There are also discussions to launch a sea train.

Even some employment issues.

It is impossible for the people of Aolai Country to just fight, they also need to live.

According to Wanted.

There are about 180,000 people in Aolai's country.

It’s quite a small country.

Third Young Master Aolai looked at the official and asked, "When can we go to Liyue? When I went there just now, the sword was not allowed in..."

"Just apply for an identity certificate and you can go... Lord Su Han has told you that the monsters in Aolai Kingdom are very powerful and they are all geniuses... There is just one thing we should remind you.

Don't provoke Xuanyuan Sword... Otherwise, even if you have identification, it won't work. "

Identification is a symbol.

It means that they will not take the initiative to attack you.

If you go to the temple to cause trouble.

Don't cry out for injustice even if you are killed.

Third Young Master Aolai nodded and said: "Okay... I am very honest. By the way... where is Mr. Su Han? I really want to see him..."

"Sir, it should be in the World Tree. You can go directly from here. There are no restrictions on the high-level monsters in the Aolai Kingdom, but please do not pick the treasures of the World Tree at will.

This is illegal..."

"Hehe, I don't steal treasures, I just want to meet him..."

With that said, he took the boat and headed to the World Tree.

Liu Er was a little worried and followed him.

Chapter 564 The proud second princess Liu Er left in shame and anger, and the third young master called him brother-in-law when he came up

What kind of virtue is my brother?

No one knows better than Liu Er if he doesn't follow.

If anything happens.

I was afraid I would cry to death.

The two people took a special boat and approached the World Tree.

You can see the shadow of the World Tree in the distance above the sea. The spiritual energy around you is so rich that it can even become atomized.

"Sister...this World Tree is so powerful, with such rich spiritual energy. If I practice here, I'm afraid my injuries will be back to normal within a month..."

Third Young Master Aolai took a deep breath.

As a result, the powerful spiritual energy caused his already extremely painful body.

I actually got some relief.

It's incredible.

If I had known that I could heal myself, I would still be hesitant.

Liu Er said proudly: "There are still many things that will shock you...Do you know how the World Tree grows? The other party absorbed the corpse of the devil and grew up slowly..."

"Hiss... No wonder, that's really scary... Okay, we're at the station... Second sister, let's go..."

Third Young Master Aolai jumped lightly and came directly to the shore.

Then he looked around like a child.

Liu Er, on the other hand, followed his younger brother leisurely.

Like a kind old mother.

Looking back, it's been a long time since my brother had such fun.

I'm afraid it's been since my father passed away.

It would be difficult for him to play around like this.

What it feels like to be forced to grow up.

It's really uncomfortable.

Just when Liu Er was lost in thought, his younger brother's voice came from the front.

"Hey... Miss, can a being like you, who is full of evil energy, be able to move around at will?"

"Go away..."

"I'm just asking...don't be so angry, by the way..."

Third Young Master Aolai has not yet finished speaking.

A blood-red light lit up.

The cold power made Liu Er, a hundred meters away, shiver.

This woman is so powerful.

Who is the other party?

I remember that this woman's identity was not included in the list Tushan Honghong gave her before.

Woman with short red hair.

The momentum that broke out was very astonishing.

Even Third Young Master Aolai was not sure about taking down the opponent directly.

Just when he thought the two sides were going to fight.

A voice came from the top of the tree.

"You...can't control the evil spirit in your body again? Be careful and don't have fried chicken for a while..."

"Hey... I'm not deliberately looking for trouble! It's this person who is deliberately looking for trouble for me... You must be able to sense it..."

The short-haired woman looked dissatisfied.

The blood-red aura around him.

Even more ferocious.

Especially those bright red eyes, beating like a ball of blood.


A man appeared in front of the other party and placed his palm on the head of the woman with short red hair. All the cold aura suddenly subsided.

I saw the other party holding a piece of delicious fried chicken nuggets and smiling: "Of course I was testing you... In the end, you are still so impulsive, okay?"

Grab your snacks and go play.

Stop teasing the children..."

The other party took the fried chicken, turned around and left.

Didn't show him any favor at all.

But the people around him seemed to be used to it.

Saw a woman coming.

They gave in one after another.

Liu'er looked at the woman's back and asked doubtfully: "Who is she, Master Su Han? She feels very powerful... but her strength is obedient, isn't she Lemuria..."

"She... just treat her as a rebellious girl. Just don't worry about her... By the way, I just received a notification that your Aolai Kingdom has arrived, right?"

"Yes, I just landed. I wanted to visit you again in a few days, but my brother was too anxious... so..."

Don't wait for Liu Er to finish.

Then he saw his younger brother coming to Su Han and whispered: "Boss... you are so strong. My admiration for you is like the endless river...

What do you think of my sister?

She has been single for hundreds of years, and no one can take care of her... Why don't we take her away... Ouch... Sister, what are you doing..."

A boy who is promoting his sister.

He was kicked directly by Liu Er and flew out.

This bastard was actually teasing himself like this.

Looking at Su Han with a strange look on his face.

Liu Er said with a blushing face: "You... don't listen to my brother's nonsense... He is just talking nonsense... I... I'm leaving first..."

Look at the other person's eyes.

I don't know why, Liu Er suddenly panicked.

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