Then you cannot participate in the next three tasks.

Pandora agrees!

As for the third candidate, Su Han didn't expect it.

Nasida actually wanted to participate.

As the little auspicious grass king of Sumeru.

She actually wants to participate in the Holy Grail War.

Lisa: " @Nasida... Do you really want to participate? You have also seen what they discussed just now. The battle is very fierce... A fight is certain~!"

Nacida: "It's okay... I have to learn to fight. Since Pandora wants to participate, I will naturally participate too..."

She understood Pandora's identity.

Therefore, he had to follow.

The goal is not to lose to the opponent.

Why wasn't the Scarlet King killed?

Su Han explained to her.

Although she didn't understand it at first, Nasida felt that the other party must have his own ideas.

And the kind with ambitious goals.

Therefore, you have to help each other.

During this period of time, he could see the changes in Xumi.

Now there is a chance.

How could you not repay the other party?

This mission.

It's a perfect opportunity.

Nacida wanted to do the mission, she wanted to prove herself... and she also wanted to repay the favor!

Su Han: "Okay... The third person has been confirmed, who else wants to participate... Beidou, will you go? Lancelot inside is still very powerful.

is a good opponent. "

Beidou: "Well... I have carried out several missions. Let's see if anyone else wants to go... For example, Brother Fushe... or Mr. Mandrill...

If no one is there, I'll go there... By the way, you'd better prepare someone to do the work for you.

Although there are not many treasures in this world.

But you still care about some geniuses..."

Her words caught Su Han's attention.


Yes, I lack a lot of talent.

Although the Holy Grail World is not that high-end.

However, some talents are also valuable.

Su Han: "Well... I think we can let Mona in. Firstly, this is a magic world, and secondly... she is relatively stealthy when performing tasks and is good at assassination...

This leaves only the last person left. "

Fu She: "I have also been studying Buddhist scriptures recently, and the purple golden bowl seems to be destined for me... I will not go on this mission, and I will look at other people."

After he obtained the Purple Golden Bowl.

Also studied it.

I found that this thing actually fits my own attributes very well.

I will not participate in this mission.

Gan Yu: "My words... It seems that it is not suitable for this kind of task, otherwise I would go... And Xumi is very busy recently, and Keqing... there is no way to go there.

Let’s ask Hu Tao and the others? "

Hu Tao: "In my case... I don't really want to go, mainly because it's a world where you can't use any means, it's not fun to play, and it's all tragedy..."

Holy Grail War.

Not an interesting world.

If it was a world like the God of Death, she would just go with it.

I watched everyone refuse one after another.

In fact, the number of candidates has gradually shrunk a lot.

Shen He: "As for me...I haven't been there recently. Sister Miaoyue taught me a skill, and I'm currently studying it..."

Yae Shenzi: "Uh... I'm the same way. In fact, Hua Sanli is also practicing. We will have a big breakthrough in the near future. Let's look at the others..."

Su Han: " @Wendy...what about you?"

The Wind God should be very interested in this kind of world, right?

Wendy: "Hey... I'm studying the Flower Goddess Festival in Sumeru... I haven't been here for a long time. I want to have a drink on the way... How about letting Yura go?

Her fighting ability is very good, and her strength has improved a lot recently.

In combat using a greatsword.

She is on par with Beidou..."

Confronted with his recommendations.

Su Han thought about it seriously.

Inside the seven masters.

Is it appropriate for Yura to go?

Not to mention Lancelot, the Knight of the Lake.

It would be difficult for the government king alone to handle this.

That level of barrier is very difficult to break through without strong strength.

Not to mention the current ice and snow weapons.

Nothing too strong.

On the hardware side.

Yura has not improved her strength for a long time.

So he was a little worried about the opponent's strength.

Kamisato Ayaka: " @Su Han... I believe in Yura's strength, and... you haven't watched us fight for a while, right? Hehe...

This time it was a surprise. "

Beidou: ".¨That's right... I think Yura is fine too!"

Face everyone's approval.

Su Han finally decided on the fifth candidate.

Wave Rider·Yora.

The five people are: Pandora, Qin, Yola, Mona and Nasida.

The lineup can be said to be very luxurious.

Two demons.

Coupled with the double recovery composed of Qin and Mona.

And Yula, the frost type.

The combat effectiveness is directly maxed out.

After submitting the list.

The mission finally begins.

At the same time, Su Han also distributed his instructions to everyone.

This mission is very long.

As long as it can be completed within twenty-four hours.

Therefore, Yula and others have a long time to operate.

As everyone goes to another world, the live broadcast screen also opens.

Everyone in the Zhutian mission group.

They all looked at the screen.


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