Then it would be better to completely destroy it.

However, the gentle light is like the sun.

Remove all the darkness from her heart.

No...if it were Mr. Su Han, he would never abandon himself like this, and even be the enemy of the world! ! !

Suddenly, a figure broke into Irisviel's heart.

Even that shadow.

Imprinted in it.

On the other side, Chancheng Kui also encountered the same thing.

If you haven't seen your daughter's tragic experience.

In fact, she still believed in Tosaka Tokiomi.

It's a pity that the other party's ruthlessness and senselessness shattered all the illusions in her heart.

Not only that, but he almost sent his family to hell.

"Tosaka Tokiomi... everything is your fault. Since you covet the Matou family's insect technique, why don't you taste the marking insect yourself..."

Chancheng Kui roared angrily in his heart.

However, just like Irisviel.

The gentle light drives away the darkness.

It is better to replace the person you trust.

Su Han's existence undoubtedly made him feel more secure than Tokiomi Tosaka.

Recall the other person’s deeds.

That is truly a legendary figure.

So what if they are the kings in history?

There is no way he can compare to this lord.

Su Han's figure was deeply imprinted in her heart.

And Sakura Tohsaka next to her was even more intoxicated than her.

The same is true for the Eastern Huaizhu and Eastern Qinlan in the distance.

Miao Yue frowned slightly, as if she had discovered something. She originally wanted to stop it, but... after taking a look at Su Han, she chose to give up.

Perhaps, this is the best result.

About half an hour later.

The top of the towering tree canopy.

A strong light burst out.

All the clouds have dispersed.

A green light mixed with silvery white slowly flew out from the cultivation room.

All the elves knelt down and worshiped.

"Welcome to the Mother Goddess..."

Among those thousands of light beams.

A figure slowly appeared. She had long silver hair and eyes as bright as stars. She was wearing a holy white dress and a pair of crystal-like shoes on her feet.

"My children, please get up...there is no need to gather here, just go about your business..."

A clear voice like an oriole resounded in the minds of all the elves.

However, this sacred aura.

It only lasted a while.

The tree spirit looked at Su Han.


There was a flash of light.

She jumped right at him.

"Hehe... I have transformed into the master and took me to play... I want to go skiing, I want to eat barbecue..."

"I want to hear a story..."

"I can't stay in this place for a second."

Fortunately, the elves have all left.

Otherwise, if they see a scene where the painting style collapses.

It is estimated that they will all be angry and vomit blood.

Su Han looked the clingy little elf up and down, and said with a wry smile: "You are not afraid of being seen... If you can't hold back the majesty of your elf mother goddess, those elves will probably be scared to death..."

"Humph... I can't, I... am their mother goddess. If you don't believe me, ask those three babies if they are..."

Facing the inquiry of the Elf Mother Goddess.

The three Elf Kings said at the same time: "Mother God loves you, Father God... We will respect and worship all her decisions..."

All right.

They didn't mind.

What else could Su Han say.

"Then what should I call you? It don't even have a name now..."

"Your name is Su Han, then my name will be... Su Liu, hehe..."

Plain and simple name.

That's it.

The tree spirit of the World Tree: Su Liu.

Everyone looked at the hilarious Elf Mother Goddess and felt that the tree spirit of the World Tree was in such a posture, and they felt that the contrast was too great.

Hu Tao, on the other hand, refused to give up and ran over to ask: "Hey...Xiao Liu, how is your strength now? They all say you are so strong..."

"I don't know about my strength,'s definitely not as good as Sister Miaoyue, but...more powerful than Fengshen. His power is ineffective against me."

"Invalid? How is this possible..."

Yae Shenzi was a little surprised.

And Wendy fired a terrifying storm bomb at Su Liu.

It seems to be only the size of a fist.

But it can destroy a mountain.

Seeing the violent wind coming, Su Liu pointed his finger.

Thousands of stars twinkle.

It actually drowned out the wind.

"What kind of power is this? It doesn't look like a plant..."

She thought that the other party's power would be the power of the wood element, so she was not afraid of the storm.

As a result, the power is demonstrated.

It was something I had never seen before.

I saw Su Liu explain: "This move comes with my body, called the power of the moon... Any move that is not stronger than mine can devour..."

Anyone whose power is not higher than hers will be devoured.

What a terrifying power this is.

And Wendy smiled and said: "It's really interesting... So what should you do if you fight..."

"That's probably it..."

Su Liu's eyes turned cold.

The ground beneath your feet instantly turned into a moon.

Countless vines attacked Wendy.

Even though it was just a sparring match, every vine had the full power of the Demon God.

Even Hua Sanli felt his scalp numb.

This attack is fast and swift, without any reaction time.

Wendy transformed into a strong wind and prepared to leave, but her body was frozen.

"this is..."

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