Unexpectedly, I haven't arrived in Mondstadt yet.

The battle had already broken out.

I can even see my daughter on the TV, which is really shocking.


Then the screen switches.

The people of the Second Rift are also fighting.

This is the battle ground belonging to the Sword Immortal.

The moment they entered, Shuiyue and others burst out with endless sword light.

Hundreds of rounds of sword energy directly tore apart all the guarding undead tribe.

The two swords of heaven and thunder are directly combined.

The leader who was guarding this place in the distance had just reacted when a huge hole was opened in his head by the terrifying sword light.

A huge skeleton hundreds of meters tall.

He was instantly killed!

"Here... there's another guy to deal with!"


The two swords of Tianlei turned their spearheads.

Before they could launch an attack.

A black soul arrow flew directly over.

At the top of the mountain.

A mage wearing a black robe burst out with all his power.

He didn't expect that.

People on the surface actually dare to invade.

Fortunately, I have my own guard.

It's just a pity for the genius of the Bone Race.

Just when he thought he had succeeded.

But his back was penetrated by a black sword energy.

"It's a pity. I've been staring at you for a long time...Goodbye, idiot..."

Ulquiorra completed the kill.

Another camp was captured.




This is their method.

And now the third crack has also started fighting.

Tushan Honghong's whole body was burning with three blazing true fires, and they were facing the withered ones.

These rotten wooden guys.

There was no way to resist in front of the flames.

But Liu'er's whole body was burning with raging flames, and he even smashed the mountain into pieces with one blow of the stick.

"My sons... kill all these evil spirits. It was mentioned above... If we kill these guys, we will be rewarded!!"


Countless fox demons and monsters from Aolai Kingdom.

Start delivering devastating blows.

have to say.

Compared to humans.

Monsters are more resistant to the aura of death, so they don't need to restrain their hands when fighting.

It can be said that such a fierce battle.

It's faster than the Sword Immortal.

Tushan Honghong keeps chasing the withered ones.

Until he was stopped by a withered man dozens of meters tall and covered in black gas.

"Little girl...you have killed so many of my tribe, should you give me an explanation?"

"Explain? Ha... I'll let you perish..."

A wisp of flame emerged from Tushan's red palm, and his whole person flashed away like a ray of light.

The Blighted leader uses Corrosive attacks.

But he couldn't touch a single hair of Tushan Honghong.

Even his senses couldn't catch up with the opponent's movement speed. He felt a pain in his heart, and the blazing flames were already burning in his body.

"Ouch...no, my body...my body is burning..."

"Farnast...where are you? Help..."

Liu Er, who was in the distance, saw that Tushan Honghong had solved the battle, and looked back at the skeleton in front of him.

She sneered and said, "Your name is Farnest?"

"Yes...Ice Bone Clan, Farnast...I am a lord-level existence, Frost Purgatory!!!"

Skeleton holding a scythe.

A desolate chill erupted.

Originally he was with the leader of the Blighted Ones.

However, the battle broke out suddenly.

There was no way to get there.

Ever since, it has become what it is now.

Facing the endless frost, Liu Er took out his long stick and swept away directly.

Flames rolled.

The ice is retreating.

The ice-crystal-like skeleton was shattered into pieces by Liu Er.

Even the skulls were smashed.

"Tch...what kind of lord, his strength is average...there is no challenge at all..."

The battle for Division Three is over.

All campsites were taken.

Hunting even began to spread.

In front of the fourth crack.

Inuyasha and Sesshomaru were hunting like crazy.

The two brothers were holding swords of teeth.

Destroying all monsters.

Maitreya, on the other hand, uses a mixture of Haki and Dharma.

He has studied a lot of Buddhism and his fighting ability is very terrifying. Some people may think that Maitreya is a useless mage.

That's because this guy has never practiced orthodoxly.

Now there is Dharma.

The fighting power is amazing.

Before long, a large number of monsters had been eradicated.

Including the leader of this place, they were also chopped into pieces by the two brothers.

· ··Asking for flowers····· ····

"How many did you kill?"

"Three hundred and sixty-two..."

"Tch, you're the same as me... It's really boring, miko... I leave this to you, let's go... Sesshomaru! There is a tribe not far away..."

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