Moreover, nearby signal towers are also being built.

The TV sets will also be distributed free of charge.

Although it is an old version from before.

But at least it's free.

This is very satisfying.

Reduce the pressure.

Improve the happiness of life.


At this time, on the World Tree.

Nasida looked at Xumi in the live broadcast.

He showed a happy smile.

Its concentration.

She didn't even notice Su Han's arrival.

Until the program commercial appears.

Only then did I realize that there was an extra person beside me.

"'re here, Brother Su Han..."

"Why do you have such an expression? Am I scary..."

Faced with Su Han's teasing.

Nasida lowered her head and said: "I lied to you...I said I was a descendant of the Grass God before, but in fact I am the current Grass God...because my reputation in Xumi is not good.

So...that's why I..."

The next words were not finished.

Su Han stopped him with his fingers.

"No need to apologize... We are friends, and friends should understand each other... The people you have protected have been let down for hundreds of years...

I can understand how you feel.

So, Nasida...can you just forget about this? "


There was a smile on the girl's face.

Then, she said with a smile: "I always complained before... I had bad luck. After being selected to become the God of Grass, I did not bring happiness to the people.

I didn’t understand until I met my older brother later.

All my luck has been used here.

Hehe...I am the luckiest god. "

"You... know how to make wisecracks. By the way... how are you recovering from your injury?"

"Hmm, a sister named Miao Yue just gave me some pointers, and the injury healed very quickly. And she also gave me a copy of the technique.

It made me realize many things that I had never noticed before.

I believe that I will continue to get stronger..."

Nacida's face was full of confidence.

Maybe it's because Su Han is here.

Perhaps he was reborn after experiencing this incident.

In short, she is a good girl who no longer shows off.

Su Han touched her head and expressed great appreciation.

At this time, a woman with short red hair walked over from a distance. She had a foul look on her face and stretched out her hand when she came in front of him.

"I'm hungry...feed me something to eat..."

"Here...chicken popcorn, spicy..."

"Hmph...I'm leaving..."

The other party is not only bad-tempered.

Not even a thank you.

Just grab your stuff and leave.

It was as if Su Han was just a tool man.

Nasida looked at the strange woman and frowned: "Who is she? Why doesn't she respect you at all... How can there be such an ungrateful person..."

"It's okay, she... just has a bad temper, just ignore her... Let's go, I'll take you to grill fish... Keli will be back in a while, I guess we will eat fish again today.

Let me show you a way to eat that you have never eaten before. "

"Okay, I like cooking the most..."

Nacida smiled and looked very happy.

About two hours later.

Keli came back with a three-meter-long fish.

Everyone's head is covered with black lines.

As the saying goes, you can catch fish if you catch them.

This has almost become a submarine.

"Hehe... It was really a mistake. Originally, Keli was going to catch that very delicious fish, but in the end, the fish ate her, so...

Just caught it back.

Brother Su Han, let’s eat it today..."

".¨Okay...the grilling of fish begins!"

This grilled fish is not the kind of fish that people usually eat.

Instead, it is roasted first and then stewed.

It belongs to the practice of the previous life.

There are vegetables underneath, served with barbecue ingredients.

Full of flavor.

While eating, Nasida discovered that the short-haired woman was back again.

Instead, he sat next to Su Han unceremoniously.

It tastes very delicious.

Moreover, she found that everyone knew this woman, but they just ignored each other.

Eat to your heart's content.

Mona came to Su Han and asked: "Have you received the reward this time? I want to see what it is this time... I'll collect it while I have time..."

"Okay, I just didn't look at it. This is our first time to receive the prize from White Snake World... I hope it is a good thing."

There is time now.

It’s also great to receive this reward.

Su Han put a piece of fish meat into Sword Girl's mouth, and then opened the mission group of the heavens.

do not know why.

As long as it's not in a dream.

Lemuria likes Nian Suhan very much.

And it's not in a weapon state.

But prefer the human condition.

However, even though she is yandere... she will not really avoid letting people get close to her, like a woman like Su Han.

She still gives face.

It's just that his face looks a bit stinky.

Accompanied by the touch of the idea of ​​receiving.

This time the reward is presented.

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