Of course, what really shocked him was the identity of the woman with short red hair.

Chapter 565 The Scarlet King is not dead yet. After leaving the madness, only the confused Demon God remains.

For the other person who wants to find the other person.

Aolai Sanshao chose video acceleration.

Of course, when the fight comes up.

He still watched carefully.

Regardless of the use of domineering.

Or the power of immortal magic, both are very amazing.

Until the Scarlet King breaks free.

Su Han began to appear.

Then the thunder movie comes, until the final ending.

"It turns out...she is that person. No wonder my brother-in-law said he wouldn't let me find out...Tsk, tsk, it's really scary..."

Third Young Master Aolai looked happy.

If Su Han hadn't stopped him just now.

Even if I say less, I will lose a layer of skin.

Especially one who is seriously injured.

Because that woman with short red hair is simply the Scarlet King! ! !

She didn't die.

Instead, he stayed by Su Han's side and continued to live in another identity.

Therefore, the identity cannot be probed.

How amazing! ! !

Subsequently, Young Master Aolai watched other videos here and even began to learn the knowledge of domineering and other spells.

This is the studio.

So, a lot of teaching has that.

Third Young Master Aolai watched with great interest.

At the top of the tree canopy outside, the Scarlet King was holding chicken popcorn and looking at the sea in the distance, his eyes full of leisure and ease.

Why didn't she die?

In fact, I don’t even know the origin of this “843”.

In short, this is what the battle looked like that day.

When that guy Su Han used the Xuanyuan Sword.

The Scarlet King felt that he could no longer bear the opponent's attack. If that sword fell, he would really perish.

The golden light didn't hesitate.

Pass directly through the body.

Xuanyuan Sword inherently contains pure Yang Qi.

Coupled with Su Han's own strength.

Basically, being hit by this sword is as uncomfortable and painful as a vampire being exposed to sunlight.

Her body began to dissipate crazily.

It can even be said to be melting.

The Scarlet King wanted to struggle, but... Thunder Movie didn't give himself a chance at all.

The Zhuxian Sword Formation fell directly.

Suppressed his body.

Wanting to escape has become wishful thinking.

The infinite power was weakening her body, and soon...she felt the crisis of death if she continued like this.

You will really perish.

But at this time, Su Han said to himself: "Compress your body... abandon the filth..."

Although I don’t understand what the other party means.

However, by that time she was already tortured to the point of death.

Washed by that terrifying sword energy.

The Scarlet King chose to obey.

Of course, it’s okay to resist!

The price is more pain.

After being sealed for so many years, it finally appeared, but it was about to die immediately.

The desire of living beings to live.

This deeply stimulated the Scarlet King.

She began to compress her body crazily.

Eventually taking on human form.

The Xuanyuan Sword was inserted into her heart, and the fiery power made her original power a mess.

The strength you draw from yourself.

All will dissipate.

Just when consciousness is about to dissipate.

Su Han asked himself: "Do you want to live? I can let you live...but you can't hurt people, and you can't devour them at will..."

She doesn't want to perish.

So, he nodded slowly.

Because my body really can't bear it anymore.

There is only one result if you continue.

That is: destruction.

The golden sword was withdrawn from her body, but she was almost torn to pieces, her origins disintegrating.

No one can stop it.

But the other party didn't know how to freeze his own state.

And sealed the power.

"Live well. You were too paranoid before, and all your followers turned away from you. You should have understood at that time... where you went wrong, and live anonymously from now on..."

That's when.

He started to follow Su Han.

The other party gives him something to eat.

The other party also gave him something to drink.

There are fifty thousand moras to spend every month.

Hmm...there doesn't seem to be much else.

As long as he doesn't cause trouble, doesn't fight...and doesn't swallow things, in fact...if there is a seal.

The Scarlet King couldn't devour it even if he wanted to.

Therefore, there is a high probability that they are being held in captivity.

During this period, Barbatos came to tease him, but she kicked him away.

And Morax also visited himself.

The other party didn't mock.

Instead, he wanted to drink with himself.

But...she was not in the mood, so...the other party said: "Maybe there is nothing wrong with this identity, just like my current name is Zhongli

A...well, in Su Han's words.

They are people who fish all day long...have food, drink, and are very happy..."

As for thunder movies, I see them quite often.

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