


Space shattered.

Huge tsunamis surged directly from both sides of the island.

Waves hundreds of meters high.

It makes people's scalp numb.

And within the Zhutian mission group.

There was also an uproar.


Hu Tao: "Is this really a battle between humans? I doubt that I died in just a second..."

Maplehara Manyo: "My swordsmanship is not worth mentioning in front of him. With this kind of fighting power, no wonder the master said the mission is too dangerous."

Ning Guang: "Is this also the power of Devil Fruit?"

Su Han: "Yes, its name is the earthquake fruit. It can activate the power of vibration, tsunamis, earthquakes, space fragmentation, even so...

He still lost.

Although it is because of his age, the navy is also very strong. "

The words just fell.

A man flashed into the sky.

"Ice Age!"

Two freezing powers.

Launched towards the tsunami.

The terrifying huge wave turned into ice in an instant.

It's not just that.

The nearby sea surface was also frozen.

Another Devil Fruit ability appears.

At this time, an eagle-eyed man brandished a knife at Whitebeard.

The huge black sword energy tore through the ice.

Knocked dozens of people away.

An extremely deep crack was cut across the entire ice surface.

Maplehara Manyo couldn't help but take a breath of air as he looked at the slash.

Is this the third stage of domineering?

It's really too strong.

However, such a powerful slash.

But he was blocked by a guy with diamonds shining all over his body.

Diamond Jozy!

"Hehe... He is indeed Hawkeye. The name of the world's number one swordsman is indeed well-deserved!"

Another fruit-ability user appears.

Of course, the fighting continues to intensify.

The Straw Hat boy tried to attack several times, but was knocked away every time.

Until he was kicked to Whitebeard's side.

The top battle has officially begun.

Kizaru launched a missile, but was kicked away by the Phoenix.

The intensity of the battle.

The group fell into silence.

They're even thinking about it.

Can Mr. Zhongli really defeat this kind of opponent?

Mona: "If I had known earlier, we would have gone with Mr. Zhongli, even if we delayed it for a while."

Although the geothermal heat is a bit scary.

But it's not impossible to stop.

I still have the fighting ability.

Su Han: "Don't be impatient. If you look at it honestly, the immortal's strength is not that weak."

While talking.

The third general appeared.

"Big fire..."

The fiery fist of magma erupted, and the scorching temperature even distorted the space.

But it was easily blocked by Whitebeard.

The power of shock exploded.

The two directly fought to a draw.

The shock wave spread quickly.

Knocks everyone nearby away.

" are getting older after all, and your dominance has begun to decline!"

"'s okay to deal with a brat like you."

Cong Yunqie twisted.

He shot Akainu away, but the opponent turned around.

It fell to the ground easily.

He looked at Whitebeard with a gloomy look.

In terms of strength.

He is not his opponent, he has to think of other ways.

The battle continues.

With the entrance of Straw Hat, it turned into a white heat.

Within the Zhutian mission group.

Gan Yu: "Why hasn't Mr. Zhongli taken action yet? Isn't now the best time..."

Mona: "Maybe I'm observing the fighting style of this world. After all, these people are masters, and it's good to learn from them.

Besides, isn't Ace very safe? "

On the execution stand.

Ace is naturally very safe.

Because he is the bait.

· ··Asking for flowers····· ····

Naturally, they will not be killed easily.

At this time, Zhongli stood on the glacier, silently observing the battle below.


Although for others.


This kind of fighting is fierce.


However, to him it was just interesting.


The cruelty of the demon war.


Only those who have experienced it know how terrible it is.

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