
Uchiha Madara kicked Xiang Ling away.

And in mid-air.

The little cook transformed into countless flames and started a brutal battle.

"Fire Hell...Mr. Uchiha Madara, this will be all my power. Although you are reincarnated from the filthy earth, let's fight to our heart's content..."

The huge flaming fist struck directly.

Uchiha Madara didn't dare to be careless.

A person who can keep up with him in physical skills.

But it's very rare.

He directly used Susanoo to resist.

Just like before, the arm was directly defeated.

And Xiangling's spear also came to kill.

Uchiha Madara snorted coldly, clasped his hands together, and said angrily: "Wood Release... The Flower and Tree Realm is coming..."

He was a little annoyed.

Therefore, it shows the power of Wood Release.

And Xiangling naturally knew that there was poisonous power coming to this tree world.

But she is not afraid of toxins.

There was a specially made elixir before coming here, and when the battle just started, it was pressed under the tongue.

Take it directly now.

Toxins are directly neutralized.

And a terrifying golden flame appeared in her hand.


Xiangling flies into the sky.

With a strong pull of his right hand, a huge meteorite appeared directly in the sky, burning with golden flames.

This scene shocked countless people.

Is this woman really a cook?

Why is the strength so exaggerated?

Seeing this scene, Uchiha Madara's Sharingan turned into the Eternal Blood Eye, and the fourth stage of Susanoo appeared directly.

A body thousands of meters high.

A long sword appeared in his hand.

He slashed directly towards the meteorite.


The ground shook.

Madara Uchiha's eyes turned cold, and the flames directly dissolved his blade again.

Who is the other party?

Why hasn't this person been heard among ninjas?

However, Uchiha Madara is Uchiha Madara after all.

Seeing that Susanoo in the fourth stage couldn't do it, he directly opened his complete body.


After chopping up the meteorite with one sword.

His eyes locked directly on Xiang Ling.

I saw that the other party was not breathing at all.

But his body stepped on a flying sword and stood still in the air.

Is it that weapon?

It seems necessary to grab it and give it a try.

While Madara Uchiha was analyzing the intelligence, Xiang Ling was thinking about how he should fight if he wanted to entangle the opponent.

You must constantly use your greatest strength.

Otherwise, there is no way to influence the other party.

In this way, I can sustain it for up to fifteen minutes.

"I hope the Yae Shenzi will move faster, otherwise... my strength won't be able to withstand it for too long, but... before Mr. Zhongli and the others take action, I'd better do more things..."

Xiangling took a deep breath.

Flames ignited all over his body.

Although Uchiha Madara's Susanoo is powerful, it doesn't move very fast.

Stay petite.

You can still harass the opponent at will.

Uchiha Madara also guessed this and returned to his normal form.

If you were a guy like Senju Hashirama, you would have to use up all of them yourself.

The girl in front of me, if she fights like this.

It's somewhat of a waste.

"Anyway, there is no way to revive in a short time. Let's play with this little girl for a while..."

Uchiha Madara also had the intention of fishing.

Fighting with Xiangling again.

At this time, on the other side, Yae Shenzi's team was heading directly in another direction.

Has the power to control the air.

It's infinitely faster than Naruto and the others.

The guy who was fighting Nagato was quickly found.

And the eight tails and He Ran are inside.

"Found it...Mona, go to other directions to collect people, Keqing and I will capture them..."


A wave of people dispersed again.

Yae Shenzi and Keqing came directly in front of Nagato and Uchiha Itachi.

The thunder turned into a long whip and directly sealed Nagato's body.

When the other party saw the familiar mark, he couldn't help but laugh and said, "What is it... Is Xiao Nan still alive now?"

"Well...she is now in our world. To be precise, she is a civilian and does not participate in combat."

Faced with the fox's answer.

Nagato smiled even brighter.

Because he finally protected a relative and ensured his safety.

"I'm really sorry. The corpse has been reduced to a puppet and has to be manipulated... You all have my information. May I ask... is Mr. Zhongli here?"

"He is somewhere else, but don't worry...I can use the art of reincarnation to revive you..."

"No...that kind of spell is too terrifying, don't use it...the life force consumed is very scary."

The kind-hearted Nagato didn't want to see his benefactor hurt.

Decisively choose to refuse.

But Yae Shenzi smiled and said: "I... I am a fox who has lived for hundreds of years, and I am still in my youth... I am the one who really uses reincarnation.

The strength of an existence that has lived for thousands of years is far beyond your imagination... However, before that, let me help you get rid of it.

Bai Chen’s Secret Technique·The soul leads to the next life! "


A triple pattern was imprinted on Nagato's body, directly releasing his restraints and freeing him from control.

However, the dirty land reincarnation did not disappear.

Therefore, Nagato can still move.

"Huh? What's going body is free again."

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