Chapter 601 The guardian in the desert, the descendant of the demon god in Aru Village

At this time, in the Hennalana area.

Su Han received news from two countries.

He smiled at everyone and said: "It seems... they can no longer bear it. The alliance of the four countries has made it difficult for everyone... to live in a life where they want to have both sides.

I’m afraid it’s the end…”

"Why is the Winter Kingdom so powerful? If they go to war with all the countries in the world, they won't be able to... It's just that everyone is afraid, and slowly...

Let its strength grow.

This is what really makes Winter Kingdom so arrogant.

If everyone unites, Winter Kingdom is just a paper tiger..."

"However, Lisa... that is to say, each country has its own problems, and it is too difficult to unite... As for Mondstadt, before Su Han entered.

Everyone is doing their own thing, and even in the winter kingdom, everyone can come and set up camp in the church.

It makes me sick just thinking about it..."

Yura is a party involved.

Naturally, he understands Mond’s shortcomings.

At that time, I wanted to unite with other countries.

The first ones to oppose were not the nobles, but the bewitched common people.

Full of slogans.

Opening your mouth is freedom.

Want to unite?

It's just a dream.

Yae Kamiko stretched his body and nodded: "Our rice wives are the same. At that best friend was a home girl, and together...who would dare to have such an idea.

She was afraid that her legs would be broken. "

"After all, everyone knows the disadvantages, but there is no way to complete it. We, Sumeru, are now full of waste... But what was it like before?

The sages of the Sumeru Order turned against the Grass God.

It's even more outrageous than Inazuma. Sigh... I still have a headache thinking about it now.

There is news recently from the Gilded Brigade.


In the desert, there are still some people who refuse to leave..."

Hear Tinari's words.

Everyone looked over.

Hua Sanli tilted his head and asked: "Who is he? He is so blessed that he doesn't even want to enjoy it..."

"The descendant of the Red King... Miss Candice, the guardian of Aru Village... is also a strong person in the sea of ​​red sand, and is more terrifying than me in terms of strength...

We have sent people to inquire before.

As a result, neither the other party nor those clan members were willing to leave. "

When Wendy heard the name of the Red King, she couldn't help but frowned and said: "It turns out to be that guy... I didn't expect that the other party would have descendants, if it was the blood of the Red King.

It is indeed very powerful in the desert.

The yellow sand is her weapon, and the plant type comes here to fight.

It's really difficult..."

"Tch... what kind of rubbish, King Red, is just a novice in front of me. You don't know... When I ruled the desert, King Red was only qualified to stay in the corner.

And...that guy is my subordinate. "

The Scarlet King Pandora spoke astonishingly.

Rosalin asked: "How many subordinates do you have? I mean that level..."

"The people in the desert are all my subordinates, don't you understand... It's just that those guys chose to betray later, taking advantage of the time now...

Su Han, do you want us to go to Aru Village?

Tomorrow, the mission will be refreshed.

According to intelligence, fighting is expected to break out within three days.

By then, that Aru Village... I'm afraid it will also be affected. Let's conquer that village. "

Seeing Pandora taking the initiative to help for the first time.

Su Han smiled and said: "Of course... let's go..."

In fact, he also wanted to meet this descendant of the Red King from Aru Village.

A descendant with the power of the devil?

It's quite interesting.

He has already seen the descendants of immortal beasts.

It's Yanfei.

Now there are smart and capable people in Qunyu Pavilion.

The opponent has a long lifespan and is powerful.

However, I have been practicing in Flame Mountain recently.

She was not asked to come over this time.

Because there are enough people.

There is no need to reveal all your cards.

However, because I don’t know where Aru Village is.

So, Tinari as a guide.

Lead Su Han and the Scarlet King to the legendary Aru Village.

"The desert is actually not dangerous for us strong people, but for adventurers or treasure-stealing groups, it is a magical abyss... There are few supplies in the desert.

Food is even more scarce.

It is impossible for humans to eat scorpions and poisonous snakes.

Therefore, survival here is very difficult. "

"So what do people in Aru Village eat?"

Tohsaka Sakura and Keli naturally followed him out of curiosity.

At the same time, there is Nellielu.

They are all little lolita.

Just came here to play.

The Scarlet King complained: "There is still underground... As long as there are more mushrooms and some edible grains... those people will not die of hunger.

At the same time, deserts also have rainforests...not all of them are sand. "

"Speaking of which, it must have been you who devoured too much in the first place...that led to the betrayal of the Red King's men."

Faced with Su Han's inquiry.

Everyone snickered.

The Scarlet King whispered: "With such divinity, what can I do...Only devouring can make me stronger, don't know the cruelty of the demon war.

The Throne of Heaven dropped seven seals.

Who wants to win.

We are about to kill countless demon gods. Do you think it is just a competition or a house game?

Red King is a desert attribute.

I tolerate the other person... without swallowing him directly, which is already a great deal of restraint.

Cannibalism is very common in the war between demons and gods... So, that guy betrayed me and did not join the rain forest... However, if he could devour the other party.

My power will also become stronger..."

Remembering that night.

The other party knelt in front of him.

Begging and wanting to leave.

His whole body was shaking.

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