Something seems to be brewing.


Near Hengnaranna, Su Han and others were enjoying barbecue.

There is still some time before dawn.

It will be the fortieth mission soon.

The person who was preparing to do the task has now fallen asleep.

In order to ensure that there are no accidents here.

Most of them fall asleep in turns.

Paimon and Kelly huddled together and had already fallen asleep.

Nilielle and Ruoruo hugged each other.

There were only four people standing vigil today: Su Han, Lisa, Wendy and Candice.

The rest have rested.

The campfire crackled.

Su Han held a bunch of grilled eggplants and asked Candice: "You have been staying in that small village, don't you have any needs? The outside world is so beautiful..."

"Beauty represents disaster. Every year I take some time to travel outside. But...I find that I really can't adapt to the outside world.

To buy something, ask for Mora.

And he was actually targeted by human traffickers.

In fact, it would be possible if there were some brigades... But it's a pity... Those businessmen passing through the desert all have thoughts more vicious than scorpions, and one time they even wanted to poison our water source.

If someone wasn't watching.

All my people will perish. you can see, our village is under surveillance..."

Simple people.

Sometimes it's not good either.

After all, they need to live.

And wandering businessmen naturally don't want to let go of the oasis when they see it.

If this supply point is captured.

Then every year just collecting tolls can make an astronomical figure.

But unfortunately, they were facing the descendants of the devil.

Even if there are toxins.

Candice is not afraid either.

"By the way... I just read some books and learned some things outside... Why did you..."

"Let Pandora go?"


"Her nature is not bad, and...from a world perspective, she will be one of the main forces facing more enemies in the future.

by the way.

The Demon War is over.

No matter what the outcome was, the ancient war was settled at that moment.

You cannot deny this.

It is precisely because of this that I want her to feel the beauty of the world. The devil...actually has his own feelings, but he couldn't help it at the beginning..."

Su Han looked towards Pandora while eating.

The other person is sleeping with his back to him.

But I don’t know if I’m really sleeping.

Still pretending to sleep.

Candice also looked at the Scarlet King, but her gaze did not dare to stay.

Afraid of being killed.

You know... this is an ancient demon god. It is estimated that Su Han is the only one in the world who has the courage to take in such a terrifying guy.

"Do you know why so many people follow Su Han?"


Candice looked at Lisa.

The latter smiled and said: "He has no hatred for this world... he can tolerate anyone, whether it is Liyue or Mondstadt...

Always stand in a neutral position.

So, Pandora...Heulia and the Uzumaki Demon.

All can be accommodated.

Practically speaking, is the devil really at fault?

From the original point of view, I'm afraid many of them are rushing to sell it.

If you don't fight.

Then the people under your command, those believers who respect you, will be wiped out by other demons.

Fighting is just a forced choice...right? Our bard... Mr. Barbatos, the wind god. "

Wind God?

Is he the god of wind?

Candice looked at the man with a gentle face in shock.

At first she thought the other party was some sort of scout.

Is it the wind god?

Feeling Candice's gaze, Wendy chuckled and said, "Yeah... I raised the flag at the beginning because I couldn't stand that King of Towers.

Tsk...Obviously the people are so cute, but he chose to suppress them forcefully.

How could that work... So, I led the resistance army.

Directly overthrown the other party's rule.

Of course, it sounds simple... but it actually went through a long battle, otherwise... how could I have been so weak during the Kanrea period..."

As one of the Seven Gods.

One of the two gods that never changes.

Wendy's power.

It's actually very scary.

But it can't be compared to Morax.

Because in his opinion.

That old man is simply a pervert.

You can't win.

"Then...Excuse me, Lord mother...what kind of person is she?"

"To be honest... I have very little impression of the Red King. I only know that she is a petite but agile guy who could easily escape from my storm.

As for the rest, I'm sorry... I really have no impression because of our battle in Mondstadt.

It’s also very intense...”

Wendy pointed.

A picture scroll appeared in front of Su Han.

That is an image from ancient times.

I saw the strong wind in the sky, resisting the sandstorm.

In the end, the cyan wind was even better.

The girl in the yellow sand screamed.

He quickly ran away on tiptoes.

It looks very funny.

And Candice also has a black streak.

This has nothing to do with the mother in my impression.

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